Don't get your hopes up just yet. I think they'll release a few more teaser images before then.
Unless they're being all secretive and want a Valentine's Day release or something.
Don't get your hopes up just yet. I think they'll release a few more teaser images before then.
Unless they're being all secretive and want a Valentine's Day release or something.
Bingo, A House Divide would overshadow Smoke and Mirrors and that's why their letting the little guy shine for a while. I hate sounding like an apologist, because I'm not, but Telltale is a business that's looking out for all their projects, not just TWD. Your thinking as a fan (which makes sense), but you gotta look at it from a marketing standpoint.
Not a good enough reason to delay another title. It's a punch Telltale have to take if A House Divided overshadow The Wolf Among Us. They can't let their mistakes affect other games.
TBH I think the hype for Smoke & Mirrors slowly started to fade away by the start of this week. The reviews are slowly stopping to come in, and Telltale haven't said much for a while other than the small TWD teasers here and there.
Bingo, A House Divide would overshadow Smoke and Mirrors and that's why their letting the little guy shine for a while. I hate sounding like a… moren apologist, because I'm not, but Telltale is a business that's looking out for all their projects, not just TWD. Your thinking as a fan (which makes sense), but you gotta look at it from a marketing standpoint.
Oh man, you are in the perfect position to binge watch all of the seasons of Game of Thrones, before the new season hits, followed by what is sure to be an awesome game. I envy you
I agree, nothing can compare to TWD.. It will be different, for sure, but luckily it's not a competition.
TT runs into so many problems, I think they are getting in over their head. They couldn't keep TWD S1 on schedule, now having problems with keeping both TWD S2 and TWAU going. I'm sure we would all love them to get into a routine for both these and their new projects but I don't see them managing it. They should focus on one project at a time. I'd much prefer to have a continuous flow of one season, and when it finishes move on to the next series for another game.
In the end though, their biggest problem is just keeping us in the dark. If there's a delay then fine, work on it until it's finished, but not giving any sort of dates means they can just not say anything and leave us just like with TWD S1. Good games, bad PR.
trailer today? possible! but.... I think they might say "keep an eye on the blog for valentines day all" and then tomorrow write: "Happy valentines day! for your present, we give you the trailer for The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 2, A House Divided! Enjoy!"
I played season 1 all in one go, I never had to wait for each episode I played it from the disc. But I have downloaded season 2, so my question is did you have to wait this long for each episode in season 1 to come out?
trailer today? possible! but.... I think they might say "keep an eye on the blog for valentines day all" and then tomorrow write: "Happy valen… moretines day! for your present, we give you the trailer for The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 2, A House Divided! Enjoy!"
Well, I have to buy a new monitor if this is the case. :P
Anyway, TBH I don't mind waiting to the 25th, heck I don't mind waiting to early March, but ONLY if Telltale can confirm it, and provide us with a launch day, or week. Then we could have something to look forward to. This feeling it could release tomorrow, to a month is killing me. This is why people don't mind waiting for other game developers; they provide you with a date six months in advance.
Yes, going on people's nerves equals gaining attention.
uh yeah? how does it not?
If you have that big of problem with it just ignore it… more. As paying customers we have the right to voice our opinions. Aren't mods suppose to keep the peace on forums and not exacerbate the problems?
I guess I'm a B in this case. If they stick within that time frame. I appreciate Telltale giving us at least one month of speculation for the upcoming episode. But when it exceed the six weeks limit it's getting annoying.
Maybe this has been brought up before, but what would you like, and why?
A: All five episodes should be released as one. Twelve hours of se… moreamless game play. Nothing could be better.
B: 4-? weeks between episodes is not a big find the anticipation and delayed gratification kinda fun.
C: Releasing two at a time would be killer! Just right.
D: You couldn't care less. You don't think of the game between episodes, and are only on this forum because you're stalking your ex.
Maybe this has been brought up before, but what would you like, and why?
A: All five episodes should be released as one. Twelve hours of se… moreamless game play. Nothing could be better.
B: 4-? weeks between episodes is not a big find the anticipation and delayed gratification kinda fun.
C: Releasing two at a time would be killer! Just right.
D: You couldn't care less. You don't think of the game between episodes, and are only on this forum because you're stalking your ex.
