Episode 203 - Night of the Raving Dead - Available Now!

JakeJake Telltale Alumni
edited February 2008 in Sam & Max

Sam & Max 203: Night of the Raving Dead

Hey hey! Sam & Max episode 203 is almost here, and we've posted the trailer, some screenshots, a piece of concept art, and a blot of teaser text to the Night of the Raving Dead website. Also, there's a blog post. It was potentially inaccurately paraphrased to me that the core of this episode was originally conceived by Steve Purcell,* who, when asked what should be in Season Two, blurted out "Eurotrash vampires." So, there you go.

Take a look at the new stuff, and discuss away!

* And Heather!


  • edited January 2008

    Okay. I'm done.

    Oh yeah!

    *weeps openly*
  • edited January 2008

    Oh the beginning looks very good and makes you even feel a little bit like in a Murnau/Schreck movie but as soon as the colour and the rave jumps in the magic is over and it more reminded me of the popular demo by farbrausch ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq-aLBNwpPQ ).

    Would have been very cool to play a game in the silent movie style!

    By the way shouldn't "dead" be "Toten" instead of "Todes"? Would be "Die Nacht der ausgeflippten Toten" then (plural). Also "Freiberufliche Polizei" sounds more reasonable than "Unabhängige Polizei".
  • edited January 2008
    That... that... that might just be the best trailer ever, for any game.
  • edited January 2008
    haha, that was ..amm... RAVING trailer! the best trailer evahh!
  • edited January 2008
  • edited January 2008
    I thought the trailer for Moai was the best one, but this is even better. :D
    I think it really catches the Sam & Max delirium. I am especially intrigued by the screenshot with that new arcade sequence...
    P.S.: What's the vampire saying at the end? "Look at me, I'm so..."?
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    My sources tell me he says, "Look at me, I'm so edgy and subversive."
  • edited January 2008
  • edited January 2008
    For one sweet moment, i thought that maybe the whole episode would be in black & white. That would have been fantastic.
  • edited January 2008
    Did I see that screen shot right? Are we going to have a Paper Boy mini-game involving delivering CDs to the undead at break-neck speeds? That's going to be one nice mini-game!:D

    The vampire sounds like a Sacha Baron Cohen character. :D

    EDIT: If you go to GameTap, you'll see a hint of more things to come like
    the return of the Commissioner, the next Desoto upgrade (which I'm happy to see finally), the reuse of the Secret Service dance from 104, Sam's Banjo, and a Sam & Max meets GTA scenario with the new mini-game.
  • edited January 2008
    lookin good. the driving minigame looks refreshingly new
  • edited January 2008
    I saw a screenshot
    showing evidence of Sybil's bitterness toward Lincoln after the events of Moai Better Blues
  • edited January 2008
    OMGWTFLOL! Best trailer ever. Love the silent movie effect, the "German" (ish?) title cards [with great approximate English translations] and the music.... and then we do get a little bit of a picture of our new Vampire character. This is indeed going to be a very very good episode, I can tell already! :)
  • edited January 2008
    can't wait, it made me wanna break down and dance... and i did... and people saw.... and they laughed. but i can't hold my lack of dance skills against sam and max, i still can't wait! and good for me i barely have to, only two weeks till it comes out! aren't episodic games the best! viva telltale, viva SAM AND MAX!
  • edited January 2008
    taumel wrote: »
    By the way shouldn't "dead" be "Toten" instead of "Todes"? Would be "Die Nacht der ausgeflippten Toten" then (plural). Also "Freiberufliche Polizei" sounds more reasonable than "Unabhängige Polizei".

    Yeah, I've already been all over the translation... and by the way, the best translation for "Freelance Police" would be "Freischaffende Polizei"... ("freiberuflich" passt grammatikalisch nicht so ganz... oder heißt das semantisch? egal... ;) )
  • edited January 2008
    Correct me if I am wrong, but were you guys inspired by Castlevania in the creation of that vampire character? He looks so much like Issac from Curse of Darkness in both behavior (being a bit flamboyant) and appearance despite that the vampire in S&M doesn't have tattoos.

    pic of issac (from the castlevania dungeon site):

  • edited January 2008
    Thumbs... through... nipple rings...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    Steve Purcell and Dave Bogan might have been inspired by that, but more likely both characters go back to a more common vampire archetype... I think this mostly because I don't know if Steve has played that game.
  • edited January 2008
    Fantastic trailer! And fantastic Castlevania connection, doom saber.
  • edited January 2008
    taumel wrote: »
    By the way shouldn't "dead" be "Toten" instead of "Todes"? Would be "Die Nacht der ausgeflippten Toten" then (plural). Also "Freiberufliche Polizei" sounds more reasonable than "Unabhängige Polizei".
    And they totally ignored the umlauts! Those things are not just for show (as in rock band names) you know. ;) Bonus points for effort, though.

