Would you rather...
Group A: You, Doug, Me and Lilly.
Group B: You, Katjaa, Duck, Clem, Kenny, and Ben.\
I'd pick A, Doug for the chillness, some guy that'd pass you a beer because you're too lazy to reach over to the minifridge yourself, Carley because she's supportive, kind, caring, reliable and trustworthy as well as a damn good shot, as well as Lilly because she's a hardworking person that tries to make plans and ration out supplies that'll give every ounce of energy towards keeping us safe no matter what happens.
With group B you'd get, Katjaa, a kind lady without much use besides first aid. Duck, an annoying at first kid... until they had to all of a sudden make him the fucking cutest boy ever. Clem, a kid that is adorable but hard to work with at times and freezes up, and that tool Kenny who talks all the time of having your back but when it comes down to it, he'll pussy out and freeze up more than Clem, and Ben, the useless as hell tool who will end up screwing you over because he's so scared and doesn't want to die.
Take your pick. Slightly bias, but that is my own opinion, feel free to make your own summary.
Group B: You, Katjaa, Duck, Clem, Kenny, and Ben.\
I'd pick A, Doug for the chillness, some guy that'd pass you a beer because you're too lazy to reach over to the minifridge yourself, Carley because she's supportive, kind, caring, reliable and trustworthy as well as a damn good shot, as well as Lilly because she's a hardworking person that tries to make plans and ration out supplies that'll give every ounce of energy towards keeping us safe no matter what happens.
With group B you'd get, Katjaa, a kind lady without much use besides first aid. Duck, an annoying at first kid... until they had to all of a sudden make him the fucking cutest boy ever. Clem, a kid that is adorable but hard to work with at times and freezes up, and that tool Kenny who talks all the time of having your back but when it comes down to it, he'll pussy out and freeze up more than Clem, and Ben, the useless as hell tool who will end up screwing you over because he's so scared and doesn't want to die.
Take your pick. Slightly bias, but that is my own opinion, feel free to make your own summary.
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So, we (Lee) just see two group of strangers and have to decide which one to go with?
We're a single man with a choice of going with a married couple with 3 kids or two attractive women and a guy you definitely have better looks and personality than?
Hmm. Lets see...
I don't know! This is a hard one.
It really makes no difference. The second group also has more manpower and practical survival skills. Not to mention that protecting the kids gives me a reason to live at all. Honestly, in such a bleak environment, even the possibility of hooking up with someone really wouldn't be enough to keep me going. But once children come into play, it's not about me anymore. It's about them. And that gives me the drive to survive, if only so they can live to see another day.
Edit: I understand that Carley can shoot, but that's useless once bullets are out. She doesn't seem to have much else going for her. Doug is a tech guy, and out of his element here. Lilly is the only one with any kind of experience.
Kenny is an able-bodied man, and a fisherman too. From the looks of him, he probably knows how to hunt too. Kat may not be useful in the physical labor department, but she has the kids taken care of and can utilize her medical knowledge (even if it is veterinary.) Ben, although he's 17, can still pull his weight. And, depending on how long it lasted, Duck and Clem would eventually be able to help too.
I'll admit, not perfect. But I still stand by it.
just a guess
i only mention this because of the loaded choices you presented
I go with C - solo - either group would likely end up with me dead.
First, let me say that if you know nothing about them then you don't know what skills they do or don't have so some of your arguments kind of don't make sense.
Second, the world is ending and you're only motivation to live is to be a fucking nanny?
I feel you! I know if I ever face a pending horrible death, sleeping with attractive women is last thing on my list. What joy is there in that?
Taking care of somebody's else's kids? That's where the real joys at. We could all only be so lucky
I was actually going to write out a long-winded reasoning behind my decision and why your reasoning is potentially flawed, and so-on before I remembered that it really doesn't matter.
This is the Walking Dead. Everyone will die eventually, often at the most inopportune time in the most gruesome way. And most importantly: It's all fictional.
Thus, however cruel it might sound, killing Doug has its practical benefits.
Oh, Doug would die for sure. "Oh my God. Doug's died! We were gathering supplies when walkers attacked. I barely made it! It was so horrific. Lilly, Carley, hold me? It's kind of cold, so can we get naked and get close for body heat? Thanks."
Lee is Tyreese sort of guy (the leader's best buddy and manpower), Lilly would totally clash with Rick (army vs police) and Clem would have Carl and Sophia to play with.
Plus Rick's group is where the fun is