Well, I bought the game because I watched a gameplay video for about 10 minutes and the first thing it said was this:
"This game series adapts to the choices you make. The story is tailored by how you play."
But in reality it is a very linear game. It merely gives an illusion of having a choice. Pretty much the only choice you have is getting to choose which dialog audio files you want to hear and that is it. This is false advertising and I don't think I'll ever buy anything from telltalegames again.
Why couldn't the developers the honest about it instead of lying?
Thanks for wasting my time and money and happy new year, I guess...
"Tailors" your game. Not "Dramatically changes it so you have different ways of having 3 million different outcomes!"
If someone dying in a game that is supposed to be slightly based around the deaths of characters makes you not wanna buy anything else from TTG games, then you're missing out.
Most games with multiple endings have terrible alternate endings if its not the "good" one anyway...Usually they base it on one action you commit or a stupid karma system...The Walking Dead may be mostly linear but the characters still remembered and reacted to your choices, which made them feel very real to me...And accepting the fact that it has a very linear path (episode five especially) why should that stop you from playing it? Many great games have linear paths and if your upset about false advertising what they're advertising now is that it's won over seventy game of the year awards even though it's a goddamn episodical click and point adventure...If you want to check my facts I think the proof is at the top of the page above this troll thread.
If someone dying in a game that is supposed to be slightly based around the deaths of characters makes you not wanna buy anything else from TTG games, then you're missing out.