The mans got a point... and quite frankly a good one. It's not so much about when it will be released, (hopefully this month) but rather the f… moreact that TTG hasn't even given us, their devoted diehard fans who they would be nothing without, a single hint as to when the hell S:2 E:2 will be released! Son of a bitjcnlckajenrfkajdfaweodfn!
No one is saying the game is not great and we will not play it. Still not right for Telltale to have such terrible PR, and communication to fans. Actually this fan base is relatively tame. Imagine if a respectable company like EA, Activision, Blizzard, the company that makes GTA, didn't communicate to fans? there would be riots.
Did you forget that Season 1 took two months for two episodes? That we still haven't reached that timeframe yet? Especially since Telltale too… morek a few weeks off for the holidays?
I swear, this is one of the weirdest fanbases ever. You guys haven't waited anywhere near four months, we haven't even hit two months yet. Do you guys have any patience at all? I guarantee that even if Telltale announced all the release dates in advance that you guys would still complain. We're getting teases about 400 Days and it's certainly more information than the very patient Wolf Among Us fans got. I say patience because they at least didn't start whining until the three month mark where it was very justified. Wait for four months and then you can start complaining about it taking so long. This is taking the same length that season 1 did.
To all you guys saying you'll never buy a season pass again, I doubt it. I guarantee that 99% of you will be here on the fo… [view original content]
I actually played through the game my first time when TWD Season One was at it's third Episode and I played it on my own then. And I actually enjoyed it then too. Granted I'm having more fun playing it now, but I decided to play it again for old timesakes since it was the game that kept me occupied for episodes for Season One.
Not sure why anyone does season passes for the Telltale games to be honest.
If it's because it's less expensive, they could wait until it comes out in one wrapped up game - which will be less expensive. Otherwise, don't see the point in not just buying episode by episode - not like Telltale has given any reason to give them money up front? Heck I use bing rewards and by the time the next episode comes out, I usually have enough in microsoft points to buy it anyway.
i guess some people are content being taken advantage of. If you'd like to give me some money in advance for a project that I will get to you eventually I will be more than happy to take you up on that offer.
Have you produced anything that I would consider a good product? Is this project you're working on related to the previous one? I highly suspect the answers are no and 'not applicable'. In that case, no, I will not give you money for an unspecified project.
Telltale, on the other hand, made a game that completely changed how I thought about cinematic, and episodic games. They have earned my money, even in this dearth of information.
i guess some people are content being taken advantage of. If you'd like to give me some money in advance for a project that I will get to you eventually I will be more than happy to take you up on that offer.
I'm sorry but I'm about to ask a very pety/childish question that has nothing to do with the topic. How do you "don't do" something?
"they don't do make that content in a month"
I really don't understand why they don't just SAY they'll put out episodes every 3 months instead of saying every 4-6 weeks.
If they say every 3 months and they put an episode out before the 3 month mark, we get pleasantly surprised and feel Telltale respects its customer base.
If they say every 3 months and they put out an episode late, then they deserve the scorn.
If they say every 4-6 weeks, they're almost intentionally making it harder for themselves and setting themselves up to fail and get scorn. No idea why, from a public relations standpoint, they claim 4-6 weeks if they NEVER make their timetable
Im seriously doubting a February release. The first or second week of March seems more likely. They're handling like 4 different IP's now. See… moremingly, at once. Going forward, I doubt Telltale puts out anything within that 4-6 week window. Its probably going to be 2-3 months between episodes from now on.
Considering there's been holidays in between, I could sit waiting patiently for another couple weeks.
I rather enjoy my games well made, opposed to rushed out.
On their Twitter and facebook they've been teasing The Walking Dead like they did for Wolf Among Us. Last Monday They said that "Info on the Walking Dead is just around the corner." If you go on their blog they said that news for The Walking Dead is coming up.
Considering there's been holidays in between, I could sit waiting patiently for another couple weeks.
I rather enjoy my games well made, opposed to rushed out.
Puzzlebox once said that they usually send the game for certification once all the gore is in the game and do some finishing touches in the meantime. So it should be within the month that we get the game.
I thought they confirmed it was someome trolling? Or is this another one, even if true they only said that she'd played through it. That classification stuff can take weeks
I have a really good feeling that today we'll get news. Especially because they started putting those "What did you pick?" tweets up for TWD. Also, we haven't gotten a trailer for episode 2 yet but the tweet on Feb. 2 said around the corner so they must have to put a trailer sooner or later (sooner is better). If I am not mistaken, Telltale usually gives info/trailers on Tuesdays and Thursdays right? More reasons for news today. What do you guys think?
