I guessed somewhere around that mark, well I got a strange feeling that 10,000 posts in a year is not out of my reach, and if I do make it to that number I am not sure if I should be happy or not at that fact.
Funny thing is I do have other hobby's, I just have a huge amount of time where nothing really happens, so why not spend them talking about a ton of hypothetical's that are strangely fun to talk about.
Some days I just want to cut all ties and start over from nothing.
I wouldn't go as far as all ties, but if you feel you've lost control of your circumstances, there is some sense of power and accomplishment at being able to choose a completely different path toward a new plan. This is easiest when you're in your 20s or 30s and don't have kids.
It probably sounds like I'm saying "Do It!", but I'm not. Reality doesn't always work out like you think it will, and there's a reason why your comfort zone is a comfort zone. You can always start by building an Escape Fund, and see how that affects your thinking. If you decide not to escape, you can always switch it over to retirement savings or blow it on something fun in the end.
Guru, you are a cool guy we would miss you if you did cut all ties.
Yeah, at least leave the cool ones alone. Like this one.
It woudn't look half as good if it was in two pieces.
I think everyone at some point has considered starting a fresh. It has crossed my mind recently too, and I think it would be remarkably easy to do once I move up to university, to just disappear into the fold. Become the guy who's idea of keeping in touch with the past is a christmas card every other year. But I think I would eventually come to regret that decision. But if you do decide to sever all ties, we'll miss you. Be sure to let us know though! I get worried when a frequent poster suddenly goes silent. Like a bus has hit them. Repeatedly. With a chainsaw. Or something...
Anyway, I was watching a DVD on my external blu-ray drive, when the disc came loose, flew around the device and severed the hinge, and probably ruined the disc. It has a nice circular scratch on it now. So now my drive is in two pieces. And to replace it would cost double the amount I paid for it.
Luckily the Lasers seem to have escaped unscathed (although it seems to have caused software issues, with one of my players saying my graphics card isn't supported anymore. Eh.)
You know, the fact that we even NEED Tropes vs. Women is really sad.
Actually, do we REALLY need it? The obvious problems lie not in the gamer, but in the developer, and mostly not even that, but in the MARKETER. I've seen plenty of developers wanting to make strong female characters.
But fuck, even the women in the industry only bring out strong MEN.
Total? Including here?
Mods can check, but I'm guessing coolsome but maybe dashing.
If you count the ones we've deleted and locked, then yeah, probably coolsome.
Bear in mind that posts made in this thread (and any Forum Games) don't count towards your total, so given how popular this thread is, that 8,000 could be a drop in the ocean.
You know, the fact that we even NEED Tropes vs. Women is really sad.
Actually, do we REALLY need it? The obvious problems lie not in the gamer, but in the developer, and mostly not even that, but in the MARKETER. I've seen plenty of developers wanting to make strong female characters.
But fuck, even the women in the industry only bring out strong MEN.
Well, in the end the Marketer does what they think will sell the best, so the fate ultimately resides with the gamer. If the gamers started demanding games with strong female characters and refuse to buy the rubbish currently on sale, you can bet that the marketing pressure would force them to make more games with female protagonists.
I'm on a weird fence with Sarkeesian. On the one hand, I appreciate what she's trying to do, because it needs to be done. On the other, I hate the way she's done it because she's pissed so many people off that nobody is even listening to what she's saying anymore. She's just this big internet punching bag that people point at and say "this is what happens to people who try to muck with the status quo".
And as a result, I think the likelihood of things changing actually went down. Because now no developer wants to invite that kind of ire by changing from the current formula.
So... I'm going through all the custom Mario Kart Wii tracks people have made so I can cobble them together in my own collection, because all the other ones I've found are incredibly mixed quality-wise and I genuinely feel I could do a better collection (this would be temporary obsession #3,485, for those keeping count).
It's actually rather tricky finding completely original ones that even remotely come close to 'Nintendo level quality'. Or at least, ones that meet my seal of approval. And there's so bloody many (and those are just the original ones)! Thank god for the YouTube previews, or I'd be going insane trying them all out myself.
