Now I know this will never happen, but...
...what I wouldn't give for a DLC set in those three months between Episode 1 and 2. Just about anything. More survival stuff concerning the original group. Also, an explanation on how Mark ended up with them. Sorry, just replaying the second episode now and I got nostalgic
But I can't be the only one who's wished for something like that?

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You and me both, pal.
I would pay double the normal cost for an episode during that timeframe with our perfect group. Things went downhill so fast.
Bingo! Exactly what I wanna do with Kenny just hang out, go fishing on a boat, cook the fish on the RV engine, drink Parsecs Whiskey talk about Lee's choices and our hatred towards Vernon and Lilly.
It would certainly be nostalgic, but happy? Far from happy. Say, you see a tender moment with Lee/Clementine/Kenny/Carley/whoeverelseyouliked, and then you're like "oh wait, most of these people are totally dead". In terms of feels it's far better if they don't include anything like this. But I'm still hoping they do. This is the Walking Feels after all.
I liked the idea of scavenging for supplies, divvying up what weapons we could find, and establishing defenses and group roles, but they got most of that out of the way by the start of Episode 2.
That makes at least two of us. I too wouldn't mind seeing what happened during that timeskip. Whatever it was, it's better than nothing. Scavenging for supplies, staying on watch while chatting with someone, finding medicine for someone who caught a flu, playing a game of football with the kids, fuck it, I'd take it, pay for it even, with zero regrets.