The Make Fun of America Thread
As an American, I find it annoying when I make fun of some other country and some guy from that country gets all offended about it. So, to show that I'm a good sport, I invite people to make fun of/insult/rant about America in this thread. Go on, you know you want to!
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that is easily the best so far
And Amerigo Vespucci, so get your fun while you can!
No, I've got nothing.
Anything stated by any public official is automatically correct. America defines truth and moral goodness. If we're doing it, it can't be wrong, and if they're doing something else, they can't be right.
Anybody who says anything else is a communist fascist terrorist racist God-hating bigot.
For those of you who are criminally lacking in sarcasm detection, allow me to point out that you're a gullible moron.
Hi, Mr Limbaugh.
Yes, I know you're being sarcastic, but it seems very much like a Rush Limbaugh quote :P
only partt of that post my sarcasm detector reacted to was the gullible moron part. Thus everything else was stated as fact.
Hi! I'm an American!
"Point-and-click games"? What do you do in them, exactly?
"Sam and Max"? Who are they?
And what are these "hardcore games" supposed to be, anyway? I'm going to spend my money on this cool new Star Wars game, because Star Wars games are in 3-D, and they have these killer graphics, and you get these awesome weapons that let you kill anyone you want!
...How was that?
No I think the point was to make fun of America in good fun not to complain that Freelance Police got cancelled
HAHA, actually, ive always questioned the way the US people refers to themselves as "americans" but then the rest of the "American continent" are badly refered to as "latins" (with the exception of canada) much of the time in a very despective way while we are "americans" just as well as the people in the US.
I like the way when you look up a map of the states on google some of them erase the rest of the continent entirely so it looks like it doesn't even exist, and then I mistake it for ocean.
Wait, how wasn't that making fun of just me?
Well we are in teh United States of AMERICA. What do you want us to call ourselves? The Unnies? The Staties? Or even the Statesmen? Puh-leeze
Almost all your television, however, is abominable. Three hundred million people, several hundred individual channels, and the number of good shows can be counted on the hand of a blind butcher. It's enough to make you buy a cinema pass. :P
I think that's all you're getting, I'm a bit out of practice at insulting generalised groups of people for virtually no reason (I'm sorry, I'll get better).
I thought that was what I was doing!
Hehe, I completely agree. Our shows are AWFUL. Good thing for britcom DVDs
(I love that "blind butcher" phrase, by the way... I'm stealing that
Then you need to do better than replacing the word "LucasArts" with "American" in a rant
But... But what about Frasier!
Most British TV is crap though, the new sitcoms they're making are terrible, and then you have crap like Wallpaper Challenge and generally anything involving Noel Edmunds, but that's going to be America's fault just because it's the insult America thread. I like the old British sitcoms though. Blackadder, Red Dwarf etc etc :P
But still, I only have freeview and there's only anything good on like 3 channels in any given month. Ouch
Of course, Frasier and Cheers are classics now... And, from the new generation, Malcolm in the middle, My name is Earl and Scrubs are great too...
For british sitcoms, some new (or not so old) are very good like Coupling (my favourite sitcom), Black Books and Extras...
I recommend Spaced, The Day Today, Brass Eye, and Garth Marenghi's Darkplace (which is apparently airing in the US finally?)
Of course Spaced, from the creaters of Hot Fuzz ! I really have to watch it !
I love Spaced (what I've seen of it - I have to finish watching the rest of the episodes).
Yes, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace is on Adult Swim. It was airing Friday evenings but I don't know if it's still on at that time (or if it's still on there at all). They switch stuff around quite a bit. I have watched it and it's an acquired taste. It isn't a gut-busting funny kind of show. Quite honestly, I'm not sure what to make of it. I don't dislike it but I'm not sure what kind of emotion it evokes (did that make any sense?).
Brass eye was great, too. There was another series called Jam, which was much more viscerally frightening, but hugely fun.
A lot of these programmes are great, and most of them are also finished. Like, say, Red Dwarf. It was great, but if I want to watch it, I'll dig up the DVDs, not watch it on TV.
Great running programmes, though: The Mighty Boosh, Scrubs, Horizon, Lost, a handful of others I can't think of. Back on topic though, these great programmes redeem U.S. TV nothing in the face of this.
From what I heard, the script is more of a knockoff than the same. For instance, I've heard that the thing at the beginning about crying at the end of Terminator 2, "You know, with the thumb," has been changed to a drawn-out Lord of the Rings reference. I don't really know if dudes actually get teary-eyed at the end of T2, but the scene with the thumbs-up is a totally iconic and perfect reference for that moment, and replacing it with Lord of the Rings seems like a wholly arbitrary modification of that joke. A guy comparing how he feels about breaking up with is girlfriend to how he cried when they watched the end of T2 together and he saw Schwarzeneggers thumb fall into the lava is a reference to T2, but it was also really nicely about a moment the couple shared together. Why change it to an LOTR reference-off? Is it an attempt to modernize it? Is there anyone out there who wouldn't get a reference to the end of T2 that would get a reference to the claymation Star Wars chess game which is also reportedly added to the beginning of the pilot? It seems really assy and scattershot to me, from the few reviews that are out online.
Still, a tiny, beating, desperate little blob of hope sits somewhere at the bottom of my soul. Maybe it'll be a close enough copy to retain a bit of the humor. Or (maybe) the writing team will change after the pilot to include some original talent. It could happen!:(
No, It's probably going to be bad. And it's really just another reason to unplug the damned aerial.
Okay then, I'll just go watch TV. I don't know which room I'm going to be in, but since I'm American, all the rooms in my house have a TV in them!
...How was THAT?
I... I love you.
That's a good thing then, because as an American you're probably too fat to leave the current room you're in.
Ooh burn!!!
Speaking of the crime rate, its all in effort to keep Sam&Max busy.
Heres a neat statistical conclusion:
My not so big city of Richmond, VA has approximately the same number of murders per year as the entire country of Germany.
we Americans love our guns, i have a safe full of them downstairs and keep a shotgun behind my bathroom door
we also have maladjusted teens that like throwing heavy stuff off of freeway overpasses at oncoming motorists below
Do I really need it? I don't know. But in every hypothetical situation I can think of, I'm glad I have it.
Bonus points if anyone can point out the (paraphrased) web comic reference.
Remind me never to take a trip to Texas...