The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • edited January 2014

    Ben never died...

    He evolved... like a majestic phoenix... into...

    ... A tree...

    Alt text

  • What now???? Lol :D wtf is this

    Ben never died... He evolved... like a majestic phoenix... into... ... A tree...

  • Found it on Divant art, and I just HAD to share it. Not my work.

    What now???? Lol wtf is this

  • Fine, but what IS this.

    Please. Tell me. TELL ME!

    Found it on Divant art, and I just HAD to share it. Not my work.

  • edited January 2014

    cough Please...

    points at like button

    Fine, but what IS this. Please. Tell me. TELL ME!

  • edited January 2014

    Fine. For getting my quote, take a like (even if I really want to know WHAT I just liked).

    After all, this is the internet. I guess.

    You know what? Take two of my precious likes. After all, I'm not a bad guy.

    cough Please... points at like button

  • (?) You chose to give a like to Ohyoupokedme. That was a smart choice.

    The title of the art is called, "Ben Tree?". When Ben died, he became one with nature.

    Fine. For getting my quote, take a like (even if I really want to know WHAT I just liked). After all, this is the internet. I guess. You know what? Take two of my precious likes. After all, I'm not a bad guy.

  • Uh hu....I bet there are Brie trees all over the place. And Lee trees



    Why I do dis?! :'(

    (?) You chose to give a like to Ohyoupokedme. That was a smart choice. The title of the art is called, "Ben Tree?". When Ben died, he became one with nature.

  • You made poor choices in this thread.

    Uh hu....I bet there are Brie trees all over the place. And Lee trees Why I do dis?!

  • I'm sorry, alright?! I'm from Florida (cough not really cough), crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes!

    You made poor choices in this thread.

  • That is now my wallpaper

    Ben never died... He evolved... like a majestic phoenix... into... ... A tree...

  • Naturally ;)

    Gengar posted: »

    Let me fix that for ya:

  • Ben Tree is watching you, Mustache Guy!

    I'm sorry, alright?! I'm from Florida (cough not really cough), crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes!

  • I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...

    Ben Tree is watching you, Mustache Guy!

  • edited January 2014

    Alt text

    Best pic I could find of clem looking uncaring, I wish I had one of her looking a bit more irritated.

  • Your avatar, I like that shit!

    Best pic I could find of clem looking uncaring, I wish I had one of her looking a bit more irritated.

  • Ha when Lee got bitten I went all Winston on my tv , I was like " Jesus are you fu***** kidding me? Then I decided to add a little Kenny so I went like Fu** Fu** Fu** Fu** Fu********

  • I was like... Alt text

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Ha when Lee got bitten I went all Winston on my tv , I was like " Jesus are you fu***** kidding me? Then I decided to add a little Kenny so I went like Fu** Fu** Fu** Fu** Fu********

  • A Larry Like reaction would have been good too ...What the fu** the fu***** What Fu**? ( Thats what he says when he finds out the St Johns are Cannibals)

    I was like...

  • I was like this
    Click here

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Ha when Lee got bitten I went all Winston on my tv , I was like " Jesus are you fu***** kidding me? Then I decided to add a little Kenny so I went like Fu** Fu** Fu** Fu** Fu********

  • edited January 2014

    Lol, and like 10 seconds prior to that he's like, 'Sit down and eat this magnificent meal!'

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    A Larry Like reaction would have been good too ...What the fu** the fu***** What Fu**? ( Thats what he says when he finds out the St Johns are Cannibals)

  • We could all go Kenny on Telltale Just listen .... You little pissants you are fu***** dead you hear me? Dead!! Lee and Kenny you got em both fu***** Killed

    Lol, and like 10 seconds prior to that he's like, 'Sit down and eat this magnificent meal!'

  • Kenny has the best recorded repeatedly-saying-the-word-fuck ever. I'd give that actor an Emmy for that.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Ha when Lee got bitten I went all Winston on my tv , I was like " Jesus are you fu***** kidding me? Then I decided to add a little Kenny so I went like Fu** Fu** Fu** Fu** Fu********

  • I see what you did there ! Lol thats A reasonable reaction too

    I was like this Click here

  • Everyone go to youtube and look for " The walking dead fu***** Short version" and let me know for how many minutes you couldn't stop laughing

  • What a touching moment, ruined by my uncontrollable laughter.

    I was like this Click here

  • Here's my reaction: 7:44-8:22

    Ben never died... He evolved... like a majestic phoenix... into... ... A tree...

  • Five stages of grief:

    Negative Indifference <-- I'm right here with you, Guy

    Denial <-- Ohyoupokedme is here

    Anger <--- Kenny was here

    Bargaining <--- Freddie is here

    Depression <---- Ben was here

    Acceptance <--- Milosuperspesh is always here

    edit: Five stages of grief: Negative Indifference <-- I'm here Denial <-- Ohyoupokedme is here Anger <--- Kenny was here

  • edited January 2014

    About telling the group, he fucking wanted to. At first it was simple self reservation, then it was following what Lee told him. He realized that he had gotten Doug/Carley killed, but fuck, would you have said ANYTHING at that point? Fucking no. You wouldn't want your secret getting out, but you didn't know that Lilly was going to fucking shoot someone because of it. Ben would've stopped that. He would've said something if he knew of Carley/Doug's demise. And even after, he's clearly more depressed about it than anyone else. Then he tells Lee, and Lee tells him to keep it under wraps.

    I understand the anger here 100%. I felt that, too. But if you look closely, the distance between him and a zombie that lunged at him was so small, that, had he taken Clementine, she would've had a bite taken out of her leg. Or her head, depending on how he was carrying her.

    ... So technically, it was either Clementine, Clementine AND Ben, or Chuck. I like the outcome we got.

    Him fucking up is the point. Become Crawford, and destroy a life that meant no harm, or be a hero, and save him.

    Fuck Brie. Nobody cared about her. Even so, I understand this a little bit, but keep in mind, it wasn't his idea to hang around and chat about it. Technically, you could say it was Kenny's fault. He could've said, "We'll deal with this when we're safe!" But he didn't, and Brie died.

  • Awesome video.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Everyone go to youtube and look for " The walking dead fu***** Short version" and let me know for how many minutes you couldn't stop laughing

  • "You're leaving me with Ben?"
    "No I'm leaving Ben with you."
    "Ohhhhh ok."

  • Yeah Scumbag Lee is money too , Videos like these Make me love this game even more

    Awesome video.

  • Videos like that give me a renewed sense of what the games' fanbase is like. And it makes me smile.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah Scumbag Lee is money too , Videos like these Make me love this game even more

  • Worst doctor of the year award

  • I was so pissed off at the fact that they can't tell the difference between a dog and human bite, especially the doctor.

  • Yeah, same here bro

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I was so pissed off at the fact that they can't tell the difference between a dog and human bite, especially the doctor.

  • I actually found her a little annoying , Not that I was hapoy when she died im just putting this out there

  • This is just hilarious , Im done

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