No one is saying the game is not great and we will not play it. Still not right for Telltale to have such terrible PR, and communication to fa… morens. Actually this fan base is relatively tame. Imagine if a respectable company like EA, Activision, Blizzard, the company that makes GTA, didn't communicate to fans? there would be riots.
You didnt think im being serious...? Its anoying me now, i would think that after first season they would learn not to say its gonna be 4-6 weeks, they could say straight away Guys, you are gonna have to wait for each season at least 2 moths, more people would buy it after its all finished so after a year...
I have no problem waiting for episodes, I never mind if it gets delayed because it can only get better in the long shot. The problem with Telltale is the lack of communication though. Of course you have them now teasing TWD on twitter and facebook now, but I feel it would benefit Telltale if they actually told us what was going on instead of leaving us in the dark. When did we even hear about The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 being delayed? I'm pretty sure it was after the cause of the delay had already been sorted out but I could be wrong on that. During that entire time though Telltale was just being bashed on their forums due to the lack of communication, they probably even lost a lot of buyers in the process. As I have said, I have no problem waiting for episodes, it's just that when a episode goes past the time frame that Telltale promised is when they should be talking. I've heard people say that this is what to expect from the second episodes so I still don't think they past the time frame YET.
If Telltale would actually give us information after the time frame I feel it would benefit them more in the end. It would not only improve the community's "relationship" with Telltale but could even make people who are iffy about episodic games be more comfortable when buying Telltale products. Hell, it would probably even give them more player feedback because Telltale loves that. The problem is, they don't do that.
This is what I see in Telltale games and the community. Just imagine that the two guys in the car are the workers/staff/developers at Telltale games, and then imagine the car with the Wife and Husband being the community begging for information.
This is actually very interesting. I doubt it'll have alot of impact though but don't let the downvotes discourage you. Keep it going. People are signing it, that got to mean something.
Puzzlebox once said that they usually send the game for certification once all the gore is in the game and do some finishing touches in the meantime. So it should be within the month that we get the game.
"To all you guys saying you'll never buy a season pass again, I doubt it. I guarantee that 99% of you will be here on the forums after the season is over talking about how great that season was and how excited you are for season 3. I guarantee it."
I said I wouldn't buy a season pass again after I bought it for season one. I still stand by that. I didn't buy the season pass for season 2, I bought the individual episode because I still had credit left in my psn wallet. I will buy the rest of the episodes when they eventually come out but i'm not as excited about the series as I was last time round, to be honest. "All that remains" was alright but it didn't blow me away or impress me as much as "the new day" episode from season 1. By the end of "the new day" episode I cared about Clem, Carly and Kenny's family and wanted them to live as long as possible. I don't care for the characters in season 2 yet. When I played, I wanted Clem to leave the group at the cabin in search of Christa to be honest. To me "the new day" episode was so awesome that the wait for "starving for help" was more frustrating for me than the wait is for "a house divided". In fact i'm not frustrated about the wait at all. I haven't complained once on this forum about the wait for "a house divided" but I was forever complaining when I was waiting for "starved for help". To me, the game series is still o.k but i'm just going through the motions and playing it for the sake of it because i've played all the episodes sofar. My attitiude to the game is when it comes it comes. I'm actually more excited about playing the last of us dlc "left behind"which is coming out on feb 14, yes naughty dog actually plan ahead instead of making their games on the fly and give release dates.
Did you forget that Season 1 took two months for two episodes? That we still haven't reached that timeframe yet? Especially since Telltale too… morek a few weeks off for the holidays?
I swear, this is one of the weirdest fanbases ever. You guys haven't waited anywhere near four months, we haven't even hit two months yet. Do you guys have any patience at all? I guarantee that even if Telltale announced all the release dates in advance that you guys would still complain. We're getting teases about 400 Days and it's certainly more information than the very patient Wolf Among Us fans got. I say patience because they at least didn't start whining until the three month mark where it was very justified. Wait for four months and then you can start complaining about it taking so long. This is taking the same length that season 1 did.
To all you guys saying you'll never buy a season pass again, I doubt it. I guarantee that 99% of you will be here on the fo… [view original content]
"Not sure why anyone does season passes for the Telltale games to be honest.
