I'm doing a countdown list like it was done in the email.
11. The Jibblies
10. X-box Fanatics
9. Sex in the City (the show >.>)
8. People who use leet (ex. "l33t |5 t0ta|y <00|)
7. People who can't spell right and use stupid letter combinations to fix it (ex. "prolly, lol, laff, rl...the list goes on")
6. People with bad grammar (ex. Taco Bell "WHY PAY MORE!")
5. Um....not...pigeons. They eat bread crumbs. And they craps on people. Funny stuff.
4. Gamer nerds (Mostly those that talk about the X-box and that f*cking Super Smash Bros Brawl game.)
3. People that just figured out about something and act like they know all about it, when it's been around for years. (ex. 58% of SBCG4AP fans.)
2. Rat Terriers. They're tiny dogs that bark and act all threatening and don't do sh*t about strangers.
1. ThCleaning Jell-o out of your laptop's fan after your little brother decides that would be a nice storage unit for CHERRY JELL-O!
Okay, so you prefer the sugary stuff that will give you cavities and type-2 diabetes?
Here's a fun fact: Diet Coke contains an artificial sweetener called "Splenda" (a.k.a. "sucralose" (I can't spell that right now)) that contains chlorine. Let's all drink Diet Coke and DIE! AHAHAHAHAHAHA........*cough*
Here's a fun fact: Diet Coke contains an artificial sweetener called "Splenda" (a.k.a. "sucralose" (I can't spell that right now)) that contains chlorine. Let's all drink Diet Coke and DIE! AHAHAHAHAHAHA........*cough*
Chlorine in diet coke?That is probably not healthy, and probably worse than the classic.Like those "Healthy" Thin Mints that had more fat than the original.
Anyone here ever had New Coke? Everyone says it tastes like crap, and I would like to try some for my self. Also, since they don't make New Coke anymore, what's the point of calling regular Coke...Classic Coke? It's not like people are gonna get confused.
Yes, Diet Coke contains Splenda-->Sucralose-->Chlorine. My grandmother, who is a diabetic, has boxes of Splenda that she uses instead of sugar. She went to the hospital once and they told her to stop using it, but she still does. =\
Yes, Diet Coke contains Splenda-->Sucralose-->Chlorine. My grandmother, who is a diabetic, has boxes of Splenda that she uses instead of sugar. She went to the hospital once and they told her to stop using it, but she still does. =\
I have heard from a friend that he and his parents are telling his grandma to stop reading the WWN, and passing off articles as the truth.
Anyone here ever had New Coke? Everyone says it tastes like crap, and I would like to try some for my self. Also, since they don't make New Coke anymore, what's the point of calling regular Coke...Classic Coke? It's not like people are gonna get confused.
The reason New Coke flopped was because people thought that it was downright blasphemous to mess with Coke, something of an American tradition even then. Shortly after New Coke came around, they got rid of it and re-released the original coke as "Classic" Coke to help sway public opinion in their favor, and it just stuck.
Yes, Diet Coke contains Splenda-->Sucralose-->Chlorine. My grandmother, who is a diabetic, has boxes of Splenda that she uses instead of sugar. She went to the hospital once and they told her to stop using it, but she still does. =\
Yes, Diet Coke contains Splenda-->Sucralose-->Chlorine. My grandmother, who is a diabetic, has boxes of Splenda that she uses instead of sugar. She went to the hospital once and they told her to stop using it, but she still does. =\
hahahaha you don't understand chemistry at all. having the presence of chlorine atoms is not necessarily dangerous. table salt has chlorine in the molecular structure but it will not form chlorine molecules.
..but eating to much salt is dangerous and that's probably because of the chlorine, duh.:D
no, just kidding. you're totally right and i am glad you mentioned it. most artificial sweeteners have one or more negative effects if you eat to much of it. that doesn't mean it has the effect of chlorine, because there's a chlorine-atom in there somewhere.
@tabacco: you sure about this? i always wondered what the difference between coke zero and diet coke was. expect zero tastes a little less shi....fty.
hopefully there will be sugarfree vanilla coke soon...i still have to taste that green-tea coke light though. that sounds pretty nasty as well..
Aspartame isn't all that great either. Chemicals not good for ze bodeh and what-not.
Why can't we just drink COCA-COLA or PEPSI? Not Coca-Cola Zero - NOW WITH CHEMICALS! or Pepsi Max - NOW WITH SOME BAD SH*T FOR YOU!?
And the flavors?
Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, New Coke, Chocolate Coke (don't ask), Green Tea Coke...
err almost everything is a chemical. man made chemicals in foods are often subject to more to more tests than those without man made chemicals, and in fact are often safer than natural counterparts (eg. man made alcohols are cleaner and safer than those derived from plants).
i for one prefer pepsi max to most other carbonated drinks
Also, high fructose corn syrup isn't really that great for you either. If you live in states that border mexico or canada, though, you can often find imported coke (and other sodas) that are made with cane sugar instead. Here in California, you see a lot of coke bottles imported from Mexico. It's getting popular fast
Also, high fructose corn syrup isn't really that great for you either. If you live in states that border mexico or canada, though, you can often find imported coke (and other sodas) that are made with cane sugar instead. Here in California, you see a lot of coke bottles imported from Mexico. It's getting popular fast
Little fact: Mexico's most popular drink is coke. I read that a while ago, so I don't know how true it is now.
High fructose corn syrup is terrible for you. Natural sugars are much better. And tastier.
And I can back up that statement about Coke from Mexico. It's much sweeter, and I prefer it immensely. If you can find a good, authentic, Mexican food restaurant (shouldn't be too hard in California--we have plenty in Sacramento), you can often order the imported Coke from them.