I hear it's good, but the title selection and diversity is fairly limited right now. This upcoming year is supposed to be the big year from what the chatter said previously.
I don't really have my finger on the pulse of Nintendo. A friend of mine has a WiiU though and loves the 3 games he has for it.
If you want a Nintendo console the 3DS XL is the best that's out there. A ton of great games and the price is good.
I'd wait on the WiiU. Not enough great games yet and the price will have to drop once the new Sony & Microsoft Home Entertainment Systems are on the market at the end of the year.
My basic rule is to not buy a console until I can name 10 currently-released games which I really badly want to play that I can't get anywhere else(or at least on anything that I own currently). I'd definitely wait for a bigger library and possibly a better hardware bundle.
EDIT: Hooray for double-posts I can edit into original ones!
Got my (hopefully) final track-list. Now to just get the tracks, make sure they're the right filenames, whack 'em into a patch.tar file, patch me an ISO and hope it all works out!
...which I'll have to do after work because I'm out of time to do it now.
Thanks for the advice, I will wait for the WiiU price to drop and more games to come, by the way, which next generation console are you going to get, Xbox One or Playstation 4?
If you want a Nintendo console the 3DS XL is the best that's out there.
That's not even a contest on these forums. The 3DS is definitely the favourite here. It even had it's own monster thread going on.
As for PS4 v. X1?
PS4 for sure. I don't even care what Microsoft does now or how good the console ends up, they screwed the pooch and lost my business already.
Thanks for the advice, I will wait for the WiiU price to drop and more games to come, by the way, which next generation console are you going to get, Xbox One or Playstation 4?
None of these. I don't have a TV any more.
Also I want a console and no media center if I buy a console.
I only bought a Wii U at launch because Nintendo. That and I don't really care for a lack of games, as I rarely purchase more than a few console games anyway.
I just realized I have owned each of the three major consoles for each generation at some point in time (barring generation 1 since I wasn't born yet, and the dedicated consoles never interested me enough to pick them up later - although I did buy a Coleco Telstar Arcade, just because it looked so wacky ).
Oh, and I'm still lacking a PlayStation 3 for generation seven (although my sister's boyfriend has one, it hardly counts as me owning it ).
I've had my eye on a Wii U for some time now as well. I want the premium version, but can't afford to pay more than around £200 for it.
My launch model Wii is finally dying, so I need to replace it anyway. Is it possible to port save files over? Certain games (such as Brawl) refuse to copy save data to an SD card, and I'm worried this means I'll lose everything.
Also, Totally Spies is still going? I used to love that show as a kid. That and Kim Possible.
Also, Totally Spies is still going? I used to love that show as a kid. That and Kim Possible.
I liked Kim Possible a lot. I wish I still had the animation magazine they were giving out at E3 when I went in 2002. It was one of those thick insider magazines that cost $20 an issue, and the content was amazing.
They had a behind the scenes showcasing the look and style of Kim Possible and My Life as a Teenage Robot.
It was really insightful, and as an animation buff interested me greatly. I'm sure it's lost forever though, one of the casualties of the many times I've moved this century.
Mods can check, but I'm guessing coolsome but maybe dashing.
I know we don't talk often, but I know I'd miss you if you did disappear. That said, you have to do what's right for you.
I wouldn't go as far as all ties, but if you feel you've lost control of your circumstances, there is some sense of power and accomplishment at being able to choose a completely different path toward a new plan. This is easiest when you're in your 20s or 30s and don't have kids.
It probably sounds like I'm saying "Do It!", but I'm not. Reality doesn't always work out like you think it will, and there's a reason why your comfort zone is a comfort zone. You can always start by building an Escape Fund, and see how that affects your thinking. If you decide not to escape, you can always switch it over to retirement savings or blow it on something fun in the end.
Yeah, at least leave the cool ones alone. Like this one.
It woudn't look half as good if it was in two pieces.
