I have to agree. I am really looking forward to this game, but right now? I don't really give a shit because it will be ages before it actually comes out
I actually feel like that. The first thing I do on the computer is check if there is any news about any games or upcoming games or checking to see if a next game in a game series has been announced yet.
I actually feel like that. The first thing I do on the computer is check if there is any news about any games or upcoming games or checking to see if a next game in a game series has been announced yet.
Specially when they never start the new season without at least the first 3 episodes writen... I know there could be rewrites, tehre allways are in some parts of the game, but I'm guessing that wouldn't take too long... I'm hoping now for a 25th february release and tat's one week later from TT 6 weeks calendar, but in season 1, episode 2 and 3 came out with 8 weeks waiting time...
Alright puzzle, riddle me this: what is our valentine's day present? Why I'll tell you! It's info about tftb and a twau screenshot with a sappy caption! We sure weren't expecting a TRAILER hint hint
I think Kenny is the most viable option because she wouldn't think Vernon is dead, she is still asking about Christa, Molly can be shot in season 1, Hershel and Glenn both stay with Rick and die in the comics, which the game is based off, Hershel at the prison Glenn being beaten to death by Negan, and Lily in the comics is in Woodbury and is actually the person in the comics who kills the governor, after she kills Lori and Judith with a shotgun, but the comics never show her again after that so who knows but the fact is after Lily is gone she goes to Woodbury but about 20+ months pass between her leaving / being left and season 2 so who knows.
I think that counts as offically Trolling by now lol. But have to admit.. I like how they assume that they can push their Luck with our Patience after the Wolf Debacle. Great Ego is great.
My patience ran thin a long time ago if it's not out by the 18th then this really will be delayed i'm tired of dealing with Telltale as a whole they treat their customers badly and they delay their games constantly. I'd love to be part of their PR though so I could jerk off on Twitter all day and mess with people who are clearly upset man that is some easy money.
My patience ran thin a long time ago if it's not out by the 18th then this really will be delayed i'm tired of dealing with Telltale as a whol… moree they treat their customers badly and they delay their games constantly. I'd love to be part of their PR though so I could jerk off on Twitter all day and mess with people who are clearly upset man that is some easy money.
Why Telltale-games.....i'm just so tired of waiting that i have lost all my happiness for the whole month because of you, all i ever want to do this year was to play TWD Season 2, but now i feel just so played, like my Ex-Girlfriend , she was a major-bitch that never came through for me......Just Why....Why are you doing this to us.......=(
I'm not seeing a classification for episode 2 anywhere, and the 18th is in 3-4 days depending on where you live... I don't think the 18th is a viable release date anymore... sorry
My patience ran thin a long time ago if it's not out by the 18th then this really will be delayed i'm tired of dealing with Telltale as a whol… moree they treat their customers badly and they delay their games constantly. I'd love to be part of their PR though so I could jerk off on Twitter all day and mess with people who are clearly upset man that is some easy money.
It's sad but TTG could literally lead us on with coming soon... for another few months and we would still come back to play their game. That is how much power a good episodic game gives them.
I'm not seeing a classification for episode 2 anywhere, and the 18th is in 3-4 days depending on where you live... I don't think the 18th is a viable release date anymore... sorry
Quite frankly, this is bull! There's no excuse for not giving any information. It's not like it's free to play, people have spent money on this and I don't know about anyone else but I AT LEAST expect the courtesy of an explanation as to why its taking so long!
This is outrage, shitshit and fucking ass-shit, god i will need some damn painkillers. My ass is burning in pain after this season, thx for raping me dry with this wait, so um... release date plz?
I have to agree. I am really looking forward to this game, but right now? I don't really give a shit because it will be ages before it actually comes out
In Telltale's mind TOO long means 5 years.
I'm usually a really patient person, but this is ridiculous. How long do we have to wait to get a 1,5 h episode?
I thing the TFTB stuff is just filler until they have actual news.
