Episode 4 thoughts on who will Live/Die
As what anyone or everyone played of Episode 3 should see what might happen in Ep. 4. What do you guys think they may do for the episode and do you think they will make the choices more harder and matter even more than in Ep. 3
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And possibly a choice between Ben/Kenny over teh bandit incident
At this point Kenny as a character has come to far... tt will keep him around and kill him in episode 5 to be really sad since he and clem will be the only ones youve been with the whole time.
Ben will sacrifice himself i think for the group as guilt eats him alive and Omid with his leg will be left behind for the walkers. he mentions in the preview that his leg is getting worse and since you turn when you die naturally...he wont be around much longer.
Unless TTG decides to deviate from what they've shown.
do you have a link? not saying you lied just want to see this for myself.
The debut trailer, look at it.
A) Run away from the group.
C) He might commit suicide.
D) He might get snatched by the Walkers and there will be no-one there to save him.
That could not be true, If I saw good, in the episode 3 image on the game (when you choose the episode you want to play) Duck is on the train, looking healthy.
Yeah, cause Carley was super interesting... Are you really all that desperate for a romance?
I would say that Omid and Kenny probably. Not sure about Ben and Christa. I doubt that they will all die or commit suicide. I will be a bit boring if every character commits suicide
There's nothing wrong with a little loovin'! They should've kept the Motel scene going for a little longer so you could talk about your pasts with Carley. Explain what happened and whatnot. And also, a hot steaming full frontal nude sex scene in her room.
I think something horrible is up with Christa and Omid. Don't know what. I think Lee and Clem are going to lose contact with the others and will have to survive alone for a short period of time until they find them a few days later. Ben will probably get snatched. Chuck will survive but will probably leave the group somehow. Kenny and Lee will probably get herpes by drinking out of Chuck's bottle and Kenny will be looking for more booze to ease the pain.
Kenny rages into a group of walkers and gets bitten...
öhm, ben simply walks of or gets lost somehow...
cant imagine what could happen to charles...
possibilites and just guessing of course!
Yeah, but love really lasts long in The Walking Dead Universe. I would've loved to see Carley develop a bit because she was missing like 80% of the time. Anyway, that's life
As to stay on topic, I don't think that they will play the suicide card again...
As for the topic, I think Omid may go next ep.
I dont see Kenny dying in 4 I think they'll have him go in 5
Omid's leg will be a problem. Based on the trailer, maybe there's a chance to leave him on take him with you. Perhaps if you choose to leave him, you'll have to kill him too, so he doesn't turn. Where as taking him with you, will just result in him getting eaten by some Walkers down the road.
Christa may/may not commit suicide based on this. I can't imagine she'll be around though, especially with whatever secret her and Omid are hiding.
Charles will probably just slip away from the group. He seems like a logical character to do it easily enough. Besides, what if he is Terry St. John? Maybe Lee will find out, and so Charles will leave as Lee goes to confront him.
As for Ben, I think maybe the group will be stuck in some sort of situation. Based on what happened with him, and Doug/Carley being killed because of him, I believe maybe he'll sacrifice himself along the lines for the group to escape.
For Kenny, I'm believing he may make it to Episode 5, but that's when he'll be taken out. I don't believe he'll die or anything, but I do believe that Lee/Clem will split up with Kenny towards the beginning of the Episode. Kenny will probably mention he wants to get away from all of it, and go to his boat. Who knows, maybe he'll offer your character too, but of course, regardless of what you choose, you can't. Then, we'll see him drift off into the distance, and perhaps once he's out of sight, it will show him sailing away, with a zombie behind his boat, unnoticed by him. Then, the screen would go back to Lee.
All just speculation on what I think, but I believe it seems plausible enough.
From episode 4 its a whole new game.
All characters from before minus Clem and Kenny are gone.
Confirmed to just be the
"By pre-ordering the game, you're automatically entered for a chance to join the cast of the game. Our artists will model you in-game as a human who will die a horrible death, returning as a ravenous walker. You'll appear in Episode 4 of the game."
Chuck - Dies
Lee/Clem - Lives
kenny- Lives
Ben - Dies
Omid- Dies - probably because of leg
Christa -Lives
Kenny - Live till Ep 5, die.
Omid - Expect him to die due to leg, somehow lives by TellTale magic and meds?
Christa - Expect her to commit suicide if Omid dies, might not in twist of fate.
Lee: showing Clem how to survive, might die until ep5 or in it.
Clem: pretty sure that she will be the only one to survive. But due to this feeling I fear that they might kill her.
Ben: Fucked the whole group up. Killed Carley, Duck and Katjaa. If Kenny finds out what he did, he is dead.
Omid: Broken leg, in the comic a similiar incident happend and the person slowly turned (even with professional medical treatment).
Christa: Probably pregnent, guess that is what the talk on the bridge was about. Suicidal if Omid dies/turns.
Kenny: Yeah, like, whole family dead. Only purpose lost, he always said how important it is to keep his family safe. YOU ONLY HAD ONE JOB. Dude.
Chuck: Might get killed with the strangers around, or leaves the group.
Kenny - Kind of a story anchor of sorts... I don't see him dying.
Chuck - Strikes me as a survivor, will survive or abandon the group.
Ben - Suicide or Sacrifice or turned into a "distraction".
Omid - With no medical attention he's already a corpse.
Christa - I see her as a survivor for some reason.
This is probably a homage to Kirkman, as he purposely misleads readers on his comic covers
How about if Lee dies and you switch to a different character that adopts Clem?
Omid is pegged to die. I'm going with 70% die and a surprise if he lives.
As stated before, depending on if Chuck finds liquor that may or may not end up costing him, his or someone elses life.
Ben will survive. Christa as well I believe.
Chuck and Christa might live, they seem tough.