How would you have handled the situation?
All of this back and forth about Ben, Carley, Doug, Lilly, Kenny, and a partridge in a pear tree has got me thinking.
So let's do a little "what if" exercise...
You're with the Macon survivors; you, not Lee Everett. Poor Lee died in a car wreck and is a pathetic, handcuffed zombie behind Clem's house. You on the other hand happened to take his place when you saw a scared little girl climb into a tree house.
Why were you in Atlanta? Doesn't matter and isn't part of this. Also - because you're more awesome than Lee (he's just a video game character after all) you managed to save both Carley and Doug - though Shawn is still screwed.
All situations are more or less the same. Larry dies at the farm, you may or may not have popped a cap in the St Johns (it all happened so fast, after all) - but here you are on the road after someone LET BANDITS into your HOME because of a BOTCHED DRUG TRADE and now you and the group are ON THE RUN.
The RV hits poor Mr Zed, Lilly is having her freak out, everyone is outside.
"You're just a scared little girl, get the fuck over it."
Kenny removes a Mr Zed from the RV and kills him... Poor Mr Zed.
Lilly removes her precious.
Everyone turns to look at her.
She stops, seeing your gaze on her. Everyone looks at her as if she's gone crazy. She looks at the gun - gets a grip - and then forces it onto you.
"We've a traitor here, and it needs to be handled. You people think this job is so easy? YOU DO IT!"
You have the gun.
Everyone is looking at you.
What do you do?
Disclaimer - This might belong in general, I dunno, but it deals with situations from the newest episode, so I'm putting it here.
I'll hold off on picking for now... though I know what I'd do.
Try to put some thought into it - it's not a decision one should make on a whim... Lilly did that, and we all saw what happened....:eek:
So let's do a little "what if" exercise...
You're with the Macon survivors; you, not Lee Everett. Poor Lee died in a car wreck and is a pathetic, handcuffed zombie behind Clem's house. You on the other hand happened to take his place when you saw a scared little girl climb into a tree house.
Why were you in Atlanta? Doesn't matter and isn't part of this. Also - because you're more awesome than Lee (he's just a video game character after all) you managed to save both Carley and Doug - though Shawn is still screwed.
All situations are more or less the same. Larry dies at the farm, you may or may not have popped a cap in the St Johns (it all happened so fast, after all) - but here you are on the road after someone LET BANDITS into your HOME because of a BOTCHED DRUG TRADE and now you and the group are ON THE RUN.
The RV hits poor Mr Zed, Lilly is having her freak out, everyone is outside.
"You're just a scared little girl, get the fuck over it."
Kenny removes a Mr Zed from the RV and kills him... Poor Mr Zed.
Lilly removes her precious.
Everyone turns to look at her.
She stops, seeing your gaze on her. Everyone looks at her as if she's gone crazy. She looks at the gun - gets a grip - and then forces it onto you.
"We've a traitor here, and it needs to be handled. You people think this job is so easy? YOU DO IT!"
You have the gun.
Everyone is looking at you.
What do you do?
Disclaimer - This might belong in general, I dunno, but it deals with situations from the newest episode, so I'm putting it here.
I'll hold off on picking for now... though I know what I'd do.
Try to put some thought into it - it's not a decision one should make on a whim... Lilly did that, and we all saw what happened....:eek:
This discussion has been closed.
I'd eject the clip, throw it into the woods and shoot the bullet in the chamber at the ground before handing the empty gun back to her.
"This is not the time to be tearing each other apart." I'd say, staring everyone down with my best tough guy look. "We've all been through way too much shit to just up and start killing each other. I don't give a shit which one of you did it. We'll pick up the pieces and keep going."
I turn to Lilly, a hint of sadness in my voice. "And you need to chill the fuck out. We understand. This has been a shit deal for you. But if you let this get to you, you're no better than the assholes that got us into this situation."
I'd then ensure the situation got properly defused, mediating the discussion while keeping an eye out to ensure that nothing like this happens again. If it became obvious that the situation wasn't getting better, I'd be forced to remove the problem, which in this case would probably be Lilly.
