Is it still going on? the first two were posted from my phone, I don't know why that would make it happen though, I swear I haven't done anything, I have neither the knowledge or need too, I guess we will just have to ask a mod if it keeps happening.
Is it still going on? the first two were posted from my phone, I don't know why that would make it happen though, I swear I haven't done anything, I have neither the knowledge or need too, I guess we will just have to ask a mod if it keeps happening.
Well guys, I got even another similarly to Kenny Plissken besides being temporarily blind in my one eye.
I have a girlfriend who is close to me much like Kenny and Sarita (Cept she's Caucasian- American)
She hugs me alot... Hell, today she kissed me on my eye patch today.
Anyways, She got a compound fracture on her right arm today and I was there she's currently in the hospital right now.
Now doctors said they'd have to to surgery on her arm at 3:00 am in the USA or they'd have to amputate her arm. (the fracture is so bad it looks like her arm is about to come off.)
Oh my god, I'm so related to Kenny Plissken's situation.
Well guys, I got even another similarly to Kenny Plissken besides being temporarily blind in my one eye.
I have a girlfriend who is close… more to me much like Kenny and Sarita (Cept she's Caucasian- American)
She hugs me alot... Hell, today she kissed me on my eye patch today.
Anyways, She got a compound fracture on her right arm today and I was there she's currently in the hospital right now.
Now doctors said they'd have to to surgery on her arm at 3:00 am in the USA or they'd have to amputate her arm. (the fracture is so bad it looks like her arm is about to come off.)
Oh my god, I'm so related to Kenny Plissken's situation.
wish her luck guys.
Ben Kenobi: I have a bad feeling about this.
Well guys, I got even another similarly to Kenny Plissken besides being temporarily blind in my one eye.
I have a girlfriend who is close… more to me much like Kenny and Sarita (Cept she's Caucasian- American)
She hugs me alot... Hell, today she kissed me on my eye patch today.
Anyways, She got a compound fracture on her right arm today and I was there she's currently in the hospital right now.
Now doctors said they'd have to to surgery on her arm at 3:00 am in the USA or they'd have to amputate her arm. (the fracture is so bad it looks like her arm is about to come off.)
Oh my god, I'm so related to Kenny Plissken's situation.
wish her luck guys.
Ben Kenobi: I have a bad feeling about this.
Well to be fair, it is expected for him not to initially feel it as he was in shock
But still.
Why do I keep getting this notification...?
I've gotten this notification 10 times. What is happening?
is it still happening? lol xD
Just got that one twice.
Up to 4 now
Up to 6. Are you doing this?! If so, stop.
Kenny's reaction when Boat:
When you see the booty***
No I haven't done anything, maybe ask staff about the problem?
It just seems to be you, though... Hmmm...
Nvm, it seems to have stopped.
Is it still going on? the first two were posted from my phone, I don't know why that would make it happen though, I swear I haven't done anything, I have neither the knowledge or need too, I guess we will just have to ask a mod if it keeps happening.
Alright, it was probably just my phone then as those two posts it happened on were posted from it, huh that's weird.
It's stopped now, I believe you. That was really weird. I don't think it's a problem for right now.
Sure is
Alright, Next time i see a mod I'll tell them about it, not sure if they can fix it though.
What's that stain in your pants, Kenny?
Duck in Episode 2: "Moooom, I want to eaaaaatttt!"
Nothing like doing a collaboration on Left 4 Dead modded with Walking Dead Characters XD
Brazil after watching episode 5

It looks like she's raising her hand and yelling...
Alvin: Who wants a juicebox?
Clem: I DO!!!
Why is this kind of adorable? Russel looks so dazed there!
He's just mesmerized by Nate's beauty.
Another funny thing, if you image search "magical asshole dog" on google, this picture of Bigby is the first thing that comes up xD
new screenshots from amid the ruins
This video made me excited about the Mod I'm making.
Clementine: Sarita to keep you waiting Kenny.
Kenny: How Fucking dare you, Clementine!!!!
Look around you... Everything is SHIT, So forgive me for enjoyin' one moment of somethin' else!
Holy crap, that's cool!
I'd totally be scared to approach him, though. Lol.
[The Walking Dead Game Bloopers]
Clem, Mark, Lee.
Just listen to it guys, you won't regret
Well guys, I got even another similarly to Kenny Plissken besides being temporarily blind in my one eye.
I have a girlfriend who is close to me much like Kenny and Sarita (Cept she's Caucasian- American)
She hugs me alot... Hell, today she kissed me on my eye patch today.
Anyways, She got a compound fracture on her right arm today and I was there she's currently in the hospital right now.
Now doctors said they'd have to to surgery on her arm at 3:00 am in the USA or they'd have to amputate her arm. (the fracture is so bad it looks like her arm is about to come off.)
Oh my god, I'm so related to Kenny Plissken's situation.
wish her luck guys.
Ben Kenobi: I have a bad feeling about this.
I'd be scared to disagree with him.
Do not fear, for Tyrion is here.
She will be fine, I am crossing my fingers.
Thanks man.
"It smells like your ass."
Good luck. Many prayers. Hope all goes well.