Care more about a dog than people?
I found it kind of weird that so many people put down the dog compared to how many put down Lee.
(94 % vs 63%)
Sam attacked you and Lee took care of her for ages but yet people care more to put a dog out of its misery than Lee. Does anyone know why?
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For me it was just hard to kill Lee. I know he was suffering but I just couldn't. Its like a loved one in the just can't pull the plug even though you probably should.
I seen the dog and felt sorry for it, yes I was still pissed at it but I felt sorry for it. Animals have a natural instinct to attack anyone who tries to take food away from them, he obviously saw Clem as a threat. Lee sheltered her, took her and and did everything he could to protect her. He was like a father to Clem, shooting somebody you are that close to can be traumatic but mercy killing a wounded animal doesn't carry the same impact and guilt as finishing off your closest friend, even out of mercy.
I think it is easier to kill an animal than a human, especially someone you care about like lee. Where as it is much easier to kill a dog that just attacked you. Although it is interesting how someone can accept a dog attacking over food, but not a human.
I was actually one of the few people who didn't kill the dog. I initially was going to, to put it out of it's misery, but then I sat there for like five minutes freaking out and couldn't bring myself to do it. So I went back to the main menu started the scene over and walked away. Now I feel really bad and am thinking about replaying it to end the poor dog's suffering. With Lee it was easier because Clem had a gun, I just couldn't bring myself to witness all the gore that came along w/ using a knife on the dog even though I thought it was the right thing to do. Also I know it's messed up but I thought that with Lee if you didn't shoot him in the head he would become a walker and I couldn't let that happen to him, to be left forever in a state btn life and death. Since animals don't turn I knew once the dog died it wouldn't be coming back so that also was a factor in my decision.
Well, since my position is to give a “mercy shot” on both of them I can just speculate. But I believe the case is that even if both were suffering and dying, the dog’s scene was more painful.
While Lee was in peace with the situation, the dog was clearly in pain and that moment destroyed me. It is not really a choice between killing or not a person and dog, but just answering the question “do I really need or should kill this dog/person”.
And I must disagree with OGC, it is not easier to kill a dog. I would consider it something between as hard as and harder. People choosing to kill the dog do not show that it was easier to kill it, but that it was harder to watch it slowly dying.
I think this may just be me being a life long animal lover. But before I even saw the predicament sam was in, his whimpering started off what was easily my most heart-wrenching moment in TWD by a football fields length. Then seeing him was about that times ten. I had no problem putting down either of them because I have performed every mercy kill that has come to me. I also believe that sam's suffering just flat out looks alot worse than Lee's did. Personally I don't think I could ever bring myself to choose to walk away from the dog no matter how many playthroughs I do.
No way, I didn't care about that dog.
I was glad it died, I hate the 'sidekick dog' trope.
You sir are a horrible person.
If a loved one is suffering it's love that moves you to pull the plug because you cant stand to see the loved one suffer. Not pulling the plug is selfishness not love. People don't pull the plug because they don't want to feel the pain of losing a loved one. They're putting their own feelings before the suffering of the person they love, and they fail to see this because they're blinded by grief.
I couldn't be the only one that shed a tear right?
I left lee alive, its a waste of a bullet plus someday they may find a cure, they obviously won't but in a zombo apocolypse I would stay alive bitten, but the dog, I killed it because it was an animal, I get sadder of animals dieing because.. they can't talk and I just feel sorry for them more than anything, the noise the dog was making when it well in the spikes though was just disturbing, I'm going to have nightmares.
I didn't put the dog down for the simple reason that i didn't wanna go near it again. It might have been staked by 2 of the tents poles but still the thought of it again clamping it's jaws on Clem seemed not so farfetched at that time!
I did it too. I cry till now. I don't know, why but, i cant hurt, kill animals in games or in real. That was the pretty same thing. I couldn't kill that dog, he was "little Clem friend", she pet him, she had fun with him.. I don't know, i couldn't... I cry till now. TELLTALE WHY, WHY DID YOU KILL THAT DOG, it could be her friend
I did, I knew they wouldent keep a dog around for the story, but jeese. Many man tears were shed.
Like rabscuttle1 said: Real love is making the descision of what is best for your loved ones not what you can or can't live with or without yourself... Not shooting Lee is giving him a fate worse then dead AND that he didn't deserve!
