[Tell Tripp the truth about Eli's murder]
[Go with Eleanor despite Clementine preferring Tripp]
[Leave Clementine alone at the… more junkyard]
[Take Clementine hostage]
[Attempt to use Clementine as a bargaining chip with Max]
[Go against Clementine and open the door for David]
It would be nice the same photo with David saying: "My Kate...My Gabe...My Mari...and the rest" The rest are Papá, Mamá, Hector, Javi, his army glass and the beer.
Well, since Jane is coming back, this seems fitting

Forgot the interracial part.
That is amazing.
Still, when the fuck was there a blue Simpsons character?
Double post, damn it.
It was one of the demons when Homer goes to hell because he sold his soul to the devil.

Haha ahh Omid how i miss you
Oh this is just perfect!!
dabigrg whyd u steal my post my man??
I had to

Oh shit, I forgot I give credit!
And because it's hilarious.
Dammit, Jane is turning into a meme--a FUNNY meme!
Btw, wonder who guy 3 is?
Got bored. Made a Kenny Bitmoji.
I should probably seek psychiatric help.
Had to go with the season 2 beard since there was no fabulous chopper 'stache.
When you help kill Larry.
When you don't help kill Larry.
What happens to him if you stay in Wellington.
And of course my personal favorite:


oh shit m8
let me edit
Lmao Tripp in the background
This meme was stolen from @TWDazehnuu.
This meme was given to me from Daze thank you, we had consent please respect that. xoxo
Well, she's not wrong.
Thats a wise donkey!
So it's Luke, Kenny, AND Mike? Those were literally the only other guys besides... Arvo and AJ
The joke would have fit more if the sheep was saying that.
She wants his bat
More like Troy, Luke, and Kenny.
Sarah looks like she's dancin to Wham!.
Nick: What are you in for?
Rufus: I was just mentioned in a conversation whether I live or not
Nick: Damn, I was stuck in a fence
It would be nice the same photo with David saying: "My Kate...My Gabe...My Mari...and the rest" The rest are Papá, Mamá, Hector, Javi, his army glass and the beer.