This is Card Set 4 - Contains Carol, Lizzie, Tyreese, Carl, Larry and Mark.
Previous Card Sets - Contains Lee, Clem, Kenny, Carver, Luke,… more Lilly, Molly, Omid, Christa, Carley, Nate, Eddie, Rick, Philip, Shane, Daryl, Glenn, Michonne.
Thanks to the users Lee Evereet 333 and Hbh128 for requesting these characters.
Reminder: Feel free to request any characters you would like to see done from the TV Series or the game.
EDIT: Lizzie's card may be difficult to read, so to make it easier, right click on this photo. Then click "Open Image in New Tab". Then click on the image again to zoom in and it should be more clear. Sorry for that, I didn't intend for it to get that way.
Question: Does anybody know why the text in these pictures are always a little pixelated? Like it's readable, but you can easily see it's a little distorted. It isn't like this when I look at the image from my computer, the text is very clear. In case anybody knows, the quality just happens to decrease when I upload it online. Thanks.
That's understandable. My niece is still just a baby, and if she were to be in that type of situation when she's around Clem's age, and wanted to stay to watch, I'd probably escort her out of the room.
In my second play through, I did watch, but I think the overall reason I was like heartbroken to see that choice is because I have a niece a… moreround Clem's age and that would legit break my heart if she was in that situation, let alone if she actually chose to stat and watch
I wished my English books would have something like this
Edit: Why can't I post pictures?!!
Maybe. Maybe yes.
He manages to get through the day.
That's my video I found it!... Telltale he is bullying me
How? Tell me your secrets!
I can read the tutorial on top of the page....
That's what I did, but it only showed the link
Luke: What's the most important thing in this world? What does everybody want?
Kenny: #Boat!
Can you spot what's wrong?

Extra difficulty from my shit resolution for extra fun.
You realized that's my youtube channel right XD? I made it.
.......... Awkward
I can imagine all sorts of puns and references being thrown around during game banter if these trading cards were made into a thing.
"Hey, didn't you use Mega Punch last round?"
"Oh, right. Heh, knocked you flat."
Hey, that should be an additional thing for Mega Punch: stuns target for X rounds.
Looks like Luke was infected by John Carpenter's the Thing. I always suspected as much.
you guys are still doing this ,hell! i'm not from united states or from England , but even then i did this when i was like 10 years old
"i'll stuff in your barrell and make a dude smoothie" that one had me X)
Pierre Shorette made it. Nuff said.
Would explain Carl getting stuck in the mud that one time.
Who? What? When? Where? and W-......
Dat ass had him like.
How did this happen?
The sequel to Lee goes to 7-11?
Too much gmod man, way too much gmod
I laughed until I coughed until I got dizzy.
Bloody Clem confirmed for Cry Wolf
Clem: "It's gonna be messy."
Kenny: "I know.
Walt Jr: This is Bullshit! Where is dad and my stupid bitch mom?!
That's understandable. My niece is still just a baby, and if she were to be in that type of situation when she's around Clem's age, and wanted to stay to watch, I'd probably escort her out of the room.
"What happened to it!!? CARLEY!"
As long as Andrea from TV doesn't get her own card.