    And I loved the fake-English subtitles. Sam & Max: The Not-on-Staff Police!
  • edited January 2008
    I've watched the trailer on two different computers with two different internet connections and both times the video lagged throughout. Is there going to be a downloadable version?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    downloadable version

    Also, GameTrailers.com has the video in a zillion different formats, so that's always worth checking out.
  • edited January 2008

    The best part of the trailer IMO is at the end with the shots of Sam & Max in slow motion. Perfectly executed!
    I need to make that sequence into an animated gif.

    Yikes! I didn't realize how big the trailer is until I finished downloading it. I hope my work doesn't notice the excessive bandwidth use, lol. Although I'm on my laptop using wireless, so maybe they won't be able to find out who.
  • edited January 2008
    Yeah, I've already been all over the translation... and by the way, the best translation for "Freelance Police" would be "Freischaffende Polizei"... ("freiberuflich" passt grammatikalisch nicht so ganz... oder heißt das semantisch? egal... ;) )

    Nö, finde ich spontan so jetzt nicht; das paßt beides, wobei einem das Eine leichter von der Zunge gehen mag. :O) Hauptsache es ist nicht mehr "unabhängig", und der Fehler mit "dead" und "death" wird korrigiert. Ich frage mich oftmals wer bei Lokalisierungen zu Rate gezogen wird. Schön, daß die Gruselversion in Deutsch daherkommt. Wahrscheinlich haben wir dies Nosferatu zu verdanken. ;O)

    Euer Graf Orlok
  • edited January 2008
    taumel wrote: »
    , I do not find Noe spontaneously so now; that does not fit both, whereby from the tongue likes to go to a lighter:O) Hauptache it is "unabhaegig" any longer, and the error with "DEAD" and "death" is changed. I always ask myself, who is pulled with localizations to rate. Beautifully that the Gruselversion into German comes along. Probably we have to owe this Nosferatu. ;O)

    Your count Orlok

    I hear that! lol
  • edited January 2008
    Ahm not exactly what i've said but also much better than "...Ürülüü hübeldü nibbeldidü Olnoga et ahh a la Dabaa..." :O)
  • edited January 2008
    Babel fish has let me down once again...
  • edited January 2008
    Awesome Trailer dudes ! The twenties horror-movie style is realy original and funny and the "not-optimal" German subtitles and the "even-less-optimal" English subsubtitles only add to the wacky flavor of Sam & Max.
    Even though I'm glad to hear that the release date has been forwarded, it's a shame that I won't be able to get it when it comes out. With the start of the new semester and work I'll probably won't be able to download it until late thursday afternoon. On the other hand, the server will probably be less occupied then, so it has it's advantages.
  • edited January 2008
    taumel wrote: »
    Ich frage mich oftmals wer bei Lokalisierungen zu Rate gezogen wird.
    Yeah, I wonder about that as well. Who helped out with the German in the trailer?
  • edited January 2008
    great stuff I especially liked when the vamp started walking through the white surrounding ;)
  • YitYit
    edited January 2008
    DDR Minigame or I want my money back.

    No seriously.
  • edited January 2008
    Haggis wrote: »
    Yeah, I wonder about that as well. Who helped out with the German in the trailer?
    they probably asked the winner of the german christmas ad contest..
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    No, it was someone in our office who speaks German.
  • langleylangley Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    No, it was someone in our office who speaks German.

    Yeah, but that plumber might have been lying to us just so he could get that $20. At least the toilet is fixed now.
  • edited January 2008
    Never trust those plumbers, mostly they are italian...it's a me, Mario.
  • edited January 2008
    I love the organ music... awesome! Sounds a little like Gothic 1. The castle outside with the low clouds looks brilliant!
    The German translation, however, is wacky. Next time a German native speaker should do the job.
  • edited January 2008
    On the other hand, the server will probably be less occupied then, so it has it's advantages.

    Hey, that's an insult to our CDN's servers! To slow them down, you'd have to top Steam and XBLA's combined bandwidth usage :)
  • edited January 2008
    I loved it too, but I would have loved it even more, if I could get it to load in my maxthon browser.
    This browser is actually built on the IE core, so I don't understand why it don't. Hrmpf.
  • edited January 2008
    The German translation, however, is wacky. Next time a German native speaker should do the job.

    the translation is not that bad. it sounds a bit odd and old fashioned, but it fits the theme..
  • edited January 2008
    langley wrote: »
    Yeah, but that plumber might have been lying to us just so he could get that $20. At least the toilet is fixed now.

    Lol. At least I loved it :)
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