Odd though it may sound to me, and others people I know, I would have to say that as of right now, it would HAVE to be Psychonauts. It is the ONLY game I have ever played 3 times in a span of 3 months.
Am I the only man on earth who hasn't played past the training area in Psychonauts due to my suckiness at the controls? I feel like I'm missing out on something epic (it doesn't help my ego any either lol)
Yes, that thought had crossed my mind too, Jake. But Stitch is more of a Tasmanian Devil rip-off, I think.
Stitch was created to destroy. Max lives for it.
By the way, I finally got a chance to watch through the commentary on my S&M DVD. I didn't know you did the silhouette-like intro, Jake. As soon as I first saw it I knew that the series would be awesome. And it was!
Am I the only man on earth who hasn't played past the training area in Psychonauts due to my suckiness at the controls? I feel like I'm missing out on something epic (it doesn't help my ego any either lol)
I'm not a man (so hopefully it counts a bit ) but I got into Sasha Nein's level and was doing OK but then when the censors came at me full force, I was toast and put the game aside. I have it on PC and set up my gamepad to move Raz around. I don't think I had it set up properly because I was using the mouse to move the camera and the mouse buttons to fight and I couldn't maneuver them all at once. I was having fun with the game too.
I'm vehemently against jumping puzzles and tightrope-style platforms, so when a game starts off with copious amounts of both, it doesn't bode well with me. If only I could cheat in the GameTap version :P
Am I the only man on earth who hasn't played past the training area in Psychonauts due to my suckiness at the controls? I feel like I'm missing out on something epic (it doesn't help my ego any either lol)
While I usually say that any game that isn't fun or easy to control, and that doesn't interest me from the get go deserves to go down to a B rank at most, Psychonauts is really something special. Get past the training area and you'll be used to the controls, and then explore EVERYTHING. The game is good enough by itself but when you try to perform every action you can on every object you can, visit everywhere you can see whether you think it's possible or not, talk to everyone again and again regardless of whether you think it will help you'll find that it really is something special. I enjoyed it the first time through and was floored by how deep and satisfying it is on the second run through. I heartily recommend going after every one of the upgrades in the game anyway, otherwise the final part of the game is basically impossible and will make you hate everything. Although I didn't have that bad a time with it...
Maybe I'll give it another try sometime. I grew up with "Ghouls n' Ghosts"-style, broken-controller-producing games (and we liked it, ya durn kids!), so I have no idea why Psychonauts kicks my ass so thoroughly.
Just gotta talk myself into facing that rotate-y room at the very end of the training area again :P Words cannot convey my hatred...
I'm vehemently against jumping puzzles and tightrope-style platforms, so when a game starts off with copious amounts of both, it doesn't bode well with me. If only I could cheat in the GameTap version :P
Hey. If you're interested in seeing cheats in the GameTap version, you can post in the thread I created on that topic on their forum. Hopefully something will come of it eventually.
I'll be honest, though. The Jumping/tight-rope stuff is not what the game is about. That's what games like Tomb Raider and Prince of Persia are about, but not Psychonauts. Psychonauts is about the world, the story, the characters. It is, in every sense of the word, a story game. The jumping and stuff is just there as the medium through which it expresses itself.
Hey. If you're interested in seeing cheats in the GameTap version, you can post in the thread I created on that topic on their forum. Hopefully something will come of it eventually.
I'll be honest, though. The Jumping/tight-rope stuff is not what the game is about. That's what games like Tomb Raider and Prince of Persia are about, but not Psychonauts. Psychonauts is about the world, the story, the characters. It is, in every sense of the word, a story game. The jumping and stuff is just there as the medium through which it expresses itself.
Agreed, what little I played of it was incredibly interesting. I must have spent an hour or so just listening to the campers idly chatting to each other.
It should have been presented as an adventure game though, as I know I'm not the only one missing out on the story due to unforgiving difficulty.
(BTW, Speaking of Prince Of Persia, those games are the bane of my existence. It's like everything I hate about platformers came to life and formed their own seperate entity.)
I'm really sorry to hear that, because I really think that everyone should get a chance to experience it. I really don't know what to tell you, though, except to keep trying. Trust me when I say that if you practice, you WILL get better.
...perhaps you could try starting out with something a little bit lighter in terms of platforming elements, like some of the 3D Zelda games...
Heh, I have Ocarina Of Time, but even after a few hours of playing, I just couldn't see the appeal.
And I'm not bad at platformers in general. I've played quite a bit of Skullmonkeys, one of the most brutally hard of the genre, but I think it's the fact that when I played Psychonauts, it was with a keyboard, which automatically makes precise leaps twice as hard. Do you know if the Xbox version works with the 360? A comfortable controller could make a world of difference.
Heh, I have Ocarina Of Time, but even after a few hours of playing, I just couldn't see the appeal.
And I'm not bad at platformers in general. I've played quite a bit of Skullmonkeys, one of the most brutally hard of the genre, but I think it's the fact that when I played Psychonauts, it was with a keyboard, which automatically makes precise leaps twice as hard. Do you know if the Xbox version works with the 360? A comfortable controller could make a world of difference.
You can actually use a gamepad for the PC version.
Oh, god, one of these topics. Just so everyone knows, I would be screaming this name in excitement if you were standing there. Yeah, I know that's annoying, but hey, who cares.
SILENT HILL SILENT HILL SILENT HILL SILENT HILL SILENT HILL SILENT HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And did I mention... SILENT HILL SILENTHILL S I L E N T H I L L?!?
all 4 of them. the move. Too bad I don't have a PSP so I can 0rigins.
