The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • edited April 2014

  • I know that the death scene wasn't funny, but the reactions to it were, so I put the clips together and made a reaction video! :D Also, please excuse the shitty quality. But, honestly, when I made it, I didn't notice it

  • edited April 2014


  • It's perfectly okay to use up more syllables to say "that guy with the crossbow", and "the woman".

    dfh15 posted: »

    Did anyone else have the same idea? Dat interactivity though.

  • He can see the options hovering in front of him...and he can't decide.

    Derpy Kenny?

  • Love that crow.

    IM SAD NOW. LET ME Watch something funny

  • edited April 2014

    Dammit vivec I blew snot laughing at this and now my roommate is looking at me strangely.

  • edited April 2014

    Noticed this in Season 4

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  • Its the last little eye glance that kills me XD

    Oh Doug, you made things much simpler back then.

  • swims in antarctica

    Azlyn posted: »

    *goes to play in lava * I love lava. Lava's more cooler than snow. Snowing is, like, a rain of cocaine.

  • edited April 2014

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  • A-Bloody-Mazing!

    fishmahboi posted: »

    You ain't grammar, you ain't punctuation, you ain't higher or lower case, you're alive.

  • Are you trying to offend people on purpose because I fail to see what the joke is there, its just rather offensive to a lot of people.

    Rigtail posted: »


  • I thought that was in Season Tw- Nevermind.

    Noticed this in Season 4

  • I miss him :(

    Oh Doug, you made things much simpler back then.

  • "Sarita cut off my balls" XD

    Crips posted: »

    So...I'm done with my video...First episode of The Walking Walkers. I hope you at least smile guys.

  • Those are the best XD

    And another! But from the show. I still miss you Hershel

  • No I'm not, controversial/offensive humor is the humor I find to be funniest, but that's my opinion and for some reason people are way too sensitive to shit like this. I made this because I thought it was funny, end of story.

    Are you trying to offend people on purpose because I fail to see what the joke is there, its just rather offensive to a lot of people.

  • okie dokie, I just couldn't record at the time coz my recording programme got broken, now I fixed it, and thanks you for tip, Giraffe.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Are you a PC gamer? What I do is get the footage myself, so I get to make my own choices, dialogue options (useful if you want to pick a lon

  • edited April 2014

    the things you find online...Alt text

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    that last one isn't as fun.

  • WHY 4NT4RCT1C4? :?

    swims in antarctica

  • I don't get as offended by this as most people because it really does no harm, but it's really risky to tell a 9/11 joke. A lot of people get very offended by it and a good bit of people have lost people due to it so therefore it's not a good idea to joke about it.

    Rigtail posted: »


  • the second one. I love it. just..... wat.

    the things you find online... that last one isn't as fun.

  • edited April 2014

    I had an idea for a crack fic fanfiction. Christa's alone in her apartment. She just watched Frozen with Omid. She decides to make her own remix of "Let it Go" while cleaning the house. Here's how it goes:

    The snow glows white on the apartment tonight

    Not a car to be seen

    This is a kingdom of isolation - and it looks like I'm the queen

    This song is howling like the rain storm outside

    I couldn't keep it in, my mother knows I've tried

    Don't let them in, don't let them see

    Be that one neighbor you always have to be

    Conceal, don't steal

    Don't let them know

    Well, now they know

    Let it OUT! LET IT OUT!

    I don't give a shit anymore!

    Let it OUT! LET IT OUT!

    Turn away and (Christa runs into a door) - FUCK THIS DOOR!

    I don't care that my neighbors are going to cry!

    Let the song rage on - !

    (Sees a bug flying around)


    It's funny how Omid's dick size

    Makes everything seem large

    And to my neighbor right beside us:

    (Punches the wall. A woman yelling "OUCH!" is heard)

    Stop spying on me, Marge!

    It's time to see what Aimee (The cat) did

    To make me mad and act like a kid

    No right, no wrong, no rules for him

    Yes, Aimee is a him!

    Let it OUT! LET IT OUT!

    I am one with the scissors and knives

    Let it OUT! LET IT OUT!

    You'll never see me cry!

    Here I stand

    And here I'll stay

    Let the song rage on!

    Nice horsefly... please go away

    That's all I have. But I can seriously see her or Omid singing that. LOL.

  • Thank god Clem is in good proportions. Nice pic bro!

    GoldFish27 posted: »


  • that scene resulted in a picture of carver taped to my punching bag!

    rather be happy then sad... when ever think of something sad that happened in twdg I think of when carver hit clem in my playthrough . then I just go to these vids and forget about it!!

  • edited April 2014

    What have you done to Carley?! :'(

    the things you find online... that last one isn't as fun.

  • My reasoning: I didn't let Kenny shoot Duck, not because I didn't want him to do what Katjaa did, but because I just really wanted to shoot Duck.

    the things you find online... that last one isn't as fun.

  • edited April 2014

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  • edited April 2014

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    I had an idea for a crack fic fanfiction. Christa's alone in her apartment. She just watched Frozen with Omid. She decides to make her own r

  • It is a crack fic! ;)


  • Alt text

    I had an idea for a crack fic fanfiction. Christa's alone in her apartment. She just watched Frozen with Omid. She decides to make her own r

  • That better be a glitch.

    Here this is... better? Also, WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS CARLOS DOING?! OMG! 1:36. hjk

  • I regret going onto this site.....

  • Hahahha nice glitches...... I haven't got good ones yet

    Yes_Man posted: »

    Now it is. On a serious note, while recording that video (and I did two times in that glitch hell), there was ALWAYS a walker under the cabin. So why were they yelling about Clem being bitten?

  • This may be funny to you, but not to anyone who lost someone there. I get you were joking, but making a joke out of the death of thousands is not cool. I think most would agree.

    Rigtail posted: »


  • edited April 2014

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    Selfies Challenge


  • SHe looks pretty swag to me

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