Carley's Replacement
I guess you all know what happened to Carley in Episode 3, yes she got ruthlessly killed by Lilly. She was a crowd favourite and now that she's gone, there is no more likeable character in the game except Clementine. I mean:
Lee - he's okay but YOU control him so that doesn't make any sense that he is likeable
Kenny - 50% of people like him and 50% hate him which means he's not more of a likeable character
Ben - caused mostly everything that happened in episode 3 ( the raid, Duck's death, Katjaa's suicide, Lilly's banishment, Kenny's emotions, and SPECIALLY Carley's Death )
Clementine - she's likeable but she's not fully trustworthy and she can't handle a gun properly ( I know she's a kid, but she really needs to handle a gun )
Christa - not many people like her because she kinda resemble Lilly
Omid - nah! he's okay
Chuck/Charles - he seems like an okay guy but he looks kinda suspicious
While Carley on the other hand is attractive, can handle a gun, very trustworthy, innocent and understanding which makes her the crowd's favourite.
I am 2% hopeful she's alive and will come back but since I'm 98% sure she's dead I want TTG to make a new likeable character for the fans to root for just like Carley that will NOT DIE or maybe die in the END. I mean seriously, her death was unnecessary and CHEAP! So making someone like her would really mean a lot for the Carley Fans
Lee - he's okay but YOU control him so that doesn't make any sense that he is likeable
Kenny - 50% of people like him and 50% hate him which means he's not more of a likeable character
Ben - caused mostly everything that happened in episode 3 ( the raid, Duck's death, Katjaa's suicide, Lilly's banishment, Kenny's emotions, and SPECIALLY Carley's Death )
Clementine - she's likeable but she's not fully trustworthy and she can't handle a gun properly ( I know she's a kid, but she really needs to handle a gun )
Christa - not many people like her because she kinda resemble Lilly
Omid - nah! he's okay
Chuck/Charles - he seems like an okay guy but he looks kinda suspicious
While Carley on the other hand is attractive, can handle a gun, very trustworthy, innocent and understanding which makes her the crowd's favourite.
I am 2% hopeful she's alive and will come back but since I'm 98% sure she's dead I want TTG to make a new likeable character for the fans to root for just like Carley that will NOT DIE or maybe die in the END. I mean seriously, her death was unnecessary and CHEAP! So making someone like her would really mean a lot for the Carley Fans
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No matter how many replacements there are that attempt to duplicate the Lee/Carley experience, it just won't feel the same and will feel lame by comparison.
No, I think Lee is now better off alone with Clem and should distance himself from other relationships.
I doubt Carley would somehow be brought back to life, but if Carley meant something to Lee, then I wouldn't be surprised if Lee started experiencing hallucinations, dreams etc. It's the most plausible way of seeing her again.
She's already taken.
Clems mom is still alive
Omid may die and if she is pregnant Lee could be the father (not the real one
Otherwise im distancing myself from new characters. Christa *SPOILER* appears to kill herself off somewhere in ep. 4 or 5 because of the debut trailer so if you bond a relationship with her then prepare to find another unexpected killing off of a good character -_-
I don't know how you reached that conclusion but even their behavior doesn't have anything in common.
I don't really expect us to see a new romance. The Walking Dead Universe rarely has lasting romance and I'm yet to see a happy ending!
Don't get your hopes high.
P.S Carley isn't coming back. This isn't Kirkman's way of doing things...
Dreams. That is a good idea, Lee already had a dream about Zombie Clem, it's not out of the realm of happening to have visions of Carley and Doug even. Especially if Lee's getting a little unstable, which isn't impossible given all he's been though. People keep saying Lee's handling all this too well, but that would show them.
Another possible idea I've had is that Lee is slowly going insane. He's lost his wife, his family etc. He might start to hear voices in his head. Could be Carley.
Going along with the assumption that Christa is pregnant, they have babies in their futures.
Nah, too optimistic. She'll be dead before then.
Going along with the assumption that Christa is pregnant and survives, they both have babies in their futures.
Because she is supportive, and nice. I like people who treats me and others right. It's just about immersion for me. I don't care for the interesting characters much. I just want to be around people I like. If you ask me, Kenny is not even interesting one bit. The new couple? Nope. Chuck? Ok, he is pretty interesting. That is just because I don't know much about him yet..
We don't know that. She's already chock-full of judgments about Lee, a man she's known for less than an hour. Lilly and Larry were the same way when they met Lee, Kenny et. al. "who the hell are these people and what are they doing near me?" Christa has already stated her position - "we don't believe in groups." Mark my words- she is trouble. Probably.
I'm not going to allow myself to get attached to any characters outside of Clem. As far as they are concerned, they're all zombie bait, canaries in the coal mine and farts in a jacuzzi.
I can't help it. I'm already hyper attached to Mustache bro and Homeless bro. If I lose them, my poor heart won't take it. I can only hope Wimpy bro dies, letting Chick bro join Protagonist bro in romance. They can be a family with Clem bro.
You're right. She's taller and probably knows a thing or two about batteries.
Also, just seconds before she *dies*, the hint system tells "Carley will remember that". How in the bloody hell would she "remember that" if she's dead? Her *death* is the most vague, and her face is actually never shown, unlike Jolene, Katjaa & Duck's. There is a clear hole, pool of blood, or both. But not on Carley.
Like I said, this may sound wishful thinking, and seeing as how Carley's my favourite character after Lee, I may sound a bit overprotective. But hey, these are facts, I can't prove that she's alive any more than you can't prove that she's dead.
Not saying it's impossible for her to come back, but I don't think she'll be making an appearance even if she is alive.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's gay.
Um, Didn't they announce a second season?
It will probably be with an entire new cast of characters for all we know.
Yeah.. But that'd really suck.
I'd lose interest actually, I want an african american dude like Lee.
I got emotionally attached to Lee, If he gets replaced I'll say "FUCK YOU TELLTALE!"
Seriously... Lee Is epic.
Carley was gonna go sooner or later. Doug to. And we knew how it was gonna happen. Whoever you saved in first episode were gonna die when one of them eventually got greased.
As for killing her, it wasnt right or wrong. It was the easy way out for telltale.
I also think it will be the last time we have to make a decision on who to save of 2 group members, where one will stay with the group, and the other will die.