I actually feel like that. The first thing I do on the computer is check if there is any news about any games or upcoming games or checking to see if a next game in a game series has been announced yet.
if telltale was a big company then they could make episodes faster
Specially when they never start the new season without at least the first 3 episodes writen... I know there could be rewrites, tehre allways are in some parts of the game, but I'm guessing that wouldn't take too long... I'm hoping now for a 25th february release and tat's one week later from TT 6 weeks calendar, but in season 1, episode 2 and 3 came out with 8 weeks waiting time...
Fucking hell Telltale's twitter is driving me insane. I can't help but check it several times a day because just maybe there'll be something there.
Yeah, they need to post an update sometime soon
Seriously Telltale...
This has been a rotten week.
...I'm done. Screw you guys, I'm going home.
Wow... that's it..?
This sucks.
What the hell is this...?
It's called 'twisting the knife.'
Alright puzzle, riddle me this: what is our valentine's day present? Why I'll tell you! It's info about tftb and a twau screenshot with a sappy caption! We sure weren't expecting a TRAILER hint hint
I think the gorillas at Telltale have cut all communication with us fans at the forum for good this time.
I wish I had a job where I could just fuck around on Twitter all day and troll my customers.
I didn't even expect anything from Ep 2. Just anything from TWD at least
Just think of the children dying from hunger in Africa while you get paid to post 1 or 2 tweets every 3 days.
They seem to be still posting more tweets today... Could they end their twitting streak with something to tease us with?
i guess walkers eaten them
I wouldn't go QUITE that far, but yeah...somebody made a grave miscalculation here.
Nate got to them.
I think Kenny is the most viable option because she wouldn't think Vernon is dead, she is still asking about Christa, Molly can be shot in season 1, Hershel and Glenn both stay with Rick and die in the comics, which the game is based off, Hershel at the prison Glenn being beaten to death by Negan, and Lily in the comics is in Woodbury and is actually the person in the comics who kills the governor, after she kills Lori and Judith with a shotgun, but the comics never show her again after that so who knows but the fact is after Lily is gone she goes to Woodbury but about 20+ months pass between her leaving / being left and season 2 so who knows.
I think that counts as offically Trolling by now lol. But have to admit.. I like how they assume that they can push their Luck with our Patience after the Wolf Debacle. Great Ego is great.
To be honest, my patience is starting to wear thin. But I'm hanging in there, god damn it!
Stood in for valentines day dark chocolate strawberries saying "Damnit TTG. Seriously. Plenty of TWAU posts on twitter... Pretty much WTF TTG"....
My patience ran thin a long time ago if it's not out by the 18th then this really will be delayed i'm tired of dealing with Telltale as a whole they treat their customers badly and they delay their games constantly. I'd love to be part of their PR though so I could jerk off on Twitter all day and mess with people who are clearly upset man that is some easy money.
There are like 20 TWAU posts to each TWD post from TTG. That seems awful unbalanced.
I just watch this, and i feel like Tobuscus is TTG, and were Gabuscus, and the Women....

Why Telltale-games.....i'm just so tired of waiting that i have lost all my happiness for the whole month because of you, all i ever want to do this year was to play TWD Season 2, but now i feel just so played, like my Ex-Girlfriend , she was a major-bitch that never came through for me......Just Why....Why are you doing this to us.......=(
I'm not seeing a classification for episode 2 anywhere, and the 18th is in 3-4 days depending on where you live... I don't think the 18th is a viable release date anymore... sorry
It's sad but TTG could literally lead us on with coming soon... for another few months and we would still come back to play their game. That is how much power a good episodic game gives them.
I think you're right
Quite frankly, this is bull! There's no excuse for not giving any information. It's not like it's free to play, people have spent money on this and I don't know about anyone else but I AT LEAST expect the courtesy of an explanation as to why its taking so long!
I think I might wait until my current Season Passes pay off, then I probably won't buy anything from Telltale again. They're just too unreliable.
I was not born with a mind capable of dealing with such long waits.
This is outrage, shitshit and fucking ass-shit, god i will need some damn painkillers. My ass is burning in pain after this season, thx for raping me dry with this wait, so um... release date plz?
I'm getting mad now... This is BS.