Super Smash Bros thread.
Well since there is a new Smash Bros game coming for the 3DS & Wii U i think it would be the right time to have a Smash Bros thread. Generally in this thread you can talk about the games, make lists of characters you wish were added, talk about stages, favorite characters and other things about Smash Bros. Also if you want you can try and set up Smash Bros Brawl Matches to play online so if anyone wants my Smash Bros Friend code just PM me 
For people wondering the person i mainly play as is Sonic

For people wondering the person i mainly play as is Sonic

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Why does that not surprise me...:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Screwattack about it being delayed-
Nintendo Direct-
What happened to your Smash Bros?
Nothing, but my Wii stopped reading disks. Sucks cause I can't play any games at all. I'll be sending it off this week to get it fixed.
Anyway, I'm hoping for more third Party characters this time. Ones that actually fit the games style (I still begrudge Snake's inclusion.). I'd love to see the likes of megaman or bomberman (although his moveset would be pretty generic.).
But I'd really like to see Okámi Amaterasu in the game. She would be awesome. You could have different brush-strokes for the action moves (^B could be wind to blow her to a ledge, Down B would be a bomb, <>B could be her Divine instrument and B could be a vine or something. Her Final smash would be The celestial brush, so everything freezes and you can draw a cut line through a couple of opponents to slice them and send them flying.
Nintendo-wise, I'd love to see the Mii's. They could have various attacks based on the sports from wii sports or whatever. And Ridley would be nice too.
Setting that aside. I have memories of playing both smash bros 1 and Melee at a friends house. Those were very good times. Not to mention the fact that Melee had to be one of the coolest fighters I've ever played. I have hopes for the 4th one(although I dont have a 3DS or a Wii U). I just hope that they can get characters like Geno to be playable for this.
Don't underestimated the Jiggly Puff.
At school it was probably the 3rd or fourth best character. (Melee)
(Excellent recovery, pound to grind away, and if you can be precise enough. Rest can causes all kinds of chaos)
Understandably nerfed in brawl.
But yeah, its a bit of a waste of a slot.
That is also a valid point.
Oops. I really need to learn not to take vidya games as such serious business.
It'd be interesting to know how Megaman's final smash looks like. And I can't wait for the stage track remixes of the various Animal Crossing and Megaman themes!
...Oh, oh, we just got a trailer confirming what we already know, and then added two new characters. Then the after-the-fact announcement that a glorified piece of game UI is going to be playable. Okay. So basically nothing of any value whatsoever that merits any discussion other than "Oh. Huh, they did that. Okay."
I can't seem to find a face palm pic that justifies how much face palm this is.
(Maybe one that goes straight into orbit)
Sure, later games in the series had plots, but people don't really care about them. It's all about the gameplay.
Seriously, you need to go play MegaMan X at the very least.
Apparently, the Mega Man comics that Ryan mentions are notably well-written. I've been meaning to check them out.
Meanwhile I became a Mega Man fan largely due to Bob and George's comic retellings of the games, which are probably a bit... less superlative
I'm not one to tell you that your opinion is wrong, but since you came in here to tell everybody else that their opinion is wrong, I'll just say that I think that's wrong.
But yeah, the trailers were awesome.
Love this poster.
I'm glad they included his various power-ups. Otherwise he'd just be a rubbish version of Samus. Although how they'll implement it I have no idea.
Are you saying you AREN'T excited about the Wii Fit Trainer as a playable character?
They are just his regular attacks. He doesn't switch forms like Zelda/Shiek.
EDIT:yep. They are just his regular attacks
Well, that certainly is a smash bros game all right! Would love it if they just went "all brawl characters return, here are the new guys!" for announcements, but odds are they will just mix and match between "new" and "old" announcements.
I'd say that was impossible, but had you said yesterday "the lady from wii fit would be playable", I would have said the same thing.
On that note...
EDIT: Have some more:
I feel like it's kind of a half-way point between the designs (which are more similar than I thought they were)
Skyward Sword:
New Smash Bros: