Episode 4 question (on beginning trailer and end)

I have two questions about episode 4...

1st, at the very beginning, the 'previously on the walking dead' trailer, my video showed Lily stealing the campervan. That was a suprising event, because I have played trough that episode only with one game slot and there I left Lily and took the vehicle.... Is that correct that I see something that never happened to me?

At the end of episode 4, the people should decide if helping you out or not. Here Kenny told me he was going to fix the boat because I always did what was best for me and not for the others. But in the whole game I always helped him (and his family) out: giving food, killing son and kid(ep 4), supporting him and so on.
Is that an error or is it correct? I wonder what I did wrong for him...

Thank you :)


  • edited October 2012
    I'd say that it's taken across choices that you didn't make (Glitched)
    So your best option is to rewind Episode 3 and hope that it'll carry it across correctly this time.

    I had Doug raise from the gave from Episode 2 to episode 3, only to die again.
  • edited October 2012
    The save glitch i had was so bad i just deleted any/all walking dead folders and then redownloaded it and no prolems thus far. not saying you have to delete and re download but it would be best to make sure any problems are gone and back to good gaming.
  • edited October 2012
    Sadly save glitch is most likely your problem. Sucks that some people have to replay all 4 episodes again.
  • edited October 2012
    I used a random save which was okay but now I am playing through the episodes again.
  • With the kenny thing, you needed to side with him on every choice.

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned

    @Mrwalto69 This is a 3 year old discussion mate.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    With the kenny thing, you needed to side with him on every choice.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Please don't necrobump old threads.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    With the kenny thing, you needed to side with him on every choice.

This discussion has been closed.