Kenny will kill Ben, unless you kill Kenny
Just a theory, but some conflict has been possibly foreshadowed.
When Ben confesses to Lee he also says feels guilty and wants to tell Kenny.
Lee reminds him sternly--twice--don't say anything to Kenny because he'll kill Ben.
I could imagine Kenny killing Ben unless you kill Kenny or help Ben kill Kenny.
When Ben confesses to Lee he also says feels guilty and wants to tell Kenny.
Lee reminds him sternly--twice--don't say anything to Kenny because he'll kill Ben.
I could imagine Kenny killing Ben unless you kill Kenny or help Ben kill Kenny.
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I told him to keep it to himself, who knows what Kenny would do if Ben told him, although I haven't chose the "Ben is a stupid kid" whatever it's called option for when you meet Omid and Christa yet, so i'm not sure if he talks about Ben being the one giving bandits supplies.
Although, knowing that he talked about Katjaa when i asked Kenny to talk about my past, i'm sorta thinking he might think about her and what she would've done, on the other hand... he might blame him.
So i'm not sure, just thinking things out.
Lee chooses:
1)Restrain Kenny and save Ben.
2)Join with Kenny to give Ben a good kicking and finish him off.
3)kill Kenny in order to save Ben
4)... (Kenny kills Ben)
I have a feeling that some kind of a confrontation, between Kenny and Ben, will happen in episode 4. This will allow the story to branch again for the ending in episode 5.
I bet you're right. Ben is noticeably absent from the ep 4 preview.
a)the bandits attack was going to happen anyway
b)ben didn't cause ducks bite/didn't shoot duck/katjaa
c)ben was trying to protect them in a naive stupid way.
d)lilly shot x x x x
plus ben did now about the trains brakes...
beyond that it's more likely to be lee who kills ben or 'gasp' clem.
Kenny would let you die for trying to save Larry's life. You think he wouldn't kill over this?
Kenny would let you die for looking at him wrong, apparently. He didn't try to save me in the pharmacy run, and that was my "Pro-Kenny" game. I think I made one mistake (Not siding with him) and that was from a typo in the game, in episode one (Who the Hell was "Lenny" anyway? Nice typo, TTG. Way to make me mess up. Lenny. (K)enny? L(arry)? How was I supposed to choose sides? :P)
If he leaves me to die for one mistake, I could see him killing Ben for what he did. I could see him killing Clemmy for farting upwind from him, on the wrong day.
In the ZA, there's no such thing as murder. There's just being too overly opinionated.
Reasons why Kenny can and will kill:
Lilly was obviously out of control anyway, she steals the freaking RV if you let her come with you.
Also I don't understand the whole "Kenny tried to save his son, means he doesn't care about people's lives" argument. :P
That was a rifle.
The way I heard it put was he agreed to give them medication in exchange for his friends, basically giving the bandits a reason to stick around. When Ben found out, instead of informing the group so they could be better protected, he kept it a secret and continued to steal for them so once they didn't get the goods.....well you know the rest.
Correct me if I am wrong on anything, but that is the way I see it.
still no mention of the car fiasco.. you could say 'you don't fucking steal from us' is a clue..
but saying kenny would kill ben over stealing meds is like saying duck killed shaun...other factors are at work other things that would of happened eventually..
what if ben had no meds to steal or was caught/missed a drop off time ? bandits come anyway..
carely/doug would still of been killed by lilly with out ben's actions as lilly said she didn't trust them..
if any kenny is going to kill anyone it's himself or lee...
Aside from, and I may be wrong, it being just one of his friends... You sound pretty spot on.
Eh, the problem is if Ben tells the group about the payoffs, the group may have acted in such a way that they could have avoided the bandit ambush (which lead to the scramble in which Duck got bitten) or kept paying them to keep the peace. If Lily finds out that Ben was the one stealing supplies, I don't think she flies off the handle as much and Carley/Doug might not get shot.
I did. I just didn't agree. I mean, I get your point, but when you can save someone and you let them die it is thin line. In the cases mentioned, I think it's criminal. Anybody in the group that saw what he did, and it lead to Lee's death, would support him. It was fucked up.
As far as the kid, my point is that he goes into a blind rage when it comes to his family. He'll even charge someone with a gun to get at them. Getting himself shot isn't saving Doug. That's a blind rage. He doesn't care about his life or any other person's when it comes to his family.
I can't explain it better. If you don't get it then sorry.
Kenny: (going after Ben) "I'll f**king kill you!"
Lee: "Enough!"
Kenny: "I lost my wife and son because of him!"
Lee: "And I lost Carley. Stop this!"
Kenny: "F**k her! You weren't married to her for..."
Lee: (Punches Kenny)
And the death match is on.
