Problems Fighting Kenny?
Did anyone else have trouble fighting Kenny on the train? I was mousing over his face, but never got a button to pop. He just kept wailing on me as a result. Makes my Lee look like a chump

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No , u were supposed to point your pointer thing to his arm/fist. So no, I got it perfectly
when I enter a fight, Im not thinking 'aim for his knuckles!' so ya, my Lee took some lumps, but it's ok, I'll bleed guilt all over Kenny the rest of the chapters for that
Plus the interaction at the end is pretty great when Kenny flips out and asks what he should do.
Lee(Out of breath and on the ground): You can stop the train.
I should replay it now and kick his ass!
He didn't stand a chance after that, but I felt bad when I saw him lying on the floor trying to get his breath back.
In retrospect if it was a film, it worked out more emphatically having Kenny take out his rage on Lees face, saying he hates him, then breaking down saying he doesn't know what to do and Lee is on the floor battered. Two men one physically beaten, the other physically and emotionally spent in a crammed space. Cinema magic really.
So for me, it was better that retrospect.
Same. I just let him get it all out.
Then I stared at him in silence with Lee's giant puppy-dog eyes until he stopped the train.
same i also got a nice bruise making my lee different from most of the other lee's out there HEH
Besides, the ladies love scars, that gash will develop quite nicely, *spits blood from mouth*.
Have you MET Larry? Dude's a walking tank.
I lost my original Episode 1 save with the Episode 2 update and this time I didn't talk Kenny down, I just told Kenny to go ahead and let him have it.
That did not go well.
Larry? I'm pretty sure he's talking about Kenny.
What have I done to make him behave this way. I threatened to fight Larry in episode one saying he would have to get through me first if he was to try and harm Kenny's son, I gave his son candy in the pharmacy, I saved his wife in episode 2 from the walker, I fed his son and saved his wife again when she was a hostage. I didn't save his son at the farm but consoled him for being a coward and leaving Hershel's son to die. I didn't agree with him when we returned to the motor inn when he said the group doesn't need leadership and I didn't agree with his plan to kill Larry in cold blood since I felt for lilly's sake and for Clem watching we should have tried to revive him and kill him only if he transformed into a zombie.
If not for Lilly's break down, which lets face it was largely to do with Kenny killing her dad in the manner he chose to, she would have been a better ally for Lee up until her Inevitable departure to woodbury. She did have good instincts and good ideas. Her food rationing idea kept them alive and her instincts about their being a traitor in the group were right. Had she not have been unhinged by her breakdown she may have thought more rationally and worked out the real culprit.
I digress, back to the Kenny whup-assode. Beating him reminded me of the scene in the second season of the tv show when Rick had to beat up Shane to show him he was in charge as that was the point in the show where Rick became the leader and Shane had to sit quietly and follow his instructions.