Maybe this has been brought up before, but what would you like, and why?
A: All five episodes should be released as one. Twelve hours of se… moreamless game play. Nothing could be better.
B: 4-? weeks between episodes is not a big find the anticipation and delayed gratification kinda fun.
C: Releasing two at a time would be killer! Just right.
D: You couldn't care less. You don't think of the game between episodes, and are only on this forum because you're stalking your ex.
I guess I'm a B in this case. If they stick within that time frame. I appreciate Telltale giving us at least one month of speculation for the upcoming episode. But when it exceed the six weeks limit it's getting annoying.
Wouldn't it suck if the "I thought you were dead" part was just a look ahead at Episode 2's cliff hanger and we actually wont know who that person is until the beginning of Episode 3?
Maybe this has been brought up before, but what would you like, and why?
A: All five episodes should be released as one. Twelve hours of se… moreamless game play. Nothing could be better.
B: 4-? weeks between episodes is not a big find the anticipation and delayed gratification kinda fun.
C: Releasing two at a time would be killer! Just right.
D: You couldn't care less. You don't think of the game between episodes, and are only on this forum because you're stalking your ex.
I bought Season 1 on Steam after it had all come out. I still loved it but i feel like i missed out on some of the cliffhangers and suspense that waiting between episodes gave. So im mostly a B. Waiting 4 to 6 weeks is actually kind of fun. It builds up excitment and increases the joy from starting the next episode. 4 MONTHS however... I honestly forgot about the game until Steam told me TWAU was updating.
Maybe this has been brought up before, but what would you like, and why?
A: All five episodes should be released as one. Twelve hours of se… moreamless game play. Nothing could be better.
B: 4-? weeks between episodes is not a big find the anticipation and delayed gratification kinda fun.
C: Releasing two at a time would be killer! Just right.
D: You couldn't care less. You don't think of the game between episodes, and are only on this forum because you're stalking your ex.
.. Did you notice that they aren't posting a lot on their Twitter as usual? There might be a surprise trailer maybe today or tomorrow! I'm honestly on edge right now and wake up in the middle of the night to see if there is any news oh my god, call me obsessed.
.. Did you notice that they aren't posting a lot on their Twitter as usual? There might be a surprise trailer maybe today or tomorrow! I'm hon… moreestly on edge right now and wake up in the middle of the night to see if there is any news oh my god, call me obsessed.
.. Did you notice that they aren't posting a lot on their Twitter as usual? There might be a surprise trailer maybe today or tomorrow! I'm hon… moreestly on edge right now and wake up in the middle of the night to see if there is any news oh my god, call me obsessed.
Maybe this has been brought up before, but what would you like, and why?
A: All five episodes should be released as one. Twelve hours of se… moreamless game play. Nothing could be better.
B: 4-? weeks between episodes is not a big find the anticipation and delayed gratification kinda fun.
C: Releasing two at a time would be killer! Just right.
D: You couldn't care less. You don't think of the game between episodes, and are only on this forum because you're stalking your ex.
Guys, I understand you are optimistic. But because they haven't tweeted anything, means nothing. It is more likely there PR department is sitting there wondering how else can we torture our fan base. Games coming out last week of Feb/ First week of March.
Valentine's Day, and The Walking Dead. What a perfect match. xD
Anyway, I think a trailer will arrive first, followed by vines counting down to launch day.
I havent watched that show and im sure telltale will make an amazing game out of it but i dont think anything will ever surpass their TWD game.
Bingo, A House Divide would overshadow Smoke and Mirrors and that's why their letting the little guy shine for a while. I hate sounding like an apologist, because I'm not, but Telltale is a business that's looking out for all their projects, not just TWD. Your thinking as a fan (which makes sense), but you gotta look at it from a marketing standpoint.
Exactly, its their flagship franchise that they can release at any time and still sell like hotcakes. TWAU is still new and gaining traction.
It's real! Check out the trailer
TBH I think the hype for Smoke & Mirrors slowly started to fade away by the start of this week. The reviews are slowly stopping to come in, and Telltale haven't said much for a while other than the small TWD teasers here and there.
