Ice Station Santa! Nov 9th



  • edited November 2007
    Jostein wrote: »
    Heres live update of the time. Guess the nearest city is San Francisco...

    argh! two more hours?
    i want it now!:eek:

    (i'm in europe btw :-S)
  • edited November 2007
    We've been saying all along that it would happen sometime during our business hours on the 9th, so nobody should be surprised that it's not out at 5 or 6 am our time :)

    (hint: it is 7:15 am right now, and thus far I'm the only one here)
  • edited November 2007
    yeh these guys/gals need to sleep, too lol
  • edited November 2007
    I love how you guys update us on everything on the release days. Shows you really care. I vote for every telltale employee saying hi in the forums when they get to work.
  • edited November 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    (hint: it is 7:15 am right now, and thus far I'm the only one here)

    you seem to be pretty awake so why not put some game into the store??:D

    no, just kidding...if you rush things it's usually not for the best.

    p.s.: did "some game" sound a bit like i meant deer to you as well?
  • edited November 2007
    Masta23 wrote: »
    yeh these guys/gals need to sleep, too lol

    I knoow :)
    i'm just being impatient, because the local time here 4:30 PM, and i don't have a life :p
  • edited November 2007
    Wow, this was an insane fast download! Just a matter of secs...

    I really wonder why you did not increase the audio quality. A few MB for sure wouldn't hurt here. I hope it's not just due to better sales for the audio cd.
  • edited November 2007
    hey is there gonna be an upgrade offer, like for season one? i don't have enough cash right now to buy the whole season but want to play episode one asap.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    taumel - the music quality isn't an issue. the music is compressed using a reasonably decent quality ogg codec. it's the speech that's highly compressed, and it isn't included on the soundtrack.

    azza29 - there will definitely be an upgrade offer. we'll be offering it soon, so feel free to just grab Ice Station Santa now if you want. You'll be able to upgrade for $26 later on.
  • edited November 2007
    I just popped on from this damn awesome game to say ...
    the Mexican guy singing Happy Birthday? Wasn't he in the trailer...? hmmm! ;)

    Now back to work!
  • MelMel
    edited November 2007
    ^ Remember, that was a Season 2 trailer, not just for the first episode, so there's no guarantee that all participants in said trailer would be in the first episode*. :)

    *I sound like a lawyer. :p
  • edited November 2007
    You don't want me to listen to the music on good headphones. ;O) But if it's just about the voices why didn't you enhance the quality then? Have you done some tests if you increase the package by xxMB the difference is noticeable or not? As internet connection are getting faster all the time i could easily imagine a few MBs more.

    Okay i've just played a little bit...loc1->loc2->loc1 and so far it's nice. A few things:

    I didn't figure out what all these serials are for. The first i got after i bought it, the second after i've started up the program, honestly i have to admit i'm kind of impatient with such things and didn't read through all the stuff but it came down to that a) i needed an internet connection to get the game running and b) i didn't need any of these numbers. I would have thought that i could activate it just with the serial without using the internet. Actually as i'm using more my mac these days it was a hassle as i first had to setup a proper internet connection on da pc, you know, looking up were those $%&#! user and pass are. Why can't i just play something after i've payed for it without such hurdles?!

    The initial setup is brilliant! I wanna hug you guys for that! :O)
    The tutorial was, well...
    The intro is very nice. I simply love the art style.
    As for the game: Humour is good (the "again" in front of the poppers made me smile), the animations are far better and so far i like it, although i had to kind of force myself going back to the street because it includes some "ohh no, not again" feelings.

    PS: I like my desert hills more than your snow hills! *<(:O9
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    You should just be able to log into the game and have it unlock, if you've got an internet connection. The serial number is just there in case something goes wrong.

    Glad you're enjoying the game*, registration hassles aside, though :)

    *especially the setup wizard and the intro, as those were my contributions to the game. (Woo!)
  • edited November 2007
    Yeah, but i couldn't get it going without the internet connection and just the serials if this should work.

    If you ever come to munich i owe you a beer for the setup wizard and the intro! ;O)
  • edited November 2007
    You've needed an internet connection for all of our downloadable games... I'm not totally sure why you're surprised.
  • edited November 2007
    taumel wrote: »
    although i had to kind of force myself going back to the street because it includes some "ohh no, not again" feelings.

    Ah, that's the joy of it, though. Meandering down the street, wondering what new surprises await you in your destinations... it's almost zen-like :p
  • edited November 2007
    Because i thought if i got two serials i for sure don't need an internet connection...
  • edited November 2007
    Yeah! I'm done playing through the demo and wow, real improvements has been made on everything. It looks better (finally I can play in my monitors native resolution), it sounds better and all the jokes and dialogue is just as great as you would have expected it to be. A real shame I havn't god any money to spare at the moment...but next week I'm gonna play til' my keybord starts crying in pain (or maybe until the game ends ;))
  • edited November 2007
    I'm just visiting again... this is turning into one of my favourite episodes ever. I will post a long post (hopefully) giving all my final thoughts on the episode when I'm done with it.
    When the evil demon came out of the box, I thought - "yeah, this is the end of the game now"... but the three Christmas spirits? Oh man, that's just sweet!
  • edited November 2007
    Good job Telltale!

