Actually the way I saw it is that since they didn't know Clem or trust her that Carlos just said that so they'd keep her out of the house and away from Sarah.
Time is money. We paid them money, so they are on our time. Software development can be scheduled, schedules can be followed. Customers can and should be given correct information on when they can expect a product they have paid for. Customers can and should be told if the expected date of delivery has changed. I am in no particular rush, but for Telltale to continue to be totally vague about the release date is a let-down for me.
Even if they completed it. we should let them take their time they are not on our time we are on their's. and if we rush them it might not be as good as we want it to be.
Time is money. We paid them money, so they are on our time. Software development can be scheduled, schedules can be followed. Customers can an… mored should be given correct information on when they can expect a product they have paid for. Customers can and should be told if the expected date of delivery has changed. I am in no particular rush, but for Telltale to continue to be totally vague about the release date is a let-down for me.
Tbh. We're not rushing Telltale for asking them to provide us with updates. I could wait a much longer period if they kept us fed with information about the release schedule. Rushing is a drastic choice of words. If we were to rush them we'd demand a release on a certain day, which we're not. We just want more communication with them.
Ok I've got to share this. I understand that TT needs time to make the episode awesome like they allways are and that with more time it becomes greater. I even understand the 2 weeks vacation in December, everyone deserves vacation time and you can't count that 2 weeks within the 4-6 weeks Telltale gave for releasing the episode because nobody was working in it... BUT after that 2 weeks if a corporation says "it'll take 4-6 weeks" people who are paying for the services deserve to recive those services in 6 weeks max. I understand taht time makes it better but I'm in college and if my teachers ask for an essay in 6 weeks and can't get there in 6 weeks and say "well I didn't had the time because had more stuff to do" or "oh you know, if you want a good essay you have to give me more time..." I would f*cking fail that class :P My mom in her store (she has like a store to make clothes for people who ask and to fix clothes that are too large or too big, that kind of stuff, I don't know how it's called in english :P) teels someone, your shirt will be ready in one week, well she has to has the shirt ready in one week because the person already paid it in advanced and may need it the date arranjed... When my mom has to delay the delivery date she actually takes 1 or 2 euros from the price arranjed to compensate... Corporations can't act like TT acts sometimes, leting their dates pass and not at least give an explanation. This isn't me bashing it's just me sharing my opinion, I'll play the game anyways :P Also I guess they are still in the arranjed date until february the 11th, and jsut ina good note in season 1 TT actually delivered the 4th and 5th episode 6 weeks after the 3th and 4th, so they got 50% of release datet.s righ
Ok I've got to share this. I understand that TT needs time to make the episode awesome like they allways are and that with more time it become… mores greater. I even understand the 2 weeks vacation in December, everyone deserves vacation time and you can't count that 2 weeks within the 4-6 weeks Telltale gave for releasing the episode because nobody was working in it... BUT after that 2 weeks if a corporation says "it'll take 4-6 weeks" people who are paying for the services deserve to recive those services in 6 weeks max. I understand taht time makes it better but I'm in college and if my teachers ask for an essay in 6 weeks and can't get there in 6 weeks and say "well I didn't had the time because had more stuff to do" or "oh you know, if you want a good essay you have to give me more time..." I would f*cking fail that class :P My mom in her store (she has like a store to make clothes for people who ask and to fix clothes that are too large or too bi… [view original content]
They had to re-work the story for The Wolf Among Us, obviously causing the delay. The Co-Founder of Telltale Games himself said several things… more conspired against us, and we do not anticipate it happening again.
Unless they have to re-work the story for Season Two as well, I doubt we'll see a delay like for The Wolf Among Us.
But I fully agree -- Telltale, please define around the corner for us.
wow. Unfortunately for us, there's nothing we can do. maybe if we could convince all of TWD community to not buy the next episode until we get an answer, but I don't think we can really do that.
edit: also, I'm making my official release date prediction February 25. PROVE ME WRONG TELLTALE!
Telltale just tweeted this. Sorry I don't know how to add print screens.
Joe Juba @Joejuba Jan 28
On a scale from 1 to 10, how important is it for me to play 400 Days before starting Season 2 of Telltale's Walking Dead?