The ultimatum: Calm the fuck down and agree to let it go, or be left behind.
This is of course assuming that I had full control of the situation. There's a very good chance that I throw the clip into the woods only to be tackled by an enraged Lilly. I'm pretty sure that being in the military would make her a hell of a lot better suited to hand-to-hand combat than me...
And yeah, for this exercise, the poster in question has COMPLETE control over the verdict.
She gave you the job, so it's yours and yours alone to decide.
I would point the gun to Ben and demand that he tell me if he did it or not. If in the face of death he doesn't cooperate or Carley starts defending him I would point the gun to her and ask the same question. I will tell them that nobody is going in the RV until we figure out who the traitor is.
Once Ben cracks or Carley admits that it wasn't her and in that case it must be Ben I would tell them to all go back in the RV. Then I will consult with Lilly and if she doesn't pull some very awesome and influencing speech on me I would most probably banish Ben in the morning. I'll give him some supplies and a gun maybe and force him to leave.
P.S I must note that here I take that Ben will give his "they had my friend speech".
I'm more balanced than Lilly, that's why I would suck as a character
"So, Clem. What did we learn today?"
"...That... people are idiots and we're better off alone?"
"Good girl. Here, have a cookie."
#1- Back at the motor inn, after finding the stolen meds I would've replaced them in the vent and kept an eye on it. That way I'd learn who was stashing them there and who was picking them up.
#2- During the roadside argument I sooo badly wanted to tell Carley and Ben to get back inside the RV, that would've defused the whole situation. Then I would take Lilly aside and talk her down.
As for how to deal with the traitor in the group, I think the only rational option would be to put it to a vote. Going Judge Dredd on the culprit might feel good, but I'd come off looking just as deranged as Lilly to the rest of the group.
All that said, I could just murder the faces off everyone except Clem and Carley, then live happily ever after. That'd work, too.
Nope. Ben has to come with you. You have a choice of leaving Lilly or not.
This one will leave Ben.. somewhere/when... no option to abandon Lilly though.
Keep in mind, this is before Lilly went Postal. (if only for a few seconds before)
On a serious note, I would obey Lilly as she's gotten me this back and seems to be about to break down. I would tell her, "Don't worry Lilly, I got this, I'll take the fall for you." loud enough that she can hear. I'd then take the shot on Ben, then dropping the gun onto the ground. "I'm sorry, it was him. I caught him one night hiding the medicine. He was dishonest and I didn't want him to have to live through this hard world, he was just a kid."
Just don't forget to say "Groovy" afterwards.:cool:
I killed that Danny ( I think), because he ate/fed us mark, and probably had plans for the rest of us. I was trying to keep calm, and be my Lee, but then he started taunting me and pissing me off. So I just went 'grr' and did it. Sorry clem.
I am not a very talkative person and am not a fan of drama.
Honestly i'd probably have died by then for the same reason as Viden
If I did not know: I would talk to lilly shut up.: Get over it - (We lost our home, we need all hands on deck to survive this hell)
and for curiosity, what means the fourth option??.: YTMND - (Pick someone and bust a cap - there's only one Alpha here and you're it)
I'll figure out what to do with Ben later, after seriously grilling him about his motives and what I can expect from him in the future.
YTMND: You're the man now, dog. Reference to a Sean Connery movie, turned internet meme.
Pretty sure that choice means you just shoot somebody (anybody) and move on. Obviously, there'd probably be some outcry in the group. But who cares? You've established yourself Alpha as F*CK.
One option allows you to "leave (via bullet)" anyone you want.
You have all info presented in the game to that point. You can make your own decision to Ben's guilt or not from your point of view. (For example: I was 95% positive he did it when I was questioning him in camp)
I guess people have gotten over their rage.
Going with the "clean kill" instead of a much more painful and messier one... that would allow you to kill him a second time if you chose.
Hail to the King and YTMND are killing me
/raises hand
*Gives Xarne look of weirded out*
Given the general consensus, I'm surprised more people haven't.