Smartest Characters.
I would have to go with Chuck.
Chuck basically saved 2 people's lives (If Lee fails it) by telling Lee that Clem has to learn how to shoot.
Chuck basically saved 2 people's lives (If Lee fails it) by telling Lee that Clem has to learn how to shoot.
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Hershel seemed pretty smart. Andy was smart (you could see his university degree in the house). Vernon is obviously smart as he was a doctor before the apocalypse.
Only Clem can say that as well and she just dragged Lee down. Tsk tsk.
..... but I still
My cousin is the biggest dumbf*ck I've ever seen, and yet, he's a doctor... Anyway; Doug, Hershel (comics), and Molly seem to be the smartest characters of the game. Even without looking at his degree, Andy seemed to be pretty smart too.
I'd say.... in this order.
1) Common sense
2) Book smart
#1 Shall get you past many situations. (Lee,Carly,Lilly,Chuck)
#2 is good to build shit but shall put there hand in a lions mouth. (Doug,Campman,St johns)
Totally. She was the only one to notice supplies were missing. She was paranoid, yeah, but quite smart and adaptable.
In everyone else's defense, Lilly was lying to them about how many supplies they had left, if I recall. Lee can tell her that nothing has gone missing, and she admits that she's been changing the totals in what she reports out to the team.
Or I could be off my rocker and misremembering.
When is that supposed to have happen? This is the first time I hear about this...
The count is getting messed with, but because she's a smart gal, she's keeping a count of her own too. That's how she knows somebody is stealing supplies. So yeah, there are two counts
Then she started keeping a private list of her own. Which makes more sense and makes her seem less paranoid, but more justifiably paranoid.
I'd say Christa is the smartest in brainpower, though Omid is the best at keeping a positive attitude.
"You're still the smartest fucker among all of us!"
Not including the protagonist, there's Doug with his book smarts. There's also Christa, I suppose.
I still think Chuck was smarter than Lee. Lee did not think cutting Clem's hair or teaching her how to shoot was a good idea until Chuck gave a logical reason for it. After careful thinking, I do believe Lee is smarter than Molly but definitely not Chuck.
Chuck is definitely more wise than Lee though.
I think Doug is the smartest, and then Molly.
Molly was pretty smart for knowing how to survive but never showed much academically to be honest. Chuck was pretty on par with Molly I think too but we never really found out much since he got offed pretty soon :L
Lee is a mix of both, he was a history teacher but he also learned a lot of good ways to survive depending how the player acted out. In one way you could say he was the most sociable of them since he could potentially get along with anyone or be a mute if the player chose :L
Lee also seemed to be a very strong father figure despite never having kids of his own.
From a raw brain-power aspect, I'd go for Doug, followed by Kat or Lilly.
For a "Think on your feet because your life depends on it," I'd go Lee, then Kenny.
His father was Special Forces, he knew what he was doing!
Because just screaming and slowly walking away is the best plan ever.
Says the guy who found a hatchet on the door handles and assumed it was luck
"Shut, up Lilly!" -Larry
Lilly was paranoid about the count (and right) and Kenny was paranoid about the St. Johns (and right). I think in terms of the ZA Chuck might have been the smartest for recognizing that a kid is no longer a kid. Pretty much all the rest of the characters still had a very weak spot for children. Thus, they let their guard down when it comes to them (Kenny not wanting to stop the train, Lee getting bit, etc).
I think Lilly was probably the smartest due to her being in the military and had Larry died any other way (one she felt maybe was less avoidable) then she really would not have had a weakness for anyone.
Lee was the smartest, with Doug as a close second. Though, making a college professor oblivious to how a universal remote works was just poor writing, I'm sorry.
Doug: "I can reprogram the remote to work for those TVs."
Lee: "You can just do that?"
Lol he sounded so amazed.
Doug is smart in the traditional sense, knows a lot about technical stuff, etc. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to get you very far in the zombie apocalypse.
Then there's the "survival smart" types. Each person seems to have adapted to the situation in their own ways. Chuck is smart in a "wise sage" sort of way. He knows what must be done to survive in this world.
Molly is smart in that she works with the walkers weaknesses, using their sluggish movement, low intelligence and overall poor mobility against them. I think she has the highest chance of survival with her methods, if she remains alone.
Lee just plain adapts to everything, always figures out how to keep going, how to keep winning and how to keep living(well...mostly). The main thing i see with Lee is that his actions and judgment are clouded when Clementine is in danger(hence why he's not careful with the walker in episode 4), and he loses everything for it. That's what i think, at least.
With regards to traditional "smartness", it would be Doug. Survival theories would be Chuck, survival tactics is Molly, and...survival action is Lee(I'm not good at this).
Out of these, i figure people like Molly would survive the longest, followed by Lee and a close second Chuck. Doug would probably die without a group to assist him.