Hmmmm.....when Ben told Lee he was the traitor I selected the option "I could just kill you" and Lee moved towards Ben and said how he could just throw Ben off the train and no one would notice. I was like "do it Lee. Do it!" but he backed down. I have not spoken to Ben since then. Maybe Ben will confess to Kenny since I've never spoken to him again and did not tell him to not say anything...I'll keep my fingers crossed that it happens.
Agreed there's really a lot of potential for drama and tension if they incorporated a confrontation between Lee, Kenny and Ben in episode 4.
Totally plausible for Kenny to flip out on Ben since he's still grieving. THe option to defend Ben or back up Kenny would be pretty cool.
Nice lines Zombie i could actually see this being in the script for the game
Another approach to it could be...
Ben:I-I didn't mean to I was just trying to protect us!!
Kenny: Protect us?! Are you f**king kidding me! Because of your f**cking stunt my family is dead you little sh**! (pulls out gun)
Ben: (lets out a scream and cowers)
Lee: (grabs Kenny's arm) That's enough Kenny! Are you honestly going to kill a 15 year old kid!
Kenny:Lee we didn't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, but f**k, this stupid kid is the reason the whole mess in the motel started.
Lee: He was just trying to do what was best for us. He didn't make the decision to have those bandits come attack us Kenny! are you really going to murder him because he was trying to help out.
Kenny: What I do know is that if he had told us sooner of what was happening than Katjaa and Duck wouldn't have had to die! Jesus Christ, man...Carley's brains were splattered on the f**kin floor because Ben didn't have the balls to tell Lily he did it. Do you even give a damn about her, Lee, or have you already forgotten?
Lee: (clenches fist) Of course I cared about Carley... and it's because of that i'm not going to let you murder this boy, Kenny. She died standing up for Ben, and if you kill him her death won't have any meaning. It's just like with Shaun! There are just some things we can't control, Kenny, no matter how much we try. We do what we can to protect the people we care about..but sometimes it's just beyond us. Think about Katjaa and Duck, would they really want you to kill Ben in cold blood. If you do this now then you'll just taint their memory (glares at Kenny)
Kenny: (looks at Ben for a moment with anger and slowly his features transition to sadness. Kenny slowly lets the gun fall from his grip and fall to the floor)
Or something like that
Kenny points gun at Ben.
Kenny-"Ill kill this sonofabitch!"
Lee-"Go ahead"
Kenny shoots Ben, Lee goes to get Clem some ice-cream.
And a walker sneaks up behind Ben and eats his face off
Eh I guess it's agree to disagree them. Just got a different opinion on the whole leaving someone to die thing.
With Kennys charge I think it was just desperation more than rage. If the guy was caught off guard then it could have worked. Putting it this way, when Duck got caught by a walker in Hershels farm, he didn't rip it's head off but grabbed Duck and ran. He wasn't in some bloodrage that time, when Duck was in danger.
Lee: Of course I haven't forgten, but how many more of us has to die? I'm sick of this shit. Everybody's fucking gone and I can't take anymore. You think you're the only going loosing their fucking mind right now? That's riddled with guilt? Shit. I'm barely holding on right now. Clem is the only bright spot left. I'm not going to let another life go because you can't man up and deal with your shit like the rest of us have to!
Kenny: Fuck that, Lee. I can't forgive. I can't forgive him! (Pushes Lee aside)
Option: Shoot Kenny or Do Nothing.
Thanks and your approach and take on Lee and Kenny possible conflict over Ben looks good too. There is lots of chance for drama and it can go either way but still... Episode 3 ripped my heart out and we're not even close to being done yet.
Thanks. Yeah episode 3 is by far the most emotionally gripping but I really don't see what they can do to the fans at this point to make them genuinely sad, other than mentally or physically harming Clem. Though things will probably get darker regarding the plot.
Nice job with the edit. I like it and to be honest this seems to be a better characterization of the two.
haha I really enjoy the speculation and ideas on this thread
And if you choose to do nothing Clem shoots Kenny instead
Clementine: Why Lee? You were gonna let him shoot Ben! Why would you do that?! *sobs*
NO! Thats my boy!
Watch, its going to be totally unexpected and suddenly Kenny will kill Ben when he finds out, and there will be NO WAY to save that person. Ben could kill Kenny too, but ones things for sure, TTG won't introducing actual "choice" again into the game. Just a few minor dialogue options that don't affect the main story in anyway
Since we'd be on episode 4 (and we were told there would be an EPIC (emphasis on EPIIIICC) choice to be made) being able to have a Carley/Doug moment again would not surprise me at all. And think about it, after episode 4 comes episode 5, and after episode 5? That's right, nothing at all! Which means episode 5 could have a load of branching due to all the choices you have made so far and not having to worry about a continuation, that would be epic as hell =]
(Yes, I'm very optimistic regarding that)
after episode 5 is Season 2 silly