is kenny deaf?
the whole time after we got out of the RV kenny is conveniently (for story purposes) out of the conversation, are the writers saying kenny is deaf? because he should really know right now that ben stole the supplies and he clearly isnt blaming ben, so in episode 4 if it comes as a massive shock to kenny that ben stole the drugs (maybe sending kenny into a rage), i dont think that is believable
have i missed something? because i think kenny would know it was ben, why wouldn't he?
have i missed something? because i think kenny would know it was ben, why wouldn't he?

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i don't blame him
ben didnt need to confess for kenny to know, who else could it have been?
Edit: i guess it could have been doug/carley, but he said lilly was a murderer and then never mentioned the incident ever again
:rolleyes: i think you meant that
he knows it isnt lee because he found the drugs, so unless he thinks it was all just a plan of lilly's to kill ben and doug/carley he would know about the whole drugs thing and the suspects are very few
The first he heard about the drugs was in the RV while his wife was bleeding and his son was hurt. I doubt he took in the full details. From Kenny's perspective (even if he was paying attention) just because Lee "found" them, doesn't mean he didn't put them there to begin with and he's now attempting to divert suspicion. Hell, considering it was Lilly doing the ranting, it no doubt occurred to Kenny that this was some elaborate frame to blame him.