Season 2 Episode 4 Discussion: Out Now: PC/Mac, PS3, Vita, Xbox 360, iOS, Kindle, Android



  • I play TWD and TWAU first and then i see what youtubers chose in the games to how diffrent it can be

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    I see Twau in youtube because I know i'm not going to buy the game


    Soon Is a football player.

  • [removed]

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Everyone, pray to Randy Tudor and sacrifice lesser staches in order to please one of our ever powerful lords


    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    I like Pizza and Ice Cream! And now I get a lot of thumbs down, right? To me anyway! This is my opinion. And I think nothing bad will hap

  • YES!

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    I do it once a week, so I don't spam! And I'm community has come in sunshine and a rainbow

  • [removed]

    Day.... NO! FU** THIS! I WANT MY MOTHERF***ING AMID THE RUINS! I DON'T WANT YOU, BIGBY WOLF! GO AWAY! Okay.... I'm calm. I'm calm. now, WHERE'S AMID THE RUINS!!?????????

  • edited July 2014

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    I know I just posted a pic that says that I can't take the wait anymore, but I had to post this one just to be funny.

  • I'll say what I want. Besides, Bigby isn't real. Reality. Shattered.

  • Way too long.

    Rylee posted: »

    Ug.... Too long.


    I'll say what I want. Besides, Bigby isn't real. Reality. Shattered.

  • Oh you wanna go bro? You wanna go? I will burn you to the ground!


  • Alt text

    The old episodes were so much better. The new episodes blow.

  • Thread is slow without me

    Though guys stop drowning the morale and appreciate having episodes from these people. Yeah they might not be as expected but there is no reason to be annoyed. If you continue drowning the morale the game aint fonna be fun. Lets have fun discussions in this section from here on and not complain too much. Its almost releasing

  • Alt text

    Thread is slow without me Though guys stop drowning the morale and appreciate having episodes from these people. Yeah they might not be a

  • edited July 2014

    Fun, huh? Little hard not to think about The Walking Dead Game on The Walking Dead Game's forum. Complain comes naturally right now.

    EDIT: Don't get me wrong, we're all polite and great people, just bored as hell.

    Thread is slow without me Though guys stop drowning the morale and appreciate having episodes from these people. Yeah they might not be a

  • edited July 2014

    If it was almost releasing, we would have got at least some news about screenshots coming up. The episode is not even on classification yet. I've been checking the classification board frequently and still nothing. We're not even close to the release.

    Thread is slow without me Though guys stop drowning the morale and appreciate having episodes from these people. Yeah they might not be a

  • Finally TWAU ended and Telltale can fully concentrate on the development of the fifth episode of the second series TWD to me EP5 comes out in August because it all stayed TWAU TWAU had done so by EP4 ago published sometime in late June or early July instead of TWAU EP5

    TWAU I'm glad that it's over and we can get it for a good long time, a time-out because I played all the episodes not because I like the game rather the contrary, each episode was torture for me as incredible in every episode in each pact between the characters themselves were able to talk up to 10 minutes if you take it so every episode except EP1 was so 70-60 minutes long of which 50 minutes is just a windbag on the spot here and there maybe some action here between TWD fans will find some fan TWAU and may not agree with me not even this is only purely just my opinion.

  • It sounds like youre implying having a gaming company is easy xD

    JJ you know it aint easy. But then again what you say is your opinion and its not false or right

    If it was almost releasing, we would have got at least some news about screenshots coming up. The episode is not even on classification yet.

  • It's funny that everyone thinks Telltale was just occupied with The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead.

    Did everyone forget about Tales from the Borderlands, or the Game of Thrones title?
    What I'm trying to say is, they probably work on it simultaneously, so the end of TWAU probably won't change much.

    NoTime posted: »

    Finally TWAU ended and Telltale can fully concentrate on the development of the fifth episode of the second series TWD to me EP5 comes out i

  • edited July 2014

    "*The last episode of The Wolf Among Us has been released. The fans know what's gonna happen next.. Everybody is thrilled for some news but will they be pleased? Or disapointed yet again.. Find out on the next episode of Dragonball Z! *"

  • ♪ waiting is the hardest part ♪

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  • I hope that twd team is a bit bigger after the end of twau.

  • You guys should probably downvote me

  • Oh, please TWD any good fan knows that if he did not make the EP4 by TWAU so long as it came out and we did not have to wait that long TWD I've never read a comic TWAU never read because if I had not read it so I looked at the pictures which are painted they cost figures in place and are talking to at the end of a comic book there was something a little grinds the whole comic would cost me because I am from Czech Republic as, say, two hundred crowns.

    It's funny that everyone thinks Telltale was just occupied with The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead. Did everyone forget about Tales f

  • edited July 2014

    We need to start a upvote revolution in this thread because I'm getting really tired of the current status quo

  • Downvote me too. But talking with me about problems would be more effective.

  • we seem to have a downvote problem. here's what I propose. A silent revolution. Don't post upvote gifs. Don't talk about. silently upvote every post you see until the trolls give up.

  • or.. ignore the upvote/downvote options as meaningless.. Why do people even care if someone on the internet clicks downvote on a comment? What difference does it make? It doesn't change the game, it doesn't change your opinion, it wont make the next episode come out any sooner or later. Post your thoughts and opinions and don't feed the troll's.

  • Yeah. This thread has no meaning anymore. Notthing to discuss.

    WowMutt posted: »

    or.. ignore the upvote/downvote options as meaningless.. Why do people even care if someone on the internet clicks downvote on a comment? W

  • Okay.... To be fair, that ending to Cry Wolf was fucking awesome.


    Oh you wanna go bro? You wanna go? I will burn you to the ground!

  • Really... the go after her then cut... or the leave her then cut... With a big screw you can't really do anything.

    Toxic Emu posted: »

    Okay.... To be fair, that ending to Cry Wolf was fucking awesome.

  • Sounds like games are your life

    Speak for yourself. Telltale should get their act together schedule-wise, but when it comes to release dates - I've waited for Duke Nukem Forever ever since it was announced only for it to suck ass O_o

  • edited July 2014


    (mod edit)

    Sounds like games are your life

  • Last time I checked this wasn't the wolf among us thread.

    Toxic Emu posted: »

    Okay.... To be fair, that ending to Cry Wolf was fucking awesome.

  • why does everyone think this the TWAU thread all of a sudden?

  • My guess is they'll let TWAU dominate this week and they'll send it off for classification, next Saturday we should get some screens/trailers? I NEED IT NOW

  • I want to like this more than once but I can't.

    snip (mod edit)

  • If no news on Thursday, JULY 29TH RELEASE DATE CONFIRMED.

  • Yeah, I vote next tuesday (day 15) for screenshots.

    My guess is they'll let TWAU dominate this week and they'll send it off for classification, next Saturday we should get some screens/trailers? I NEED IT NOW

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