It's been scientifically proven that animals can (sadly) sometimes bring out more emotions than another human can. Also, the dogs whimpering made me do it. Also, go back to that section and look at its eyes! It's eyes show it was in SO much pain, but lee was slowly dying, and he looked peaceful. Lastly, we can relate to the dog (kind of). Right now, you could be skewered by some poles, and you can imagine how much pain you would be in. But, you can't walk outside and be bit by a zombie. You don't know if the process of becoming a zombie would hurt. So yeah, there are some reasons as to why most people did that
Someday they'll find a cure? And that is gonna cure the Necrosis in his dead skin as well?
If they find a cure someday it'll be one for the living the dead stay dead... (or undead whatever your pick)
Yeah, I was destroyed by that part too. At the moment I saw that dog I thought ´´… oh boy, not the dog``. But, nevertheless, it was hard to see.
Since when has this been news?
Anyone remember that video during the Iraq War of an American soldier throwing a puppy off a cliff? Anyone remember the backlash? This in the context of a war, in which countless people were dying?
Dogs are cute. Dogs are perceived as innocent. Seeing dogs hurt or dead can affect people emotionally in a way that any number of dead people wouldn't. It isn't a rational thing, but its very real.
i cryed in episode 4 of season 1 when i burried the dog and i did the same when i put the dog down in season 2
After the dog attacked Clem I killed it because I was angry with it and because of he was suffering. If Telltale put the option "Kill the dog with anger" I would press it. Damn it.
A bite from a dog it's something serious. It can kill you, like a walker bite, if you don't treat the injury. You saw what happened to Clem.
dry as bone here... i felt a bit uneasy about it but, i took the mercy kill route.. lil basterd bite me over beans... freking BEANS MAN...
racism ,I would love to see the numbers if Lee was white.
Im sorry but , F*** humanity, when has humanity done any good and telltale made a very good point in this part of the game..we care more about other lifeforms than ourselves because wer'e selvish. As tomas hobbes once said, "The condition of man... is a condition of war of everyone against everyone."
proves my point
people dont care about lee living, only clem. that's why they put him to that fate
The difference between the dog and Lee, is that in one we are playing as Clementine and the other as Lee.
Some peoples Lee would not want Clem to shoot him, even if IMO it is the right thing to do.
Where as when they control Clementine they can see that putting the dog out of his misery is again IMO the right thing to do.
For the record, I had Clem shoot me as Lee and as Clem I killed the dog.
off topic: someone really hates me huh? lol
wasn't trying to be funny, and yeagh we kill and pollute the ocean; truth hurts huh
nice joke, that's why fishermen go to sea and kill everything they can.
Oh yeah, so the only thing Clementine has left in the world after she see's her parents have also turned into zombie's is a man that took care of her for the better part of what... about 6-ish months? He's the closest thing she had to a father for half a year and you don't care about that?
You must really be emotionally constipated if that is your attitude...
I really wanted for a few walkers to come so we got separated from it, which'd mean no horrible death scene.
When it first came to me, I didn't dare touch it in case it turned rabid. Speak about lulling us into a false sense of security. Poor thing.
I did both. I didnt want either to suffer. Even though the dog attacked me, I know he didnt mean it. He was probably starving. And Lee, well, you know.
For me, killing Lee would be too much for 'my' Clem....though Lee toughened her up...taught her...he wanted to to retain all that was pure about her. I wasn't ready for 'my' Clem to lose her innocence quite yet.
As for the dog, as much as I am a huge animal lover, my first 'instinct' was to kill the dog....not for any question of mercy or morals....but a whining, whimpering dog is SURE to attract any walkers around the near vicinity with the noise it is making.
Well it wasn't a matter of "I like/ care about the dog more" for me it came down to it being a dog vs. it being a human. I shot Lee so he would "rest" peacefully much for the dog. However theres a quote that I love and that applies well to the scenario : "The more people I meet the more I love my dog." People kind of suck in this game.
i killed them both. they didnt deserve it
For me as Lee I wanted to Clementine not to shot Lee because it was a terrible thing to carry on and she would lost her innocence and Lee was going to be death in any case leaving Clementine all alone, so she needed everything to survive even a single bullet could be a difference between life and death. For Lee telling Clementine not to shot him was the most heroic sacrifice he could ever made.
For the dog, it was really a tragedy like Lee and that is because unlike humans, they don't kill for merely everything, animals are much more innocent and simple than a human, those people like the bandits are just suckers, they kill instead of getting an arrangement where both parts can win.