Lee not deaded!!

You dun not see him dye!! Da bullet just hit his cheek so he is aleve and carley will come over an save him and dey with hav a daughter culd clem
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we r genuis.
n den katjaa n duk r alredy on za islund, katjaa med a doopledanga to trik lee n ken!! she ocastrated duks bite n dey pretended cuz dey neded to tech ken valu ov frendship, and tech him dey did!
season 2 is bout bldin on da islnd and stuff
OMG WTF HATER wuts ur prblum u got a prblum wit us stating da truth?
HAHA! Ben, Leaving.
I geddit.
U TRULL y u hear TROLL??
I lol'd so hard reading this. You could never imagine wasting your time doing crap on the internet? You read through the whole thread. You are on a forum about a game about zombies. Get over yourself.
I'm not wasting time by starting posts like this. Try again.
Everyone's just here to have a good time. Now please take the stick out of your ass.
Thx! Nu worris man, he es jus upset cuz he hus nevr sen a vugena b4.
OMG U R so rght. he probly dosnt even kno what vugena is lolololo!1!11
This was a pointless thread. It just wasn't funny. I'm not going to apologize for failed humor if thats what you are wanting. Moving on.
Dud es okey we ull upsat cuz our fap matariel ded, dun taek ur sexxytension ut on us!
I'm a grammar Nazi, and I still found this humorous. People are just having fun. Quit being so stuck up.