The Pharmacy easter egg which should have been.
Because I haven't had the chance to play the episode 3, (EU PS3 user), I did check some online video walkthroughs. SO please forgive if I do get anything wrong.
I noticed that Lee and Kenny both go to back the pharmacy from episode 1 and I thought it would have been cool if you saw the person you failed to save back at the pharmacy. You know seeing zombified Clarey/Doug walking around that place.
Also maybe have a small interaction with them. But alas no
I noticed that Lee and Kenny both go to back the pharmacy from episode 1 and I thought it would have been cool if you saw the person you failed to save back at the pharmacy. You know seeing zombified Clarey/Doug walking around that place.
Also maybe have a small interaction with them. But alas no

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Clem zombie & Duck zombie. Only appear for a few seconds each.
So far.
Presumably, he's still rotting away in the street.
It definitely would have been cool to see zombie Doug or zombie Carley, but I guess it wouldn't make sense, story-wise, when you think about it. From the way they were talking, they'd been picking Macon apart for months. They probably already ran into zombie Doug/Carley months ago and put them down.