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Telltale Games @telltalegames 15m
.@Joejuba If you haven't played #TheWalkingDead 400 Days before playing S2E1, you should DEFINITELY play it before S2E2... Really.
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Telltale just tweeted this. Sorry I don't know how to add print screens.
Joe Juba @Joejuba Jan 28
On a scale from 1 to 10, how important… more is it for me to play 400 Days before starting Season 2 of Telltale's Walking Dead?
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Telltale Games @telltalegames 15m
.@Joejuba If you haven't played #TheWalkingDead 400 Days before playing S2E1, you should DEFINITELY play it before S2E2... Really.
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You're forgetting something important for your magical 18th of February release date; S2E2 has not been classified yet. Generally, the Australian Government's website puts up their classification first (eg TWAU Ep 2 was classified 9th of January). But there is 0 sign of a classification and February the 18th is in almost two weeks.
EDIT: If you're going to downvote, you could at least tell me why >.>
So, you're telling me the gap between episodes should be 2.5 months?
Don't be a fool. If we reach March we'll start leaning against the del… moreay The Wolf Among Us had. The gap between A New Day and Starved For Help was 64 days, (two months), and we will reach that number by February 18th. The remaining episodes took a month to six weeks to release if I'm not wrong.
If they have a three months gap between all episode for both games, we will be playing Episode Five in 2015. :P
So, looks like shit will hit the fan for our 400 Days characters in A House Divided. Was wondering when they'd show up. I hope our choices we made in 400 Days really matters, and reflects back at us in unexpected ways in Season Two.
Thank god I have all my Season One save files backed up on a USB drive, including 400 Days.
Telltale just tweeted this. Sorry I don't know how to add print screens.
Joe Juba @Joejuba Jan 28
On a scale from 1 to 10, how important… more is it for me to play 400 Days before starting Season 2 of Telltale's Walking Dead?
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Telltale Games @telltalegames 15m
.@Joejuba If you haven't played #TheWalkingDead 400 Days before playing S2E1, you should DEFINITELY play it before S2E2... Really.
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Telltale just tweeted this. Sorry I don't know how to add print screens.
Joe Juba @Joejuba Jan 28
On a scale from 1 to 10, how important… more is it for me to play 400 Days before starting Season 2 of Telltale's Walking Dead?
Reply Retweet Favorite More Expand
Telltale Games @telltalegames 15m
.@Joejuba If you haven't played #TheWalkingDead 400 Days before playing S2E1, you should DEFINITELY play it before S2E2... Really.
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I guess this Wellington place is Tavia's settlement. And everyone seems to be heading that way. That makes sense for us to meet Kenny, or Lilly, also heading north. I guess we'll run into some 400 Days characters on the way, for whatever reason leaving the settlement.
Edit: In my playthrough everyone came with Tavia. Looks like I will have a Action packed second episode. xD
Just because I want to be THAT guy... This seems like a good indication that episode 2 will definitely be out before March. Maybe in the next few weeks. The guy that asked Telltale that question posed it on January 28th and they just answered it today. Looks to me like they timed their response in order to give the guy enough time to make sure he played 400 Days while also delaying their response so that they didn't give out hype too soon. Perhaps I'm reading way too much into it. I can't help it.
Telltale just tweeted this. Sorry I don't know how to add print screens.
Joe Juba @Joejuba Jan 28
On a scale from 1 to 10, how important… more is it for me to play 400 Days before starting Season 2 of Telltale's Walking Dead?
Reply Retweet Favorite More Expand
Telltale Games @telltalegames 15m
.@Joejuba If you haven't played #TheWalkingDead 400 Days before playing S2E1, you should DEFINITELY play it before S2E2... Really.
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Just because I want to be THAT guy... This seems like a good indication that episode 2 will definitely be out before March. Maybe in the next … morefew weeks. The guy that asked Telltale that question posed it on January 28th and they just answered it today. Looks to me like they timed their response in order to give the guy enough time to make sure he played 400 Days while also delaying their response so that they didn't give out hype too soon. Perhaps I'm reading way too much into it. I can't help it.
It must be Omid. Clem knew of his death. Where as Kenny, Clem was never informed about it. I mean it could be Kenny, but. Doubt it is. And Omid got shot on the right side of his chest. the heart is on the opposite side. A group could of picked him up and looked after him? But then again. when clem said "I thought you were dead". It sound like its bringing back someone from season one.
