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"I joined the new frontier. They were very... persuasive."
Seriously, and I love how they just glossed over Lee. I mean, it's safe to say that he was a very important part of her life, he helped keep her alive, and yet... "I knew a man who had a wife and kid."
LOL! Yeah that made me shake my head. It goes to show how lazy they are. They couldn't even add decent detailed dialogue about whoever Clem ended up with after season 2. She could have had a deep convo with Javier about it but no ShitTale give us 2 or 3 fucking lines and that's it
For a considerable portion of players, Kenny was a much more meaningful person for Clementine that Lee ever was—and that is coming from somebody who is usually discussing against Kenny.
Seriously, and I love how they just glossed over Lee. I mean, it's safe to say that he was a very important part of her life, he helped keep her alive, and yet... "I knew a man who had a wife and kid."
Awesome TT, just awesome!
Lee should not be mentioned anymore.
For a considerable portion of players, Kenny was a much more meaningful person for Clementine that Lee ever was—and that is coming from somebody who is usually discussing against Kenny.
I agree that he shouldn't be mentioned anymore as time moves on and would make it seem like she can't get over him. But you know ShitTale will still make a reference to him at some point i bet for feels reasons but then again, this shit game is a soft reboot anyway so they probably want to erase all past characters involved with Clem
Lee should not be mentioned anymore.
For a considerable portion of players, Kenny was a much more meaningful person for Clementine that Lee ever was—and that is coming from somebody who is usually discussing against Kenny.
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"I joined the new frontier. They were very... persuasive."
telltale pls
Seriously, and I love how they just glossed over Lee. I mean, it's safe to say that he was a very important part of her life, he helped keep her alive, and yet... "I knew a man who had a wife and kid."
Awesome TT, just awesome!
I don't know why, but that picture scares the shit out of me.
Lammy's expression, man.
Lee isn't dead if you left him instead of shooting him.
I was waiting for this meme to kick in. This is gold.
Depending on what actually happens to those people, he'd probably rather be.
Only for a second?
Have we?
Because Baby needs her milk.
Thats creepy
EXACTLY! Fuck off telltale for telling tales
LOL! Yeah that made me shake my head. It goes to show how lazy they are. They couldn't even add decent detailed dialogue about whoever Clem ended up with after season 2. She could have had a deep convo with Javier about it but no ShitTale give us 2 or 3 fucking lines and that's it
I know, right? And not for the overused reason.
It was indeed thriller, thriller night.
"So... goddamn.... constipated...!"
Damn, crackers and cheese seem to do wonders for the boy. Maybe if they gave Duck some of those when he was bit he would've been cured.
And they just had to ruin that dairy farm. >.>
Huh. Never to Jane for a Pop fan.
You're Welcome.
.____. Nope, nope. I'm done. I'm done-diddley-done-done-DONE!
That picture actually fits so well, the way the guy is pointing at where the bullet has to go for Lee not to become a walker.
You know Ed Sheeran's song "Don't"?
Jesus fucking Christ (yeah). I thought it says "fart".
This again
What the fuck am I even supposed to be looking at here?
Bonnie: How old are you, sweetie?
Clementine: I'm old enough to pUT A BULLET IN YOU
Lee should not be mentioned anymore.
For a considerable portion of players, Kenny was a much more meaningful person for Clementine that Lee ever was—and that is coming from somebody who is usually discussing against Kenny.
The other angle of the image
Kenny isn't dead if you go to wellington

I knew that Paul guy shouldn't be trusted!
Umm, no. Clem is where she is today because of what Lee taught her and instilled in her. She should always mention him... and then Kenny.
I agree that he shouldn't be mentioned anymore as time moves on and would make it seem like she can't get over him. But you know ShitTale will still make a reference to him at some point i bet for feels reasons but then again, this shit game is a soft reboot anyway so they probably want to erase all past characters involved with Clem