Holy shit Groovy420, if that is indeed your real name. That just fucked my mind.
I also just found out that you pass the stranger in the cop car in episode 1. Damn he was in all 5 episodes in a way.
"I know who you are, Lee Everett, and I know you're a homo. If anything happens to my daughter, it'll be your ass." -Larry, coming soon. (Just around the corner.)
EDIT: Oh, and for your praise:
"Are we going to die?? "............"What do you think?"
I can tell you will be awesome at this in the future once you get more/better editing tools! That's why I'm your first subscriber
Unfortunately, I'm EXTREMELY middle-class, so that won't be happening for a while. I just need to work on my precision. Oh, and next time:
"Don't cum in me." -Lilly.
"Chill the fuck out, lady!" -Lee
Also, thanks for the sub.
I know about partnering, but in the vast sea of shitty letsplayers, I doubt I'd get noticed. I guess I do have a nice niche available, though. Only time will tell.
I know about partnering, but in the vast sea of shitty letsplayers, I doubt I'd get noticed. I guess I do have a nice niche available, though. Only time will tell.
It makes sense and I'm disappointed I didn't come to this conclusion myself. I like most people assumed it was Molly even though I always wondered how she got onto that roof so fast. She jumped from the top of that same building so I guess I must've assumed she super jumped to the top.
Sporticus! (I think that's how ya spell it)
To Carl: You mad bro?
This is one of my favorite conversations in the game.
I'm telling you. Him for sure.
Good catch
How do you put videos in comments?, I might search it up on youtube.
Gta V's and Max Payne 3's Graphics are same?
you are too kind, dear sir. Your words are highly appreciated.
found this one
?He realizes why that Bunny looked so messed up...
Certainly not if he locked himself out -_-
Three Dawg Approves this message
Dude, please don't post that SOUTH PARK animation again. It's really, really...really gross.
I hope someone alerted the owner about this. Think of all the publicity he could get out of WALKING DEAD fans.
No,no don't go there when the walker apocalypse arrives. Lots of walker at the Travelier Motel.
EDIT: Merged two vids from A New Day into one. Check page 59.
get away from me .... OK
I love your poop
"I love your poop."
Huh.... Well, we all have our fetishes. I don't judge. I'm a freckle-lover, myself.
That was really punny!
No one? Sigh Okay...
"Are we going to die??
"............"What do you think?"
I can tell you will be awesome at this in the future once you get more/better editing tools! That's why I'm your first subscriber
My favorites: Fear, serious, and disgusted.
Let me help you with that buddy.
Unfortunately, I'm EXTREMELY middle-class, so that won't be happening for a while. I just need to work on my precision. Oh, and next time:
"Don't cum in me." -Lilly.
"Chill the fuck out, lady!" -Lee
Also, thanks for the sub.
I can relate
But, you do get to earn money from youtube if your popularity increases. And you're welcome.
I know about partnering, but in the vast sea of shitty letsplayers, I doubt I'd get noticed. I guess I do have a nice niche available, though. Only time will tell.
Yeah, I agree. It would've probably worked if it was pre-2012 right now.
So, I had modded the game to turn everybody into Vince and was recording footage of it(long story), but suddenly...
Vinception you say? By the way your vid was hilarious XD
Just copy the link from Youtube then paste and post then there you go :P
It makes sense and I'm disappointed I didn't come to this conclusion myself. I like most people assumed it was Molly even though I always wondered how she got onto that roof so fast. She jumped from the top of that same building so I guess I must've assumed she super jumped to the top.