    I like the changes you have made. Like dobble clicking will make sam run (at least I haven't figured it out until now). And the houses are closer together so you don't spend an eternity to travel from place to place.
  • edited November 2007
    I just popped on from this damn awesome game to say ...
    the Mexican guy singing Happy Birthday? Wasn't he in the trailer...? hmmm! ;)

    Now back to work!

    Wait, where's this? I never saw that in the game.
  • edited November 2007
    Wait, where's this? I never saw that in the game.

    talk to the bug after
    you clear out his family...
  • edited November 2007
    I'm trying that, but it's not happening. Unless you have to do it in the "present".
  • edited November 2007
    I did it without even seeing
    the family
    . I just went into Stinky's a second time and he did it then.
  • edited November 2007
    So is it just a random occurance? Do you have to talk to
    the bug
    or is it automatic?

    And do you actually see
    the mariachi
    or just hear his voice?
  • edited November 2007
    you see him
  • edited November 2007
    Argh. I'm just not seeing him anywhere.
  • edited November 2007
    sorry i don't remember how i did it because i just did it in the course of normal gameplay
  • edited November 2007
    I talked to the bug, walked away, then talked to the bug again. That's all.
  • edited November 2007
    I've been doing that over and over, as well as entering and re-entering over and over. Nothing's doing anything. D:
  • BrendanBrendan Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    You must speak to the bug twice before his family arrives.
  • edited November 2007
    Ah, so that explains it. Too bad I don't have any saves before that.

  • MelMel
    edited November 2007
    I would just like to whine a bit. My DSL modem has been on the fritz since last weekend and after calling my interent tech support five times, a new one is being sent... but it won't get here until Monday or Tuesday (and I can't download the new game). :(

    Now I'll go have some cheese. :p :D
  • edited November 2007
    But it will takes several days to gat a compatible card! :(
  • edited November 2007
    what a great episode!!! very funny.
    The beginning is great!
    And it also got more difficult I think
    (I've used the lowesd hint level)
    It never took me so long to finish one of the episodes in the first season
    I needed six houres for this one
    Great Job Telltale!!!
  • edited November 2007
    Bruno83 wrote: »
    what a great episode!!! very funny.
    The beginning is great!
    And it also got more difficult I think
    (I've used the lowesd hint level)
    It never took me so long to finish one of the episodes in the first season
    I needed six houres for this one
    Great Job Telltale!!!

    I kept switching between no hints and the lowest setting.
  • edited November 2007
    when I said the lowest setting, I meant no hints
  • edited November 2007
    I just installed Sam & Max 201 on my adorable Windows 98 box. Yes, it runs on Windows 98SE. Thanks a lot!

    Also, will the downloadable episodes from the first season be re-wrapped in the new protection? It seems like it's the old protection which prevents me from playing the downloadable episodes of the first season in Win98.
  • edited November 2007
    We do plan to re-wrap the old games, we just don't know when we'll have time yet.
  • edited November 2007
    Okay i've just played through 201 and i think it was a nice episode. As i've written before the setup was brilliant and the intro was very nice. What i found kind of boring was the tutorial. It might be okay for newbies but for people who already played through season one it's just too familiar.

    As for the game it started somehow too loud and too hectic for me. I've enjoyed beeing at ice station santa, especially the room of santa was done very well. I've been there for quite some time just to enjoy the atmosphere. What i found almost annoying was going back to the street, meeting bosco, going into the office, meeting sybil and abe at stinkys and so on, i just enjoy discovering new settings and characters much much more. I hope to see more of flint and that i don't have to spend so much time in the streets. Please give us an ongoing story with new locations!

    The mini games were nice but they could have been balanced better. The boxing scene was enjoyful but i didn't notice any difference (gameplay/difficulty wise) between the second and the third round. I also spotted some glitches were parts of a rat were looking out of the floor. Whilst the steering with the keyboard was well done the mouse control wasn't. As for the car game, it was way too easy. I finished it with the first try just by not moving the car at all.

    The animations were great. Better, enjoyful, funny dialogues and comments. The music was good as always. The song i liked the most was the deamon song. Kind of reminded me of Woody Allen. Technically everything was fine beside of that i once had no textures for the load/and save menu anymore. Couldn't tell any differences for the loading times. Only that in a few cases the voices were stuck during loading. Gamelength was okay for me but for five epsiodes instead of six it definately shouldn't get any shorter. It also won't hurt making it a little bit longer. The ending was a bit abrupt.

    The puzzles most of the time were logical but somehow not always as much as in the episodes before. I didn't run into serious problems beside of a few stoppers like with the deamon song, getting jimmy's boxing hand and getting rid of the bugs. Actually i solved this more or less via trial and error. I didn't get why it should have been this way. What i dislike is doing something for x times like providing four horses, going through three portals. If that shows up once, okay, but not twice. I prefer a less repetitive plot like in Jack Keane for instance.

    The problem i had with the puzzles is that once again they were okayish to good but just not briliant and generally they still could be a little bit harder in my opinion. I'm still missing some really good ones! Same goes for the story, it was okay but not really exciting and sometimes felt a little bit after patchwork.

    All in all it was a nice and enjoyful episode but nothing beyond, so i would give it an 8 out of 10.
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