Damn. Now I need to go shopping at the carniceria.
Also, high fructose corn syrup isn't really that great for you either. If you live in states that border mexico or canada, though, you can often find imported coke (and other sodas) that are made with cane sugar instead. Here in California, you see a lot of coke bottles imported from Mexico. It's getting popular fast
in the uk you find a surprising amount of arabic ones (not sure which arabic country though)
Also, high fructose corn syrup isn't really that great for you either. If you live in states that border mexico or canada, though, you can often find imported coke (and other sodas) that are made with cane sugar instead. Here in California, you see a lot of coke bottles imported from Mexico. It's getting popular fast
Here in NYC, we have Jarritos™ beverages, also imported from Mexico. Do you have those over there on the left coast?
What do you have against Manos the Hands of Fate? I think it's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen (and I believe Quentin Tarantino agrees)! And, the MST3K version makes it even better!
2) People who speed up as soon as you put your turn signal on so you can't change lanes.
Although I sound a bit like a hypocrite by agreeing here -- because I have done that myself -- in my defense, the drivers I've done it to were driving recklessly. On the other hand, they don't often bother using their blinkers when they try to go double the speed limit and weave through traffic, so this wouldn't apply to them anyway...
What do you have against Manos the Hands of Fate? I think it's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen (and I believe Quentin Tarantino agrees)! And, the MST3K version makes it even better!
Exactly. It should be "Thou shalt commit adultery."
no he missed out not by the looks of it
True dat...
9. Sex in the City (the show >.>)
8. People who use leet (ex. "l33t |5 t0ta|y <00|)
7. People who can't spell right and use stupid letter combinations to fix it (ex. "prolly, lol, laff, rl...the list goes on")
6. People with bad grammar (ex. Taco Bell "WHY PAY MORE!")
5. Um....not...pigeons. They eat bread crumbs. And they craps on people. Funny stuff.
4. Gamer nerds (Mostly those that talk about the X-box and that f*cking Super Smash Bros Brawl game.)
3. People that just figured out about something and act like they know all about it, when it's been around for years. (ex. 58% of SBCG4AP fans.)
2. Rat Terriers. They're tiny dogs that bark and act all threatening and don't do sh*t about strangers.
1. ThCleaning Jell-o out of your laptop's fan after your little brother decides that would be a nice storage unit for CHERRY JELL-O!
And there you have it.
Here's a fun fact: Diet Coke contains an artificial sweetener called "Splenda" (a.k.a. "sucralose" (I can't spell that right now)) that contains chlorine.
Chlorine in diet coke?That is probably not healthy, and probably worse than the classic.Like those "Healthy" Thin Mints that had more fat than the original.
I have heard from a friend that he and his parents are telling his grandma to stop reading the WWN, and passing off articles as the truth.
I think they stopped making WWN. They replaced it as The Sun or something. Nothin' in there but bullcrap horescopes.
Anyone notice how this topic swayed off-topic very quickly?
No it doesn't. Diet Coke uses aspartame. Coke Zero uses sucralose.
hahahaha you don't understand chemistry at all. having the presence of chlorine atoms is not necessarily dangerous. table salt has chlorine in the molecular structure but it will not form chlorine molecules.
no, just kidding. you're totally right and i am glad you mentioned it. most artificial sweeteners have one or more negative effects if you eat to much of it. that doesn't mean it has the effect of chlorine, because there's a chlorine-atom in there somewhere.
@tabacco: you sure about this? i always wondered what the difference between coke zero and diet coke was. expect zero tastes a little less shi....fty.
hopefully there will be sugarfree vanilla coke soon...i still have to taste that green-tea coke light though. that sounds pretty nasty as well..
coke zero i believe was to combat pepsi max (i dont think they have that in the US) i cant drink either though cos they taste horrid
Why can't we just drink COCA-COLA or PEPSI? Not Coca-Cola Zero - NOW WITH CHEMICALS! or Pepsi Max - NOW WITH SOME BAD SH*T FOR YOU!?
And the flavors?
Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, New Coke, Chocolate Coke (don't ask), Green Tea Coke...
I'm sure... it's not rocket science
err almost everything is a chemical. man made chemicals in foods are often subject to more to more tests than those without man made chemicals, and in fact are often safer than natural counterparts (eg. man made alcohols are cleaner and safer than those derived from plants).
i for one prefer pepsi max to most other carbonated drinks
I've only heard of (and drank) Cherry Coke which isn't half bad. The rest I have not heard of, or drank.I am glad about that.
Little fact: Mexico's most popular drink is coke. I read that a while ago, so I don't know how true it is now.
And I can back up that statement about Coke from Mexico. It's much sweeter, and I prefer it immensely. If you can find a good, authentic, Mexican food restaurant (shouldn't be too hard in California--we have plenty in Sacramento), you can often order the imported Coke from them.
Damn. Now I need to go shopping at the carniceria.
in the uk you find a surprising amount of arabic ones (not sure which arabic country though)
Here in NYC, we have Jarritos™ beverages, also imported from Mexico. Do you have those over there on the left coast?
I've seen those before, but haven't tried them. Maybe I should...
Although I sound a bit like a hypocrite by agreeing here -- because I have done that myself -- in my defense, the drivers I've done it to were driving recklessly. On the other hand, they don't often bother using their blinkers when they try to go double the speed limit and weave through traffic, so this wouldn't apply to them anyway...
That movie IS hilarious, but boring as hell also.
And it was nothing but random cars driving by.
I thought it was 2 hours.....