Why would they leave Omid behind if he was alive? Use common sense, anyone can check a pulse. Omid & Christa obviously informed Clementine about Kenny's presumed death after staying with them for months. Like Clementine told them about Lee's death.
My bets is all on Kenny, or Lilly. Christa would be too obvious. And Omid is close to impossible.
I actually disagree.....
In the example, the teacher provides the deadline and the guidelines for the essay....and the student must meet the criteria.
In reality, Telltale sets the deadline and the guidelines for the game...and they should meet the criteria....but don't necessarily have to.
Why would they leave Omid behind if he was alive? Use common sense, anyone can check a pulse. Omid & Christa obviously informed Clementine… more about Kenny's presumed death after staying with them for months. Like Clementine told them about Lee's death.
My bets is all on Kenny, or Lilly. Christa would be too obvious. And Omid is close to impossible.
Yeah, it was kind of a disappointment, but couldn't it mean that episode 2 is close? Telltale does release trailers just before the release, so perhaps 11th/12th is still a possibility? Yes, you may down vote, but I'm just trying to be optimistic.
Hey guys, I don't think this matters at all, but remember last season when you started a new episode and the game showed you what happened last episode Lee would say: "Previously on The Walking Dead"? Do you think this season Clementine will say "Previously on The Walking Dead"? Or do you think it'll stick with Lee? I don't know why, but this randomly crossed my mind for no reason at all.
Hey guys, I don't think this matters at all, but remember last season when you started a new episode and the game showed you what happened las… moret episode Lee would say: "Previously on The Walking Dead"? Do you think this season Clementine will say "Previously on The Walking Dead"? Or do you think it'll stick with Lee? I don't know why, but this randomly crossed my mind for no reason at all.
I think they will stick with Dave. I feel like Lee is still there, watching over us somehow. Clementine is a shadow of Lee, and it'd make sense to keep Lee in the background, taking the role as narrator for her.
Hey guys, I don't think this matters at all, but remember last season when you started a new episode and the game showed you what happened las… moret episode Lee would say: "Previously on The Walking Dead"? Do you think this season Clementine will say "Previously on The Walking Dead"? Or do you think it'll stick with Lee? I don't know why, but this randomly crossed my mind for no reason at all.
Yeah I really enjoyed that S2E1 had Lee's voice for the "Previously" section. It was a nice way to remind us of the past, and I'd imagine the previously segments for future episodes will have scenes from both Season 1 and 2.
I think they will stick with Dave. I feel like Lee is still there, watching over us somehow. Clementine is a shadow of Lee, and it'd make sense to keep Lee in the background, taking the role as narrator for her.
Quick question be great if someone could answer it.
I played all season 1 and have the save file on my console but never played 400 days because i never even knew it came out (took a break from gaming), anyway should i play 400 days? is it important i play it before i play the next episode in season 2?
because i have started season 2 already how will 400 days affect choices i make now?
Quick question be great if someone could answer it.
I played all season 1 and have the save file on my console but never played 400 days beca… moreuse i never even knew it came out (took a break from gaming), anyway should i play 400 days? is it important i play it before i play the next episode in season 2?
because i have started season 2 already how will 400 days affect choices i make now?
Since I love telltale games but am ignorant to its staff I am just going to assume Frieza is the leader of public relations because of their timetables
I was. To tell you the truth,I actually think that the "around the corner" tweet is bit early for Telltale to be giving S2 E2 news so soon. R… moreecall that Telltale has had winter holidays off a month ago. I'd add a week or two to the estimated wait time in the official FAQ just for this episode.
Hey guys, I don't think this matters at all, but remember last season when you started a new episode and the game showed you what happened las… moret episode Lee would say: "Previously on The Walking Dead"? Do you think this season Clementine will say "Previously on The Walking Dead"? Or do you think it'll stick with Lee? I don't know why, but this randomly crossed my mind for no reason at all.
I know this has been brought up before, but you guys think that they will spill some info or even release a trailer during or after the show premieres?
At last we have met...
and how can you be so sure FreddeN93 has different accounts to upvote himself when have no actual proof, and if he did so what everyone has the right to show their opinion here as everyone is different in what they believe is right. Shouldn't judge people, I made that mistake plenty of times, but not anymore, and for the record you should too, otherwise you're going to have a lot of distrust and not many friends.
