we need more gameplay
we need game play like for example shoot outs, zombie killing sprees, free world roaming with a map where you can click where you choose to go, more guns, zombies should be able to do more, more interactive with the buildings you at like you can walk around kill zombies for fun , more cloth interactive change your cloth, shooting engine , two choices you can be bad guy or good guy!!! we should be able to kill zombies for fun with our guns be able to try them out on mass amount of monsters and be able to drive the cars till they crash or stop working and we should be able to steal stuff from zombies off their dead body. different choices of cloth we need more shooting action and fun level to kill as many zombies we want. we need more weapons with a mass amount of bullets in a many parts of the game they need to make the shoots outs like resident evil more shooting
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This might be what you are looking for, it does everything you ask for while allowing you to build safe houses, form teams of NPC's and switch between them whenever you choose. :-D
Also look into the Day Z mod for something now.
Episodes 2 and 3 were way too few interactive: you only talk to people and sometimes die in a quick close encounter with the zombies and repeat until you succeed (quite similar to Jurassic Park).
The game would profit from more puzzling sequences (even simple ones) or action sequences (easier but a bit more elaborate)... I find that the first episode was more balanced from a gameplay perspective.
Why does everybody on this forum think anyone with a critique or complaint is a troll?
you say one little disagreeable thing and then a person with 100 something posts is a troll. LOL
Because in truth the game he described isn't even Left 4 dead.
State of Decay looks cool.. This is something I could proably get into if it's done on a large scale.
I noticed the zombies could run and jump and im not really fond of that idea. To me, zombies are slow and feeble, not running full sprint and jumping on cars.. but I can live with it as long as they dont include Super-Zombies.
By scale I mean, not just held up in a small house in some town, but have an entire city, or the countryside to explore.
I really like the idea of having more freedom to go and do as we please, attack or avoid, stay walled up in a house or find a car and go elsewhere.
Would be cool if TWD and State of Decay would team up and have 50% of each of thier games made into one!
Alright, okay, let me point out a couple stuff from this.
1. A zombie killing spree in fact happened in episode 1, when you try to rescue the trapped survivor at the motel. It would be intense, but walkers are a bigger threat then the common infected from left 4 dead, the walkers are harder to kill, you must be careful not to cause any noise, Lee had a close call just facing two walkers, he wouldn't handle 8 at once coming at him. Forgive me maybe if i understood that wrong, but well, i try.
2. Meh, shooting. It's an okay way to kill walkers, but Telltale already proven there are more satisfying ways to kill them, axes, doors, fridges, spanners, wrenches..
3. Shooting engine? Forgive me friend, but that is not a good idea in my opinion. The Walking Dead wasn't a game specifically designed just so you can kill a couple zombies and be happy, the game wasn't intended to look like left 4 dead, nor play like one. It's about emotion, choices, trust, and intensity. Killing stuff isn't the only thing you need to do. And well, a shooting engine just would ruin the game for me, probably for some others too. And i'd like to point out again, walkers are a bigger threat then your normal zombies. Too much action will tire you out, you know? Hence the game giving you pauses from action, for character development, or maybe just so you can talk with some people, or maybe solve a puzzle to amp up your brain. I'd prefer that you can just wait for AMC'S The Walking Dead The Game, i think that's what you will like better if you would prefer way more shooting.
TL;DR, you're asking for way too much from Telltale, it's a game designed to create adventure games, not first person shooter/third person shoulder shooter games. You might want to deal with it.
I think that some of the zombies vary from fast moving to slow moving in this game, based on their State of Decay (see what I did there? :cool:) which I think is a really neat concept- the more decayed the zombie is, the slower it moves, the more recently dead move faster. Through the trailer's and game play I have seen (they had a booth at PAX, so more game play is floating around the interwebs now) there are no special zombies which is a relief IMO.
When Undead labs started to make this game, they WERE shooting for a sandbox zombie MMO, with the way the game is laid out however, it is better as a single player. They have mentioned that in future titles they are going to shoot for a MMO, correcting the mistakes they made while making State of Decay in a multiplier environment sense.
Would be really cool as a MMO with groups like 'guilds' that get together and fortify thier safe houses, work together to scavenge supplies, etc
Could even have a PvP server where groups like bandits raid other players.
Episode 4?
*string of curses*
A few reasons: OP is new user created today, his first post is one that says he wants the game to be the polar opposite of what it is, his second post is a double-post new thread about an hour after he makes the first. The number of posts and date of account creation have more to do with my questioning of seriousness than the content of the post.
That's understandable. Sometimes I see folks get the troll label after saying something disagreeable. A few of our forum leaders like to call out for bans when their sensitivities have been offended.
I think it's nonsensical, but your description would pass muster.
So, I'm pretty sure this game has been made - along with its sequel. Ever play 'Dead Rising?'
That's actually a little similar to No More Room in Hell, except for the open-world part. It's a mod for Half-Life 2 where you and up to 7 other players try to complete objectives or survive waves of zombies, depending on the map. You are actually able to be infected with the virus, and if you succumb you die and reanimate. Including the classical "Romero" type shambling zombies (like Walkers) there are runners too, which were stated as being people who were recently killed and infected. Whenever a player dies after being infected, they always get up as a runner too. The game itself is a bit clunky, but a pretty good play with some friends and/or serious randoms. Someone even made a survival map of Hershel's Farm (from the TV show).