I think everyone at some point has considered starting a fresh. It has crossed my mind recently too, and I think it would be remarkably easy to do once I move up to university, to just disappear into the fold. Become the guy who's idea of keeping in touch with the past is a christmas card every other year. But I think I would eventually come to regret that decision. But if you do decide to sever all ties, we'll miss you. Be sure to let us know though! I get worried when a frequent poster suddenly goes silent. Like a bus has hit them. Repeatedly. With a chainsaw. Or something...
Anyway, I was watching a DVD on my external blu-ray drive, when the disc came loose, flew around the device and severed the hinge, and probably ruined the disc. It has a nice circular scratch on it now. So now my drive is in two pieces. And to replace it would cost double the amount I paid for it.
Luckily the Lasers seem to have escaped unscathed (although it seems to have caused software issues, with one of my players saying my graphics card isn't supported anymore. Eh.)
It's even so far I think women have the edge but never count out tropes they have been the underdog before and pulled a win out of nowhere!
Great, now I'm probably going to spend my day punching people in effigy.
Actually, do we REALLY need it? The obvious problems lie not in the gamer, but in the developer, and mostly not even that, but in the MARKETER. I've seen plenty of developers wanting to make strong female characters.
But fuck, even the women in the industry only bring out strong MEN.
I'm not going anywhere. I just get in a "fuck the world" kind of mood sometimes.
Bear in mind that posts made in this thread (and any Forum Games) don't count towards your total, so given how popular this thread is, that 8,000 could be a drop in the ocean. Hey, we all get like that sometimes. Just make sure you use a condom - this is one dirty world.
Well, in the end the Marketer does what they think will sell the best, so the fate ultimately resides with the gamer. If the gamers started demanding games with strong female characters and refuse to buy the rubbish currently on sale, you can bet that the marketing pressure would force them to make more games with female protagonists.
I'm on a weird fence with Sarkeesian. On the one hand, I appreciate what she's trying to do, because it needs to be done. On the other, I hate the way she's done it because she's pissed so many people off that nobody is even listening to what she's saying anymore. She's just this big internet punching bag that people point at and say "this is what happens to people who try to muck with the status quo".
And as a result, I think the likelihood of things changing actually went down. Because now no developer wants to invite that kind of ire by changing from the current formula.
It's actually rather tricky finding completely original ones that even remotely come close to 'Nintendo level quality'. Or at least, ones that meet my seal of approval. And there's so bloody many (and those are just the original ones)! Thank god for the YouTube previews, or I'd be going insane trying them all out myself.
EDIT: This one has a freaking LOOP. A thousand times YES.
I don't really have my finger on the pulse of Nintendo. A friend of mine has a WiiU though and loves the 3 games he has for it.
I'd wait on the WiiU. Not enough great games yet and the price will have to drop once the new Sony & Microsoft Home Entertainment Systems are on the market at the end of the year.
So. How many candidates for the first 16 slots?
Got my (hopefully) final track-list. Now to just get the tracks, make sure they're the right filenames, whack 'em into a patch.tar file, patch me an ISO and hope it all works out!
...which I'll have to do after work because I'm out of time to do it now.
That's not even a contest on these forums. The 3DS is definitely the favourite here. It even had it's own monster thread going on.
As for PS4 v. X1?
PS4 for sure. I don't even care what Microsoft does now or how good the console ends up, they screwed the pooch and lost my business already.
None of these. I don't have a TV any more.
Also I want a console and no media center if I buy a console.
Oh, and I'm still lacking a PlayStation 3 for generation seven (although my sister's boyfriend has one, it hardly counts as me owning it
My launch model Wii is finally dying, so I need to replace it anyway. Is it possible to port save files over? Certain games (such as Brawl) refuse to copy save data to an SD card, and I'm worried this means I'll lose everything.
Also, Totally Spies is still going? I used to love that show as a kid. That and Kim Possible.
They had a behind the scenes showcasing the look and style of Kim Possible and My Life as a Teenage Robot.
It was really insightful, and as an animation buff interested me greatly. I'm sure it's lost forever though, one of the casualties of the many times I've moved this century.