If it's because it's less expensive, they could wait until it comes out in one wrapped up game - which will be less expensive. Otherwise, don't see the point in not just buying episode by episode - not like Telltale has given any reason to give them money up front? Heck I use bing rewards and by the time the next episode comes out, I usually have enough in microsoft points to buy it anyway. "
I agree. I buy the individual episodes as they come out, now. When I bought the season pass for season 1 that was because it was originally stated that episodes would be released monthly. I want to play what I pay for when I part with my money or at least have an idea how long I will have to wait, where season passes are concerned. At least now it doesn't bother me if I wait 3 or 4 months for an episode, since I haven't paid for it before it yet.
Not sure why anyone does season passes for the Telltale games to be honest.
If it's because it's less expensive, they could wait until it c… moreomes out in one wrapped up game - which will be less expensive. Otherwise, don't see the point in not just buying episode by episode - not like Telltale has given any reason to give them money up front? Heck I use bing rewards and by the time the next episode comes out, I usually have enough in microsoft points to buy it anyway.
Aren't they teasing an announcement soon? Are you seriously calling that Radio silence?
Where'd you heard that? Thats not confirmed.
Ughh. How one does play that boring repetitve piece of shit without getting bored. I don't get it.
No one is saying the game is not great and we will not play it. Still not right for Telltale to have such terrible PR, and communication to fans. Actually this fan base is relatively tame. Imagine if a respectable company like EA, Activision, Blizzard, the company that makes GTA, didn't communicate to fans? there would be riots.
Simple, I have a different opinion to you. Many people do. An awful lot of people do.
Plus it doesn't hurt to mention I'm playing it with a friend.
Understandable , but every game is fun with a friend
I do believe they are teasing one based on their Facebook/Twitter posts. Have you read them?
I actually played through the game my first time when TWD Season One was at it's third Episode and I played it on my own then. And I actually enjoyed it then too. Granted I'm having more fun playing it now, but I decided to play it again for old timesakes since it was the game that kept me occupied for episodes for Season One.
I hope it's at least in the next few weeks. ;-;
Not sure why anyone does season passes for the Telltale games to be honest.
If it's because it's less expensive, they could wait until it comes out in one wrapped up game - which will be less expensive. Otherwise, don't see the point in not just buying episode by episode - not like Telltale has given any reason to give them money up front? Heck I use bing rewards and by the time the next episode comes out, I usually have enough in microsoft points to buy it anyway.
Have you produced anything that I would consider a good product? Is this project you're working on related to the previous one? I highly suspect the answers are no and 'not applicable'. In that case, no, I will not give you money for an unspecified project.
Telltale, on the other hand, made a game that completely changed how I thought about cinematic, and episodic games. They have earned my money, even in this dearth of information.
Considering there's been holidays in between, I could sit waiting patiently for another couple weeks.
I rather enjoy my games well made, opposed to rushed out.
OmegaTise, it's because he didn't do write that grammatically correct
I really don't understand why they don't just SAY they'll put out episodes every 3 months instead of saying every 4-6 weeks.
If they say every 3 months and they put an episode out before the 3 month mark, we get pleasantly surprised and feel Telltale respects its customer base.
If they say every 3 months and they put out an episode late, then they deserve the scorn.
If they say every 4-6 weeks, they're almost intentionally making it harder for themselves and setting themselves up to fail and get scorn. No idea why, from a public relations standpoint, they claim 4-6 weeks if they NEVER make their timetable
Same here
On their Twitter and facebook they've been teasing The Walking Dead like they did for Wolf Among Us. Last Monday They said that "Info on the Walking Dead is just around the corner." If you go on their blog they said that news for The Walking Dead is coming up.
Though they worked during the holidays? The timeframe is still exceeded.
Puzzlebox once said that they usually send the game for certification once all the gore is in the game and do some finishing touches in the meantime. So it should be within the month that we get the game.
Puzzlebox said that they send the game for classification after all the gory scenes are finished. So it could be even shorter than we think.
You better post a link of where she said this.
I have a really good feeling that today we'll get news. Especially because they started putting those "What did you pick?" tweets up for TWD. Also, we haven't gotten a trailer for episode 2 yet but the tweet on Feb. 2 said around the corner so they must have to put a trailer sooner or later (sooner is better). If I am not mistaken, Telltale usually gives info/trailers on Tuesdays and Thursdays right? More reasons for news today. What do you guys think?