Oh man, you are in the perfect position to binge watch all of the seasons of Game of Thrones, before the new season hits, followed by what is sure to be an awesome game. I envy you
I agree, nothing can compare to TWD.. It will be different, for sure, but luckily it's not a competition.
Yeah, I don't think so either. I'd be playing The Last Of Us's DLC tomorrow anyway.
TT runs into so many problems, I think they are getting in over their head. They couldn't keep TWD S1 on schedule, now having problems with keeping both TWD S2 and TWAU going. I'm sure we would all love them to get into a routine for both these and their new projects but I don't see them managing it. They should focus on one project at a time. I'd much prefer to have a continuous flow of one season, and when it finishes move on to the next series for another game.
In the end though, their biggest problem is just keeping us in the dark. If there's a delay then fine, work on it until it's finished, but not giving any sort of dates means they can just not say anything and leave us just like with TWD S1. Good games, bad PR.
trailer today? possible! but.... I think they might say "keep an eye on the blog for valentines day all" and then tomorrow write: "Happy valentines day! for your present, we give you the trailer for The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 2, A House Divided! Enjoy!"
In season 1 for the first 3 episodes there was a 2 month gap between them but 3-5 was a month gap each so it looks like it will be repeating again
"Happy Valentine's Day! Episode 2 is coming soon"
I'm not a THRONES fan, so thankfully I won't have to wait for Telltale to sloooooooooooowly release each episode after a month.
Or two months.
Or three.
Well, I have to buy a new monitor if this is the case. :P
Anyway, TBH I don't mind waiting to the 25th, heck I don't mind waiting to early March, but ONLY if Telltale can confirm it, and provide us with a launch day, or week. Then we could have something to look forward to. This feeling it could release tomorrow, to a month is killing me. This is why people don't mind waiting for other game developers; they provide you with a date six months in advance.
Wasn't opposed to the opinion, but to its nauseating repetition.
Maybe this has been brought up before, but what would you like, and why?
A: All five episodes should be released as one. Twelve hours of seamless game play. Nothing could be better.
B: 4-? weeks between episodes is not a big find the anticipation and delayed gratification kinda fun.
C: Releasing two at a time would be killer! Just right.
D: You couldn't care less. You don't think of the game between episodes, and are only on this forum because you're stalking your ex.
I guess I'm a B in this case. If they stick within that time frame. I appreciate Telltale giving us at least one month of speculation for the upcoming episode. But when it exceed the six weeks limit it's getting annoying.
Maybe all at once seems greedy, but I'm into it.
B all the way. My thoughts on the matter are pretty much the same as FreddeN's.
Yeah, you're right. I changed it to 4-?
Don't give them any ideas.
I bought Season 1 on Steam after it had all come out. I still loved it but i feel like i missed out on some of the cliffhangers and suspense that waiting between episodes gave. So im mostly a B. Waiting 4 to 6 weeks is actually kind of fun. It builds up excitment and increases the joy from starting the next episode. 4 MONTHS however... I honestly forgot about the game until Steam told me TWAU was updating.
I'm gonna go c. I would love to see in harm's way and amid the ruins at the same time mean 'couldn't' care less, right?
I 'could' care less means you actually do care :P
.. Did you notice that they aren't posting a lot on their Twitter as usual? There might be a surprise trailer maybe today or tomorrow! I'm honestly on edge right now and wake up in the middle of the night to see if there is any news oh my god, call me obsessed.
Mom!! I told you to stop following me online :-/
Maybe it's because they don't have anything new to post
Probably right there! But I expect a surprise trailer to be honest haha.
Tomorrow we will see a good news, maybe the trailer (I hope)
They have been very quiet the last couple of days. Feels like they're preparing something indeed.
Puzzle box said we won't have to wait TOO soon! Oh my god I'm screaming.
A. solely because Telltale is the most unreliable company to exist.
"@Michael__7123 I don't think you guys will be waiting TOO much longer.
". That was posted on Laura's twitter!
Guys, I understand you are optimistic. But because they haven't tweeted anything, means nothing. It is more likely there PR department is sitting there wondering how else can we torture our fan base. Games coming out last week of Feb/ First week of March.
Another cryptic message. Great. In Telltale's time frame that could be one more month. She couldn't even say which month.
well @puzzlebox, if the trailer's a coming, we'd sure like to know.