"I'm a trained doctor that can't tell the difference between a dog bite and a human bite".
Actually the way I saw it is that since they didn't know Clem or trust her that Carlos just said that so they'd keep her out of the house and away from Sarah.
don't forget guys, a new episode of twd/twau is Around Every Corner
Time is money. We paid them money, so they are on our time. Software development can be scheduled, schedules can be followed. Customers can and should be given correct information on when they can expect a product they have paid for. Customers can and should be told if the expected date of delivery has changed. I am in no particular rush, but for Telltale to continue to be totally vague about the release date is a let-down for me.
Eather way it's still bad and rude to make them rush. And if people keep pushing for them to release it. it won't be good in the end
Tbh. We're not rushing Telltale for asking them to provide us with updates. I could wait a much longer period if they kept us fed with information about the release schedule. Rushing is a drastic choice of words. If we were to rush them we'd demand a release on a certain day, which we're not. We just want more communication with them.
Ok I've got to share this. I understand that TT needs time to make the episode awesome like they allways are and that with more time it becomes greater. I even understand the 2 weeks vacation in December, everyone deserves vacation time and you can't count that 2 weeks within the 4-6 weeks Telltale gave for releasing the episode because nobody was working in it... BUT after that 2 weeks if a corporation says "it'll take 4-6 weeks" people who are paying for the services deserve to recive those services in 6 weeks max. I understand taht time makes it better but I'm in college and if my teachers ask for an essay in 6 weeks and can't get there in 6 weeks and say "well I didn't had the time because had more stuff to do" or "oh you know, if you want a good essay you have to give me more time..." I would f*cking fail that class :P My mom in her store (she has like a store to make clothes for people who ask and to fix clothes that are too large or too big, that kind of stuff, I don't know how it's called in english :P) teels someone, your shirt will be ready in one week, well she has to has the shirt ready in one week because the person already paid it in advanced and may need it the date arranjed... When my mom has to delay the delivery date she actually takes 1 or 2 euros from the price arranjed to compensate... Corporations can't act like TT acts sometimes, leting their dates pass and not at least give an explanation. This isn't me bashing it's just me sharing my opinion, I'll play the game anyways :P Also I guess they are still in the arranjed date until february the 11th, and jsut ina good note in season 1 TT actually delivered the 4th and 5th episode 6 weeks after the 3th and 4th, so they got 50% of release datet.s righ
Great example with the essay.
is it really worth going into 7 different accounts to thumbs up your own comments? time after time? oh my..
wow. Unfortunately for us, there's nothing we can do. maybe if we could convince all of TWD community to not buy the next episode until we get an answer, but I don't think we can really do that.
edit: also, I'm making my official release date prediction February 25. PROVE ME WRONG TELLTALE!
Telltale just tweeted this. Sorry I don't know how to add print screens.
Joe Juba @Joejuba Jan 28
On a scale from 1 to 10, how important is it for me to play 400 Days before starting Season 2 of Telltale's Walking Dead?
Reply Retweet Favorite More Expand
Telltale Games @telltalegames 15m
.@Joejuba If you haven't played #TheWalkingDead 400 Days before playing S2E1, you should DEFINITELY play it before S2E2... Really.
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Hmm...Interesting, so 400 Days will be important in episode 2 after all.
Too bad it's not tweet about episode's release but that's good too. better something than nothing, they say.
You're forgetting something important for your magical 18th of February release date; S2E2 has not been classified yet. Generally, the Australian Government's website puts up their classification first (eg TWAU Ep 2 was classified 9th of January). But there is 0 sign of a classification and February the 18th is in almost two weeks.
EDIT: If you're going to downvote, you could at least tell me why >.>
So, looks like shit will hit the fan for our 400 Days characters in A House Divided. Was wondering when they'd show up. I hope our choices we made in 400 Days really matters, and reflects back at us in unexpected ways in Season Two.
Thank god I have all my Season One save files backed up on a USB drive, including 400 Days.
Huh... Tavias Camp already or the Survivors who stayed in the Wild. Something of this and Kenny.. probably. Shit just got real guys!!