Well , Rockstar Games(Gta devs) doesn't communicate to the fans at all, they never give info if GTA 5 is coming to pc or not.
You didnt think im being serious...? Its anoying me now, i would think that after first season they would learn not to say its gonna be 4-6 weeks, they could say straight away Guys, you are gonna have to wait for each season at least 2 moths, more people would buy it after its all finished so after a year...
There's a bathroom on the right....
How about making a post once in a while that does not promote your petition? Once has been enough already.
Don't worry, tomorrow will be A New Day.
EA and Activision are respectable companies? Really?
I have no problem waiting for episodes, I never mind if it gets delayed because it can only get better in the long shot. The problem with Telltale is the lack of communication though. Of course you have them now teasing TWD on twitter and facebook now, but I feel it would benefit Telltale if they actually told us what was going on instead of leaving us in the dark. When did we even hear about The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 being delayed? I'm pretty sure it was after the cause of the delay had already been sorted out but I could be wrong on that. During that entire time though Telltale was just being bashed on their forums due to the lack of communication, they probably even lost a lot of buyers in the process. As I have said, I have no problem waiting for episodes, it's just that when a episode goes past the time frame that Telltale promised is when they should be talking. I've heard people say that this is what to expect from the second episodes so I still don't think they past the time frame YET.
If Telltale would actually give us information after the time frame I feel it would benefit them more in the end. It would not only improve the community's "relationship" with Telltale but could even make people who are iffy about episodic games be more comfortable when buying Telltale products. Hell, it would probably even give them more player feedback because Telltale loves that. The problem is, they don't do that.
This is what I see in Telltale games and the community. Just imagine that the two guys in the car are the workers/staff/developers at Telltale games, and then imagine the car with the Wife and Husband being the community begging for information.
so thats what it is,
My favorite
This is actually very interesting. I doubt it'll have alot of impact though but don't let the downvotes discourage you. Keep it going. People are signing it, that got to mean something.
Woot. Thanks lol.
Shoutouts to 400 DAYS don't qualify as "breaking radio silence."
"To all you guys saying you'll never buy a season pass again, I doubt it. I guarantee that 99% of you will be here on the forums after the season is over talking about how great that season was and how excited you are for season 3. I guarantee it."
I said I wouldn't buy a season pass again after I bought it for season one. I still stand by that. I didn't buy the season pass for season 2, I bought the individual episode because I still had credit left in my psn wallet. I will buy the rest of the episodes when they eventually come out but i'm not as excited about the series as I was last time round, to be honest. "All that remains" was alright but it didn't blow me away or impress me as much as "the new day" episode from season 1. By the end of "the new day" episode I cared about Clem, Carly and Kenny's family and wanted them to live as long as possible. I don't care for the characters in season 2 yet. When I played, I wanted Clem to leave the group at the cabin in search of Christa to be honest. To me "the new day" episode was so awesome that the wait for "starving for help" was more frustrating for me than the wait is for "a house divided". In fact i'm not frustrated about the wait at all. I haven't complained once on this forum about the wait for "a house divided" but I was forever complaining when I was waiting for "starved for help". To me, the game series is still o.k but i'm just going through the motions and playing it for the sake of it because i've played all the episodes sofar. My attitiude to the game is when it comes it comes. I'm actually more excited about playing the last of us dlc "left behind"which is coming out on feb 14, yes naughty dog actually plan ahead instead of making their games on the fly and give release dates.
"Not sure why anyone does season passes for the Telltale games to be honest.
If it's because it's less expensive, they could wait until it comes out in one wrapped up game - which will be less expensive. Otherwise, don't see the point in not just buying episode by episode - not like Telltale has given any reason to give them money up front? Heck I use bing rewards and by the time the next episode comes out, I usually have enough in microsoft points to buy it anyway.
I agree. I buy the individual episodes as they come out, now. When I bought the season pass for season 1 that was because it was originally stated that episodes would be released monthly. I want to play what I pay for when I part with my money or at least have an idea how long I will have to wait, where season passes are concerned. At least now it doesn't bother me if I wait 3 or 4 months for an episode, since I haven't paid for it before it yet.
I think it's time I dropped the bomb.
And I will be waiting as the Days Gone Bye (I'm sorry I had to)
He actually looks peaceful in this moment compared to all the other times.