Bottom 10
Post 10 hated things and why you hate them.
1:Reality Shows.Nuff' said.
2:Chris Crocker.That guy scares the crap outta me.
4:Pop-ups.Again, Nuff' said.
5:Racism.Klueless Klutz Krapheads, shut up.
6:Screamers.Predictable, but as a child, one taumitized me.DAMN YOU TEENAGED UNCLE!
7:mettalica6666 from stupid DUDE CHECK OUT MY PICS YOU'LL HAVE NO REGRETS JUST CHECK OUT MY PROFILE!Write this 1,000,000 times and you have our friend here.
8:Spam Spam Spam etc.
9:Sonic Fans Who Won't Admit The Game For 360 Was Crap.Rent this and scream in horror how bad it is.
10:Manos The Hands Of Fate. Search Youtube. Dare you to watch the full thing.
1:Reality Shows.Nuff' said.
2:Chris Crocker.That guy scares the crap outta me.
4:Pop-ups.Again, Nuff' said.
5:Racism.Klueless Klutz Krapheads, shut up.
6:Screamers.Predictable, but as a child, one taumitized me.DAMN YOU TEENAGED UNCLE!
7:mettalica6666 from stupid DUDE CHECK OUT MY PICS YOU'LL HAVE NO REGRETS JUST CHECK OUT MY PROFILE!Write this 1,000,000 times and you have our friend here.
8:Spam Spam Spam etc.
9:Sonic Fans Who Won't Admit The Game For 360 Was Crap.Rent this and scream in horror how bad it is.
10:Manos The Hands Of Fate. Search Youtube. Dare you to watch the full thing.
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2) All Sonic the Hedgehog games after number 2.
3) Console fanboys.
4) Eurovision.
5) The majority of Youtube comments.
6) The story and characters in FFXII.
7) Games with save points 2 hours apart from each other, and sending the player back to said save points if they die (read: the Metroid Prime games).
8) Diet Coke.
9) US English (I lost a mark on a test when I was 6ish because American cartoon imports confused me so I spelt "colour" wrong, and held a grudge ever since ): )
10) MSN Messenger Deafult emotes.
11) Buses.
I had to tack an extra pet hate on because I really hate buses.
1. E-diots. (As in, the people that show up out of nowhere going "zomg gai lolol noob rofl")
2. Fanboys. Although that technically falls under E-diots, some are just old fashioned idiots.
3. -isms. (Racism, sexism, etc.)
4. Reality television.
5. Soldier Of Fortune 3, and how it killed a great franchise.
6. George Romero for almost demolishing any chance of Dead Rising 2 getting made.
7. Howie Mandel
8. Emails with more than 1 fwd: or re: in the subject line. ... Wait, that's from Strong Bad's bottom 10. Oops.
9. Top 10 lists.
10. "Greatest video game character ever!!!11" articles.
The irony of you being on this thread and hating top10s is pretty funny.
2) People who hate snakes. They hate them so much, that they kill thousands of rattlesnakes and sell them as knic-nacs! I tell ya, who are the real animals here!!
3) Dad. When he is in a bossy mood.
4) Video game zombies. They can be real pests.
5) Superball. His voice annoys me and has a one track mind.
6) Cockroaches. I find them inside our dishwasher every night.
7) Opera. It tortures my ears!
8) Dad coming upstairs on Sundays. He comes up to watch NFL on Sunday evenings and interupts my video gaming time.
9) Texas in the summer. I get heat-stroke almost instantly.
10) Quagmire from Family Guy. The only thing I hate about him is his dirty sex habits. That guy should be castrated.
2 that is all for now
I know what you mean, dude.Wait, does the Flood from Halo count?
9. The fact that things cost money.
8. McDonald's.
7. "Barack Hussein Hitler Obama... yeah, that's who I want for president"- Actual YouTube comment.
6. Umm... Not... Pigeons.
5. Stealing jokes from Strong Bad.
4. People who think they're witty because they can use irony in a bottom 10 list.
3. Disney.
2. Disney.
1. Hannah Montana.
9. Disney milking every star power they have (i.e. Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana)
8. People who think that cussing, drinking, etc. makes them "cool"
7. Wasps
6. Squirrels
5. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (movie)
4. Me thinking of too many "what-ifs" for a situation
3. Algebra Homework
2. Hard Rock
1. Waiting
Can that be used as a weapon in an RPG?
(I don't play them, but it sounds like something you could obtain and use)
It's super effective!
Wild Offense fainted!
ShaggE obtains Llama!
LLAMA PARTY! *a group of watermelons start dancing*
2 Rabbids not being a spin off.
3 No Rayman
4 Sims stuff packs.
5 CN making cartoons without the help of the person who created the series.
6 Anime cartoons of USA cartoons and video games.(It wasn't sonic the hedgehog that killed sonic it was Sonic X)
7 Adult shows and animation.
8 2 stupid dogs not on DVD.
