I was most excited for 2, 3 was the worst imo, ill see after 5 have not finished it yet. I think it will end up being 5 though, if it ties up alot of stuff and isnt all cliffhangerish.
2 was my most favorite. I liked 4 for the action it had.3 & 5 kinda tie with each other on how much I liked them and 1 was good enough to make me want to play the game, lol.
I have to go with episode 5 no time left it was the most emotional episode I played so far. Episode 2 was good with all the things you had to do in the episode.
Episode One wasn't the fav for me but I'm surprised it has no votes as of now. I mean, it was the episode that introduced us to the format and got us "into" the series.
for me it would be 2>5>4>3>1 they all had something i liked though
5 was the most tense
4 was action packed
3 was very depressing and hopeless
2 was the most shocking
1 was introduced us to the characters but ep 1 is by no means a bad episode it just has nothing special about it
Other episodes may have been more interesting, but nothing could match the last scene with Clem and Lee in episode 5. It was gut-wrenching, with perfectly understated dialog, and amazing voice acting. Although I hated it I'll never forget it!
2>3>1>4>5 I loved the 2nd was shocked by the 3 quite looking forward in the 4th with the cliffhanger and let down by the 5th. The 1st was very good for getting in the ropes and getting to know lee. =( I think he will stay alive in my private lil universe cause there you can in fact survive a freaking bite by cutting off your arm!
My opinion is bound to change as I continue to dwell over everything that's transpired. I think episode 5 definitely had the highest quality, tension, and emotion.
On the other hand, Clem was missing too long. Or, I just wish there was more time with her before that sad ending.. I'm sure I'm not alone on that!
They are all so close to equal, that there's almost no point ordering them. I think 5 is the best do to sheer re-playabilty. Gotta love that first decision.
3 is the best...when we finally get to the road and see new places. 4 is nice, the 1st is the one which make us interested in the game. 2 is fine but should offer more possibilities regarding the way to deal with that new people we meet along the episode. The 5th is too short and obvious for who has played the first 4 episodes.
It's pity the game will end more or less the same, regardless what choises we may have done along the jorney. Could have been much better explored, with a lot more options and choises and with really different ends for the story. I took all the guys (and the lady) with me when looking for Clementine. The end would be the same if I did not, with Clementine looking for 2 persons at the distance, eventually Omid and Christa, I'm pretty sure.
Good game that made me interested, although it lacked some more action. Could be better though, specially the end.
Just wondering with the big time gap between the episodes am I then the only one who needs to re-play the game in order to rank the episodes against each other?
Episode 5 was very predictible and dissapointing in my opinion...
Also episode 2 was the best in action, thrilling and very very nail-biting .
I have to go with 3. If only for the scene where lily kills Carley/Doug. Never before in any game have I screamed "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" sou loud. My girlfriend actually ran in thinking I'd hurt myself XD
Episode 5 was very predictible and dissapointing in my opinion...
Also episode 2 was the best in action, thrilling and very very nail-biting .
you put the wrong symbol. < Means worse than or less than. So the way you wrote it, 2 is the worst and 5 is the best.
Best thing in ep 5 was Lee going bersker xD
But that ending was meh, was hoping for more than just a damn cliffhanger.
I told Clem to leave, since I wanted to see if he'd turn or not. My thought is that he just lost a lot of blood and just passed out, then Christa and Omid will come back with Clem and revive him xD
I liked 3 the most, becaus of the train ride hehe.
I liked episode 3 the most... I was hyped up just playing it. I can tell because when I played my second time through I didn't grab as many supplies. Episode 5 has to be my second favorite even though I'm let down a but, but still it was awesome. Epiosde 1 comes in the third for me because I was excited to play it. Episode 2 comes next... (I watched a playthrough on part 1 and 2 and played after). Episode 4 was really the biggest let down... It was action packed and got me to jump the best, but really that's it.
I'm surprised how many people said episode 2 was their favorite - I found it horribly predictable and although it was still fun, the obvious nature of the plot frustrated me - I would have been more surprised if it in the end turned out they had been doing -nothing- fishy at all! That and the other moments where it is obvious what is happening, and your character seems blind to it - drive me a little crazy - even if they do not spoil the episodes, you just want to shake them and say 'This is obvious, obviously what is happening/you need to do/what they are saying.' and for me episode 2 was just that, the whole way through!
I don't really think I have a favorite, I just enjoyed the overall narrative and everything added to that, toward making the ending fairly emotionally believable and impacting. (So probably Episode 5 - As it is the result of everything that you've worked towards, but I might need to do play-through's it sounds like you actually end up in a pretty similar situation in Ep 5 regardless of what is happening, which worries me...)
Really loved episode 2, started to look hopeful as you kept coming across new survivors. Hated episode 3 so much death, especially when katja killed herself! So unexpected when you had already lost so many! Episode 4 was close thoroughly enjoyed the whole Crawford plot
5 would be my favorite if it wasnt about half the length of a normal episode. I understand why they did it, but I still cant quite say its the best episode.
3 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 1
They are all quite close though.
5 was the most tense
4 was action packed
3 was very depressing and hopeless
2 was the most shocking
1 was introduced us to the characters but ep 1 is by no means a bad episode it just has nothing special about it
3 was by far the worst.
On the other hand, Clem was missing too long. Or, I just wish there was more time with her before that sad ending.. I'm sure I'm not alone on that!
They are all so close to equal, that there's almost no point ordering them. I think 5 is the best do to sheer re-playabilty. Gotta love that first decision.
3 is the best...when we finally get to the road and see new places. 4 is nice, the 1st is the one which make us interested in the game. 2 is fine but should offer more possibilities regarding the way to deal with that new people we meet along the episode. The 5th is too short and obvious for who has played the first 4 episodes.
It's pity the game will end more or less the same, regardless what choises we may have done along the jorney. Could have been much better explored, with a lot more options and choises and with really different ends for the story. I took all the guys (and the lady) with me when looking for Clementine. The end would be the same if I did not, with Clementine looking for 2 persons at the distance, eventually Omid and Christa, I'm pretty sure.
Good game that made me interested, although it lacked some more action. Could be better though, specially the end.
I really loved all episodes, except episode 4. It was a letdown; compared to the previous episodes.
Episode 5 was very predictible and dissapointing in my opinion...
Also episode 2 was the best in action, thrilling and very very nail-biting .
you put the wrong symbol. < Means worse than or less than. So the way you wrote it, 2 is the worst and 5 is the best.
But that ending was meh, was hoping for more than just a damn cliffhanger.
I told Clem to leave, since I wanted to see if he'd turn or not. My thought is that he just lost a lot of blood and just passed out, then Christa and Omid will come back with Clem and revive him xD
I liked 3 the most, becaus of the train ride hehe.
I don't really think I have a favorite, I just enjoyed the overall narrative and everything added to that, toward making the ending fairly emotionally believable and impacting. (So probably Episode 5 - As it is the result of everything that you've worked towards, but I might need to do play-through's it sounds like you actually end up in a pretty similar situation in Ep 5 regardless of what is happening, which worries me...)
5 would be my favorite if it wasnt about half the length of a normal episode. I understand why they did it, but I still cant quite say its the best episode.
Maybe this isnt the thread for it but I'd be interested to hear why you dislike it so.