Whos Never Going To Be A Millionair(Based on the gameshow in episode 102 of Sam & Max
I decided to do a "Whos Never Going To Be A Millionair" type of thing. Every Tuesday there will be a new question on this thread. So you have a week to answear. If you lose you get laughed at. You win you get a congragalatory post! (I know its not $1,000,000 or 1,000,000 food stamps) anyway
This weeks question: Why are we here? (AKA:Why do we exsist?)
Good luck
This weeks question: Why are we here? (AKA:Why do we exsist?)
Good luck
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What's life all about?
Is God really real?
Or is there some doubt?
Well tonight we're going
To sort it all out
For tonight is
The Meaning of Life
I don't know, man. But it keeps me up at night.
"Someone once asked the great philosopher Ly Tin Wheedle at a party 'Why are you here?' and the answer took three years."
- Terry Pratchett (both quotes)
lol no
We're here because we're here because we're here, because we're here.
We are here to serve the lord our God. (religus thery)
Next Question: whats the cercomfrence of a circle mesureing 13 inches?
Good luck!
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why spelling is important. One misspelling and the post takes on an entirely new meaning. (That is not to say that this is the only spelling error, but you catch my drift.)
Also: Are you trying to get us to do your homework for you? If so, shaaammmeee!
13 inches... in diameter? radius? area?
~40.9", ~81.9", and ~12.8" respectively.
13 inch is about 33 cm = 0.33m
circumference by radian : c = 2*Pi*0.33m = 2.073451151m
-||- by diameter : c = Pi*0.33m = 1.036725576m
actually I got a harder math problem.
Consider that you got a parallelogram
the diagonal is 18 inch.
the extended sides are 5 inch.
the short sides are 3 inch.
what's the area?
But a circle with a 13 inch diameter has a circumference of 13*pi inches, or approximately 40.8407045 inches.
If we're talking a *radius* of 13 inches, then the circumference is 26*pi inches, or approximately 81.68140899 inches.
If we're talking a circumference of 13 inches, then the circumference is... oh wait, you can work that one out yourself.
What's the bet that someone decides to post something with a lot more digits than I could be bothered...
I totally beat you to that!
this would be the easiest.. 2 dimensional object comes to 3 dimensional, so it's 13 inches too..
You mean tommarow on tursday right?
Your parallelogram is impossible. You can't have a diagonal of 18 in with sides of 3 in and 5 in. This creates a triangle with hypotenuse 18 and sides 3 and 5. The hypotenuse of a triangle must be less than the two sides added together.
right answer!... yep, I screwed with parameters,and I didn't come up with good numbers, but concider that you know diagonal and sides, then how to solve the area.
But, one can also consider the height of the parallelogram and then multiply that by the base. So, say |DC|=5 and |AD|=3. Use the law of cosines again to find the angle at D, whatever it may be. Draw h the height, which forms a right triangle. the angle at D is also the angle we'll be looking at (alternate interior angles), which means sin(D)=h/3, or h=3sin(D). Therefore, the area is 15sin(D).
Always in the mood for a math question!
nice, I didn't come with that.. I just draw a little triangle next to parallogram, and it has 90 degrees angle. Then there're two triangles.. use the relation between triangles to get the base of the smaller triangle. And then you got highness from Pythagorean theorem... and finally multiple high with the extended side of parallogram, to get the area.
ooh, that's an interesting way. I like that method!
Oh, come now. You can never have too much math!
thats not even physicly possible mabye mentaly possible in dreams and mental images that make wierd things happen in your mind(daydreams). but its not physicly possible.