9 Mortal combat live action show not on DVD.
10 Megaman being milked.
sorry but to 6 sonic adventure was way before the cartoon sonic x. and cartoons dont kill games mario cartoon and zelda cartoon anyone
how can someone hate adult cartoons they are often brilliantly made and well scripted i.e. futurama, akira
You might say that the Tom and Jerry original series is the best cartoon and it is adult wrong. Tom and jerry is not adult cartoon because its violence is not graphic and it rarely has nudity.And that even animal nudity not human.
It may depend on 5 reasons; family, religion, psychologic behavior, or health problems such as seizures.
I just gave you the answer in the last page.
adult does not mean violence or nudity, it can refer to other issues regarded as adult f.e. unemployment, relationship issues, and adult humour; none of which will cause depression
YES and YES. Apparently, Rabbids was going to be a "proper" Rayman game, but they turned it into a mini-game collection when they heard about the Wii. Not impressed ):
Tbh though, I still think Rayman 1 was the best. The level design, characters, art direction, etc were genius, and none of the others have really matched it in terms of creativity. Still don't get why everyone from Rayman 2 and onwards suddenly had limbs, barring Rayman.
The Simpsons is technically an adult cartoon, and a lot of people like that
You can't really write off all adult cartoons as being bad though, I'm not really a fan of the Simpsons or Family Guy, but I like Futurama a lot. And I'm a big fan of kids cartoons (been watching a lot of Freakazoid and Pinky and the Brain lately).
You've said yourself though, you've never watched an adult cartoon, so it's a bit of a harsh judgement to make. Especially for a field which covers a lot of different genres.
9. Muzak
8. Phone companies ("Hello, you've reached XYZ Phone Co. Our operators are busy, please hold" ->Instant Muzak)
7. Dentists (Free Muzak for your "short" wait, "painless" procedures that you actually pay for)
6. Your boss in a bad day ('nuff said)
5. Yellow Press/Related TV shows (Waste of time, effort and whatever kind of waste you can imagine)
4. Reality shows (As opposed to real people in your everyday life, please!)
3. Soap Operas (Ditto, but with more cheese factor)
2. Most Latin music (I don't know, but sounds too "cheap" to me. Can tolerate for awhile if its a video with a Latin babe {or more!} and the mute function)
1. Pay bills (unavoidable, but still...)
Darn, It seems that I'm a bit cranky today
6 Anime cartoons of USA cartoons and video games.(It wasn't sonic the hedgehog that killed sonic it was Sonic X)
10 Megaman being milked.[/QUOTE]
Megaman had just introduced my favorite character, Deo, then ditched the series.
Posts without regard to spelling or grammar. Also the over liberal use of all caps. All the stupid shouting hurts my ears.
I did this on the Wii internet channel, so that's for mispellings.And non- canon Video Game shows voiced with Jason Grifith make me ANGRY!:mad:
Cheers, brotha. (No offense, someguy. I mean this in general.)
I blame phone texting and multiplayer games without headset support. That's the only way I can explain spelling "would" and "could" as "wud" and "cud".
I know that the people who type that way aren't actually that stupid, and may even be good spellers when handed a pen and paper, but that is such an enormous pet peeve of mine.
As most old cartoon villains.
I agree here. This is why Ren and Stimpy abruptly stopped being funny after the tenth episode or so.
First off, people throw around words like 'exploitation' much too often for my taste. I suppose Sam and Max is exploitation because it perpetuates the stereotype of hyperkinetic rabbity things as ultraviolent politician holy men. And I, for one, will stand for it no longer!
Also, you know what else causes depression in some people's lives? Seeing happiness in the lives of others. Guess we need to nip that in the bud, too?
2 general studies
3 people calling doctor robotinik eggman
4 a levels
5 cant do anymore
2:The ending to Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull(I could make a better ending)
3:Those stupid Canadians!!!(Just a joke, canadian people)
4:Harvey Birdman the TV show
5:Every thing I can't play on guitar!!!
6:Kareoke(Dumbest thing ever!!!)
7:"Hey There Delilah" by The Plain White Ts
8:You'r Mamma!!!
9:Ozzy Osborne
10:Not Devil May Cry!!! It rox my sox!!!
Anyways, I feel obligated to point out that 'everything I can't play on guitar' is kind of a stupid thing to hate. Technically speaking, you can play anything if you put your mind and lots of time into it, but I play myself and know that this borders on impossible. Really, the best thing to do is to just find something easier that you can play and work your way up. I guess what I'm trying to say is "Don't be mad at songs that are to hard for you- you're the reason you can't play them. Work on it, then come back."
This quote is not part of my bottom 10
And suddenly, a retarded orginization is built to stop the hyperkinetic rabbit things...