Did Lee kills his wife????

edited January 2013 in The Walking Dead
I always thought Lee just killed the senator and not his wife but several times the voice actor of Lee (Dave Fennoy) said that Lee also killed his wife.

The first time I read about this when Dave Fennoy said in an interview:
Lee is a broken man, a former college professor on his way to prison for killing his wife and her lover.

And then yesterday another time he said the same in this video:
[...]found his wife in bed with another man, killed them both and was on his way to jail for murder[...]

Now, either I am completely stupid now or Dave seriously never got told that Lee didn't actually kill his wife.

Why do I think Lee didn't kill his wife?

#1 Well first of all it would have kind of ruined the character of Lee imho. I mean a murder is one thing, but doing a big mistake and rage-killing a guy who sleeps with your wife I can at least somewhat sympathize with. I just don't feel that also killing his wife would fit Lee's character.

#2 in EP1 Lee says to Shawn he doesn't know where his ex-wife is.

#3 In EP1 we hear Carleys story, how she claims she was a news reporter involved in his case. In the entire game she mentions him killing the Senator several times but never mentions him killing his wife.

#4 Throughout the game Lee mentions killing the senator several times. Like in Ep1 towards Clementine (if you choose so), Ep2 on the way to the dairy, EP3 when you follow Carleys advice to several people. Never once is it mentioned that he killed his wife.

#5 In EP5 when talking to Campman you can say you have hurt your wife. Lee will tell the story about how he killed the Senator. He does not say he killed his wife at all but rather says "I was mad at her for so long and I can't imagine how much pain she felt"

Everything within the game made me 100% believe that Lee killed the Senator and no one else.

But Dave Fennoy repeatedly saying he killed his wife too makes me wonder... am I missing something or is he just being completely wrong? Does no one from TTG actually tell their actors the story?

Any enlightenment is appreciated.


  • edited January 2013
    i think maybe they had recorded and planed that he had killed them both but they changed it
  • edited January 2013
    I doubt it. He said he hurt his wife at the end, but it was implied to be emotional damage.
  • edited January 2013
    Yeah. He says she is with her family in... Athens? Yes, Athens it was in the first episode. He did not kill her.
  • edited January 2013
    Didn't Lee say she was in VA or something? I find it hard for me to believe that she's actually dead.
  • edited January 2013
    Found a 3rd incidence where Dave Fennoy said he was told by TTG that Lee killed his wife:

    http://t.co/hVy7K7YT (Podcast interview) @23:00

    So basically we can conclude Lee didn't kill his wife, right? Since there are 5+ situations in the game that completely contradict this theory while there are zero that speak for it.

    I just find it weird that the devs wouldn't let the main character know...
  • edited January 2013
    I think the point is that it is supposed to be left up for the player to decide.
  • edited January 2013
    anonymau5 wrote: »
    I think the point is that it is supposed to be left up for the player to decide.

    no, Lee never say he killed her, the only person who has said he killed her is Dave Fennoy, if anybody can find any evidence (in game) then it may be up to the player to decide, but i never heard a hint of a double murder
  • edited January 2013
    Zeruis wrote: »
    Didn't Lee say she was in VA or something? I find it hard for me to believe that she's actually dead.

    She could very easily be dead. Just not by Lee's hands.
  • edited January 2013
    I guess it's up to the player if Lee killed her or not. I actually thought he killed both of them at first, but steadily changed to thinking ti was only the senator over the course of the game. Whenever Lee mentions his wife to Hershel and others, he could just be lying to cover his trail.
  • edited January 2013
    If he killed his wife, I think that would be a bigger deal than killing the person she was sleeping with.
  • edited January 2013
    Rock114 wrote: »
    I guess it's up to the player if Lee killed her or not. I actually thought he killed both of them at first, but steadily changed to thinking ti was only the senator over the course of the game. Whenever Lee mentions his wife to Hershel and others, he could just be lying to cover his trail.

    i don't think we should assume lee is lying when we have no evidence to back it up, we could just assume that lee was a serial killer if we are gonna assume he is lying without any evidence to say he was
  • edited January 2013
    Lee could be lying and thus the player could never know from what he is saying. Unlikely but possible.

