Morality and Consequence in TWD (minor spoilers)
I found this article on Gamespot and thought it was a great read. It pretty much sums up what I thought was great about the player choices in TWD too.
Beyond Good & Evil - Morality and Consequence in The Walking Dead
Beyond Good & Evil - Morality and Consequence in The Walking Dead
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It's a pity TTG kept telling us the game was more than it was, because it works decently as a tool for reflection on the level the author of the article describes.
That's true of any timed decision with high stakes, so the question becomes, did TWD game set up these decisions in a way that was particularly meaningful?
A fair answer is, yes and no. By hopelessly bungling the gameplay we realized all too soon that there were in fact, in the game, no meaningful consequences. In a setting that's trying to sell you on 'what you do matters!', we learned in the first episode, to our chagrin, that nothing we did mattered at all. You could have let every timed decision run out and the game would have effectively continued without you.
As someone wrote in another thread,
In that very large sense, 'no'. Where we can answer 'yes', is when we ignore the irrelevance of our decisions in the play of the game, and treat it simply as a vehicle for posing questions. Granted, it's no more interesting in that regard than sitting around with your friends and posing ethical dilemmas, but given that's an activity that's inherently interesting, TTG did a respectable job, therefore, of taking advantage of the fact that the sky is indeed blue.