Who's Clementine been talking to on the walkie talkie.
if you haven't completed the walkind dead series so far don't look at this.
Anyway you know how at the end of the game the tralier shows what's happening for the walking dead episode 4 Arond every corner it shows Clementine talking to someone on the walkie-talkie and someone's talking back that person in my mind is Glenn from the walking dead episode 1 a new day. Do you remember when he left and Clementine said that Glenn's got the walkie-talkie from when he went to go get gas for Kenny's truck.
Glenn would still have the walkie talkie unless it broke of course but I have a reason to beleive that's not what happened, seeing as the man on the other side of the walkie-talkie just somehow knew Lee's and plus the sillouette of the man running away from Lee when he was locked in the garde sorrounded by a big fence looked alot like Glenn with the cap and the jacket.
That's my theory of who's on the other side of the walkie talkie.

Anyway you know how at the end of the game the tralier shows what's happening for the walking dead episode 4 Arond every corner it shows Clementine talking to someone on the walkie-talkie and someone's talking back that person in my mind is Glenn from the walking dead episode 1 a new day. Do you remember when he left and Clementine said that Glenn's got the walkie-talkie from when he went to go get gas for Kenny's truck.

Glenn would still have the walkie talkie unless it broke of course but I have a reason to beleive that's not what happened, seeing as the man on the other side of the walkie-talkie just somehow knew Lee's and plus the sillouette of the man running away from Lee when he was locked in the garde sorrounded by a big fence looked alot like Glenn with the cap and the jacket.
That's my theory of who's on the other side of the walkie talkie.
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It's not Glenn it's an old creep guy , telltale has stated you will encounter new people most likely enemys ,
here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2Majcrn2ao
and go too 1:18 and you the old guy who is the same as the shadow and same voice,