    But Carley would at least mention it since she knows the entire story and covered the court case.

    Why would she say "You are Lee Everett who killed a Senator" and later in EP3 "You should tell them that you killed the Senator", and not even once mention his wife if he killed her? Makes no sense.

    I believe Dave Fennoy is just hugely mistaken on this one. And someone from TTG needs to inform him before he does more and more interviews spreading false information lol. People will think it's true since he is the main role in the game after all and would seem like a reliable source on the story.
  • edited January 2013
    i don't think we should assume lee is lying when we have no evidence to back it up, we could just assume that lee was a serial killer if we are gonna assume he is lying without any evidence to say he was

    Well why would he come right out and tell people he was a murderer? He lies about the senator's murder for over three months, and even then he has to be convinced to tell people. "I killed my wife, thanks for letting me stay in your barn for the night" doesn't sound like something he'd say if he was a smart man (which he is).
  • edited January 2013
    Rock114 wrote: »
    Well why would he come right out and tell people he was a murderer? He lies about the senator's murder for over three months, and even then he has to be convinced to tell people. "I killed my wife, thanks for letting me stay in your barn for the night" doesn't sound like something he'd say if he was a smart man (which he is).

    he wouldn't say he was a serial killer and a child molester either, so that must mean that is what he is :rolleyes:

    there was never a mention form Lee, Carley, Larry or Lilly that he killed his wife or even two people, so there is no reason to assume he killed anybody other than the senetor
  • edited January 2013
    there was never a mention form Lee, Carley, Larry or Lilly that he killed his wife or even two people, so there is no reason to assume he killed anybody other than his wife

    You mean anybody other than the senator, right?
  • edited January 2013
    dubesor wrote: »
    You mean anybody other than the senator, right?

    yup :o
  • edited January 2013
    I'd peg it as being possible; Larry does say Lee killed "people" before it was something you had to do to survive in episode 1, not just one person. As to why the senator is the only person specifically focused on by people who covered it like Carley, it might have something to do with the fact he was a senator. Look at the shooting in Tucson (incidentally, so glad I moved out of there), it's primarily known for one victim - Gabrielle Giffords, despite the fact she was only one out of nearly twenty people shot.
  • edited January 2013
    but is was never ever mentioned that he killed his wife but it was mentioned that she was in athens, and it's totally flawed logic to assume just because something wasn't mentioned that means it happened, as i said that could mean that Lee had a sex change changed the colour of her skin and is in fact wonder woman because he never said he was he was borne a man so that must mean he wasn't
  • edited January 2013
    but is was never ever mentioned that he killed his wife but it was mentioned that she was in athens, and it's totally flawed logic to assume just because something wasn't mentioned that means it happened, as i said that could mean that Lee had a sex change changed the colour of her skin and is in fact wonder woman because he never said he was he was borne a man so that must mean he wasn't

    Except as I pointed out right at the start, Larry says Lee killed "people", plural.

    You're also using the same flawed logic, Lee doesn't mention that his wife is actually alive in Athens, simply that she's there.
  • edited January 2013
    Rommel49 wrote: »
    Except as I pointed out right at the start, Larry says Lee killed "people", plural.

    You're also using the same flawed logic, Lee doesn't mention that his wife is actually alive in Athens, simply that she's there.

    that could just be a line that wasn't changed, and its not the same logic, i am just saying there is nothing that says he did kill his wife so assuming he did is the same as assuming he was a serial killer.

    there are so many times that it could have been mentioned especially the stranger scene and conversations with carley that it is unlikely that he killed his wife, if anybody can find one hint that he did other than just saying people (what part did he say he killed people?) i will have to admit it is a posibility
  • edited January 2013
    it's really pissing me off. because I have played the game like 7 times and listened to all the dialogue dozens of times due to my youtube video making and it would be really annoying if I missed Lee killing his wife.