In my game, only Bonnie and Shel left the camp. I think my game will be fun
I guess this Wellington place is Tavia's settlement. And everyone seems to be heading that way. That makes sense for us to meet Kenny, or Lilly, also heading north. I guess we'll run into some 400 Days characters on the way, for whatever reason leaving the settlement.
Edit: In my playthrough everyone came with Tavia. Looks like I will have a Action packed second episode. xD
Just because I want to be THAT guy... This seems like a good indication that episode 2 will definitely be out before March. Maybe in the next few weeks. The guy that asked Telltale that question posed it on January 28th and they just answered it today. Looks to me like they timed their response in order to give the guy enough time to make sure he played 400 Days while also delaying their response so that they didn't give out hype too soon. Perhaps I'm reading way too much into it. I can't help it.
Nice find.
It must be Omid. Clem knew of his death. Where as Kenny, Clem was never informed about it. I mean it could be Kenny, but. Doubt it is. And Omid got shot on the right side of his chest. the heart is on the opposite side. A group could of picked him up and looked after him? But then again. when clem said "I thought you were dead". It sound like its bringing back someone from season one.
Why would they leave Omid behind if he was alive? Use common sense, anyone can check a pulse. Omid & Christa obviously informed Clementine about Kenny's presumed death after staying with them for months. Like Clementine told them about Lee's death.
My bets is all on Kenny, or Lilly. Christa would be too obvious. And Omid is close to impossible.
Am I the only one who DIED when re-reading the title after having THIS show up on my YouTube channel? :P
I actually disagree.....
In the example, the teacher provides the deadline and the guidelines for the essay....and the student must meet the criteria.
In reality, Telltale sets the deadline and the guidelines for the game...and they should meet the criteria....but don't necessarily have to.
Also...they most likely finished him off so he wouldn't come back as a most characters in TWD do....out of respect.
I know this is unrelated, but what is FUBAR?
Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition/Reason/Repair.
talks in a voice like Chuck's Thank ya
Yeah, it was kind of a disappointment, but couldn't it mean that episode 2 is close? Telltale does release trailers just before the release, so perhaps 11th/12th is still a possibility? Yes, you may down vote, but I'm just trying to be optimistic.
Hey guys, I don't think this matters at all, but remember last season when you started a new episode and the game showed you what happened last episode Lee would say: "Previously on The Walking Dead"? Do you think this season Clementine will say "Previously on The Walking Dead"? Or do you think it'll stick with Lee? I don't know why, but this randomly crossed my mind for no reason at all.
Morgan Freeman.
I think they will stick with Dave. I feel like Lee is still there, watching over us somehow. Clementine is a shadow of Lee, and it'd make sense to keep Lee in the background, taking the role as narrator for her.
Yeah I really enjoyed that S2E1 had Lee's voice for the "Previously" section. It was a nice way to remind us of the past, and I'd imagine the previously segments for future episodes will have scenes from both Season 1 and 2.
Quick question be great if someone could answer it.
I played all season 1 and have the save file on my console but never played 400 days because i never even knew it came out (took a break from gaming), anyway should i play 400 days? is it important i play it before i play the next episode in season 2?
because i have started season 2 already how will 400 days affect choices i make now?
Before Season Two got released, Telltale once said 400 Days will act like a bridge between Season One, and Season Two.
Today Telltale said:
So, yes. You should indeed play 400 Days before getting more into Season Two.
As for your choices you have to re-play All That Remains using your saveslot containing both your Season One, and 400 Days saves.
Since I love telltale games but am ignorant to its staff I am just going to assume Frieza is the leader of public relations because of their timetables
Theres actually a unused voice audio of her saying that actually
Senhor, I demand you get all the unused content and post on a thread or something. You have no idea how happy that would make me.
I want to play the episode 2 !
please release it as soon as possible ! 
I know this has been brought up before, but you guys think that they will spill some info or even release a trailer during or after the show premieres?
At last we have met...
and how can you be so sure FreddeN93 has different accounts to upvote himself when have no actual proof, and if he did so what everyone has the right to show their opinion here as everyone is different in what they believe is right. Shouldn't judge people, I made that mistake plenty of times, but not anymore, and for the record you should too, otherwise you're going to have a lot of distrust and not many friends.