What Locations Do You Want To Visit The Most?
I'm so excited about this game cause we can now see all of Free Country is full 3D. I also can't wait to hopefully see the locations we barely know about. What I want to explore includes:
The King of Town's Castle. We know so little about this place, I'd love to see if the King enjoys any activity besides eating.
Homestar's Home. Wreck havoc on Homestar's own turf would be a lot of fun.
Old Timey Universe. I know it is one of the most hated Homestar places, but I for one would like to see Old Timey Strong Bad and assist him in his villainy.
Stinkoman Universe. This part of the Homestar world has a lot of room to grow, and they could have a ton of Japanese Video Game parodies here.
So that's what I wanna see, what about you guys? And BTW if the game has the same clever writing of Homestar and or Sam and Max, I'll be happy no matter what.
The King of Town's Castle. We know so little about this place, I'd love to see if the King enjoys any activity besides eating.
Homestar's Home. Wreck havoc on Homestar's own turf would be a lot of fun.
Old Timey Universe. I know it is one of the most hated Homestar places, but I for one would like to see Old Timey Strong Bad and assist him in his villainy.
Stinkoman Universe. This part of the Homestar world has a lot of room to grow, and they could have a ton of Japanese Video Game parodies here.
So that's what I wanna see, what about you guys? And BTW if the game has the same clever writing of Homestar and or Sam and Max, I'll be happy no matter what.
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Well, he has (or at least had) an arcade machine, but Strong Bad once used it as a heavy lourde.
I'd like to be able to walk around Bubs' Concession Stand, and... and...
I'd love to walk around the forest and run into other characters doing crazy things or go trick or treating like in "The house that gave sucky treats". It'll be neat to see how they can make Homsar an easter egg too!
You sure you want to know? here's a clue: he has a personal Poopsmith.
StrongBad: Do you have... a deep impact DVD?
Bubs: No!
StrongBad: Do you have... an MS paint picture of a brontosaurus having breakfast?
Bubs: No!
StrongBad: Do you have... a modestly hot Homsar?
Bubs: No!
And that reminds me, we need the TEEN GIRL SQUAD in the game! Telltale can save some money by barely animating them.
Is it really hated? The Ballad of the Sneak is one of my favorite musical things in the whole H*R universe.
TGS Comic generator? That would rock.
Oh, and sooooo stoked about this. Telltale, you're allready my favourite video game company ever, and you're STILL upping the ante! Can't wait to see what the other mystery series will be.
Personally, it's not my favorite feature, but I appreciate the occasional Old-Timey toon. Ballad of the Sneak is wonderful and it sticks in your head like superglue (if you were to stick superglue in your head, that is. Please don't.) Oh, and The Homestar Runner's deadpan drawl coupled with the inept camera work always makes me laugh.
I adore the Cheat Commandos and I want to see them somewhere in this, though it's hard for me to imagine how, seeing as they're a cartoon within a cartoon. Maybe a Crack Stuntman appearance?
Yeah, and Old-timey Homestar is either mike or matt chapman's favorite character.
Really? Me and my gf love Old Timey Universe.
"Zounds! A sarsaparilla swimming hole! Last one in is a freemason! ~~ Jump!"
Stinkoman and the Cheat Commandos are a definite for me.
I'd like to maybe visit Sweet Cuppin' Cakes Land... and their mini golf "resort".
Hanging out at the pool sounds awesome too.
I'd also like to buy my food at Blubbo's (if you could even find food there) and that marshmallow restaurant stand. ( or dreadfully at Bub's, when he has one of his "specials" ) Possibly I'd get SBLOUNSKCHED! all over the place. Oh! And going to The Pizz would be awesome too!
And work at the office, doin' business stuff. :P
Hyperlink overkill. :P I would add more, but then I'd link those too. And that'd take a while, and be more of an overkill.
That's one of the things I find most fascinating about the site... Strong Bad admittedly makes stuff up, and yet, the things he makes up become real over time. It's spooky if you think about it too much:D
It would be neat to go to places characters have only talked about, too, like the Isle of Pom.
The King of Town's Castle, and all the locations involved in finding the Yellow Dellow and finding the King of Town's sheep. Those locations would be quite... epic!
Also, I hope there is a chance to get this game (in English) via Wiiware in Japan. I haven't tried any Wiiware yet, but because I live in Japan and bought my system in Japan I am fearing I will be disappointed by my lack of access to Strongbad.
The Spooky Woods. The dichotomy between the day- and nighttime versions could lend itself to some clever puzzles, and possibly some Silent Hill-esque references on the side.
Though, if what the wiki identifies as "imaginary" places are also being considered by the development team, I always wondered how completely generic Place from different town would look. :rolleyes:
It'd probably be a location of some kind. It'd likely feature stuff. It'd be disappointing if they left out the thing.
Man, if Place was in the game, I would feel an emotion of some kind.
Visiting the Sweet Cuppin' Cake land would be sweet. ...and cuppin'... ...like cake.
At least if it acted like that land. I wouldn't want to be able to predict what's happening in there.
Also, if the place gets included, don't forget the code hiding behind the background (as seen in the SCC verison of the frontpage). It speaks.
Speaking of frontpages.
It would be cool if you could visit the location of the homestarrunner.com front page. Not as cool as visiting SCC land, but still cool.
Being near the front page has potential for quite a lot of happenings, I think.
But that would maybe be exactly like visiting the website... only in 3D.. and we like 3D.
I think the idea is cool, at least. It's been played with in the toons, and there's even a front page where you see from the back side of the front page.
If the location was included, it should be in every episode.
And like the different version of the actual front page, the buttons should do different things depending on the episode.
If this game wasn't called "Strong Bad", they could've used this entire thing as the game's menu. Random example following:
Toons - Re-watch key "cinematics."
Games - Play, Save and Load the main game.
Characters - Character bios.
Downloads - Nintendo Wi-Fi, connect to newsserver for message of the week and release date for later episodes, etc.
Store - Crash the game and boot Wii Shop Channel.
ey-jee-maaaail - Access unlocked SBemails.
That could be a terrific plot developer.
Am I the only person who is reminded of the city of D'ni? A Myst tribute episode would be crazy but wonderful.
I wouldn't be too surprised if the bridge was there. Whether or not it serves a purpose, though, I can't say...
Maybe the trailer home that Daddy Mudgeman lives in?
You should be able to actually go IN the King of Town's grill, so you can actually see where the cheat lives and what his place is like.
And maybe you could go to the house that gave sucky treats to get bonuses every so often? Or hints?
And maybe even CGNU! o:
Nope. That's the problem with frequently referring to past events, characters, things and concepts, especially to the degree to which the Brothers Chaps do it.
Sorry to go on a tangent, but if I had a long running series with lots of continuity errors that obsessive nerds complained about, I'd make a large but cheaply made episode/story/whatever that would be canonical to the series' universe and fix all those errors but not be very good (not that I'd go out of my way to make it crap - it's just the likeliest outcome). It would have a warning saying that only people who whine about continuity should view it, and that people who actually want entertainment should stay away. I mean, things made for the express purpose of patching up the continuities of fictional universes tend to suck, so why pretend otherwise?
If I were the Chapmans, thats exactly the sort of thing I would specifically NOT do. In fact, the more people tried to impose some sort of continuity and turn the one-off jokes into canon, the more likely I'd be to make a new cartoon that intentionally destroys the previously established continuity! But then thats just my way of saying "Relax people! It's just a cartoon. Have fun with it!"
Two strong bads means twice the awesome.