    That would totally shine a whole new light on everything. (in a bad way imo)

    We need confirmation from telltale.
  • edited January 2013
    larry doesn't say people he just say lee is a killer, or at least in this video:

  • edited January 2013
    that could just be a line that wasn't changed, and its not the same logic, i am just saying there is nothing that says he did kill his wife so assuming he did is the same as assuming he was a serial killer.

    there are so many times that it could have been mentioned especially the stranger scene and conversations with carley that it is unlikely that he killed his wife, if anybody can find one hint that he did other than just saying people (what part did he say he killed people?) i will have to admit it is a posibility

    You can try to deny it's the same logic, but it's a pretty weak denial; Lee never says that his wife was alive in Athens, just that she was there - you just assume that implies she's alive.

    And actually, it does kinda come up in the stranger conversation if Lee says he never hurt anyone he cared about. The first person the stranger brings up is Lee's wife; given the stranger's definition of "hurt" in this context is keeping his own wife's head in a bag and likely killing Lee... it's a pretty big implication.
  • edited January 2013
    Rommel49 wrote: »
    You can try to deny it's the same logic, but it's a pretty weak denial; Lee never says that his wife was alive in Athens, just that she was there - you just assume that implies she's alive.

    And actually, it does kinda come up in the stranger conversation if Lee says he never hurt anyone he cared about. The first person the stranger brings up is Lee's wife; given the stranger's definition of "hurt" in this context is keeping his own wife's head in a bag and likely killing Lee... it's a pretty big implication.

    he just said he drove her away, he never says he hurt her physically, where is the part where larry says lee killed people?
  • edited January 2013
    I don't think Carley would have had the same attitude toward Lee had he killed his wife. She also would have brought it up in Ep 1.
  • edited January 2013
    In ep 1, the cop asks Lee if he met his wife in Athens, so I think he didn't kill her.
  • edited January 2013
    Lol, no way, it is never once implied in the story that Lee killed his wife. Everyone who knows Lee's a murderer only mentions the senator. If he killed his wife that would be mentioned, it would make absolutely no sense for Lee to have killed his wife and TellTale completely deciding to not have that mentioned at all. Also, Lee did say she was in Athens and I highly doubt he meant she's dead in Athens (although the zombies probably got her :D) and if he did kill his wife that would make him a completely different type of character. I would have a different attitude towards Lee if he killed his wife and I'm sure all the other characters would too.
  • edited January 2013
    he just said he drove her away, he never says he hurt her physically, where is the part where larry says lee killed people?

    If Larry did say that he was probably over exaggerating. I can see him doing that to try make Lee seem like some terrible mass murderer when he just 'accidentally' killed one guy.
  • edited January 2013
    I believe when lee talking to sean he mentioned if u chose the option of diolouge that lee mention that he was not sure were his wife is he thought she might be in anthems or with her parents.
  • edited January 2013
    In episode 1 when Hershel asks Lee about his family, you can reply as such:

    "No wife, not anymore. She's up in Virginia, i think."

    Plus, if Lee did kill his wife he likely would have mentioned it to both Kenny/Katjaa and the stranger if he talks about it(the stranger especially, since he's about to die and has no reason to lie).

    There is zero evidence to support the theory that he killed his wife.
  • edited January 2013
    Nah, that would've ruined Lee's personality. He probably just got it mixed up :o
  • edited January 2013
    yeah, they had recorded and planed that he had killed them both but they changed it !
  • edited January 2013
    dubesor wrote: »
    Lee could be lying and thus the player could never know from what he is saying. Unlikely but possible.

    But Carley would at least mention it since she knows the entire story and covered the court case.

    Why would she say "You are Lee Everett who killed a Senator" and later in EP3 "You should tell them that you killed the Senator", and not even once mention his wife if he killed her? Makes no sense.

    I believe Dave Fennoy is just hugely mistaken on this one. And someone from TTG needs to inform him before he does more and more interviews spreading false information lol. People will think it's true since he is the main role in the game after all and would seem like a reliable source on the story.
    It really isnt that big of a deal and i doubt dave fennoy is causing any actual damage to the franchise..its not that important in the grand scheme of things.
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