Oh, god, one of these topics. Just so everyone knows, I would be screaming this name in excitement if you were standing there. Yeah, I know that's annoying, but hey, who cares.
SILENT HILL SILENT HILL SILENT HILL SILENT HILL SILENT HILL SILENT HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And did I mention... SILENT HILL SILENTHILL S I L E N T H I L L?!?
all 4 of them. the move. Too bad I don't have a PSP so I can 0rigins.
Agreement. Especially Silent Hill 2 and 4. Can't wait for 5 to be released.
i guess one of my all time favorites is "zak mckracken and the alien mindbenders"..this is probably the adventure i spent the most time with.
i played it multiple times in a lot of different versions, starting with the english one for the c64. this was also one of my first sources for learnig english at that time, so when they started teaching us english in school i already knew what wire cutters and squirrels were. shame i sold the thing together with the computer.
Monkey Island 2
Indy and Fate of Atlantis
King's Quest 6
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out
Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist
Grim Fandango
Gabriel Knight 1-3
Quest for Glory 2+4
Other great games I could play again and again:
All the X-Wing games
All the Half-Life games
All the GTA games
Ultima 7
Other than sam and max, final fantasy 7. I know, very predictable answer but I am a guy who loves stories, and ones that can make nerds cry has to be a classic. Plus cloud was a bad@$$.
Knights of the Old Republic I
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Sam & Max Season 1 & 2
Sims 2
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Chrono Trigger
Pokemon Crystal (yes, you read that right... *braces self for ridicule*)
Tomb Raider II
Psychonauts is slowly creeping up there too (just started playing it recently).
Am I the only man on earth who hasn't played past the training area in Psychonauts due to my suckiness at the controls? I feel like I'm missing out on something epic
I think if there's any character who is heavily inspired by Max in modern entertainment, it's this guy:
As for my Favorite Games... probably Monkey Island 2, Mario Bros 3 (and/or Yoshi's Island), Half Life 2 (and/or HL2 Episode One)
Stitch was created to destroy. Max lives for it.
By the way, I finally got a chance to watch through the commentary on my S&M DVD. I didn't know you did the silhouette-like intro, Jake. As soon as I first saw it I knew that the series would be awesome. And it was!
I'm not a man (so hopefully it counts a bit
While I usually say that any game that isn't fun or easy to control, and that doesn't interest me from the get go deserves to go down to a B rank at most, Psychonauts is really something special. Get past the training area and you'll be used to the controls, and then explore EVERYTHING. The game is good enough by itself but when you try to perform every action you can on every object you can, visit everywhere you can see whether you think it's possible or not, talk to everyone again and again regardless of whether you think it will help you'll find that it really is something special. I enjoyed it the first time through and was floored by how deep and satisfying it is on the second run through. I heartily recommend going after every one of the upgrades in the game anyway, otherwise the final part of the game is basically impossible and will make you hate everything. Although I didn't have that bad a time with it...
Just gotta talk myself into facing that rotate-y room at the very end of the training area again :P Words cannot convey my hatred...
Hey. If you're interested in seeing cheats in the GameTap version, you can post in the thread I created on that topic on their forum. Hopefully something will come of it eventually.
I'll be honest, though. The Jumping/tight-rope stuff is not what the game is about. That's what games like Tomb Raider and Prince of Persia are about, but not Psychonauts. Psychonauts is about the world, the story, the characters. It is, in every sense of the word, a story game. The jumping and stuff is just there as the medium through which it expresses itself.
As much as I love Doom, Doom 2's SSG was awesome.
Doom II for me.
Agreed, what little I played of it was incredibly interesting. I must have spent an hour or so just listening to the campers idly chatting to each other.
It should have been presented as an adventure game though, as I know I'm not the only one missing out on the story due to unforgiving difficulty.
(BTW, Speaking of Prince Of Persia, those games are the bane of my existence.
...perhaps you could try starting out with something a little bit lighter in terms of platforming elements, like some of the 3D Zelda games...
And I'm not bad at platformers in general. I've played quite a bit of Skullmonkeys, one of the most brutally hard of the genre, but I think it's the fact that when I played Psychonauts, it was with a keyboard, which automatically makes precise leaps twice as hard. Do you know if the Xbox version works with the 360? A comfortable controller could make a world of difference.
LucasArts, I know you don't adventure any more and now deal mostly with Star Wars products. I can actually deal with that but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET TOTALLY GAMES TO MAKE MORE STAR WARS COMBAT FLIGHT SIMS YOU BASTARDS!!1!
That is all.
You can actually use a gamepad for the PC version.
I hate this game so much. It made me so angry that The Neverhood could ever have this happen to it. It was just so... crude and stupid.
o The DIG
o Broken Sword I
o The Secret of Monkey Island
SILENT HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And did I mention...
.-System Shock 2
Agreement. Especially Silent Hill 2 and 4. Can't wait for 5 to be released.
i played it multiple times in a lot of different versions, starting with the english one for the c64. this was also one of my first sources for learnig english at that time, so when they started teaching us english in school i already knew what wire cutters and squirrels were. shame i sold the thing together with the computer.
Monkey Island 2
Indy and Fate of Atlantis
King's Quest 6
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out
Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist
Grim Fandango
Gabriel Knight 1-3
Quest for Glory 2+4
Other great games I could play again and again:
All the X-Wing games
All the Half-Life games
All the GTA games
Ultima 7
In no particular order:
Knights of the Old Republic I
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Sam & Max Season 1 & 2
Sims 2
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Chrono Trigger
Pokemon Crystal (yes, you read that right... *braces self for ridicule*)
Tomb Raider II
Psychonauts is slowly creeping up there too (just started playing it recently).