If it is still in development that means that it hasn't been submitted to consoles for review yet, that means at least another week or two left. I expect the episode mid-late march.
I am actually furious. The people who are defending this are either insane or sucking up to the staff to seem mature or some shit I don't know… more. Not only is there a complete lack of news, their 4-6 weeks promise on their FAQ is absolutely out the window. What is it now? 10th week? 11th? STILL IN DEVELOPMENT. I can't even. And their PR people think it's alright to tease us with "JUST PLAYED THROUGH IT LOLZ " "DUNT WURRY ITZ CUMIN SUPR SOON! PLZ WAIT FOR UZ". There is no way we are getting it this month and I'm debating whether we are getting it next month. Let me just say I'm not buying any new series by Telltale, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if the second episode is oh I don't know an hour long. There are so many things that they could've done better with this whole situation, but no, of course not. First a 4-month wait for TWAU and now the longest wait in walking dead history. If you can't handle doing two series at the same time, just don'… [view original content]
Well...yes that's probaply what's gonna happen. I just don't understand why Tellale is spaming us with unappropiate news like " Just around the corner ", " coming soon" and " expect news super soon (this week) ". When they aren't able to give us any real informations.
And i also don''t understand why the Episode is still in development, when 2 people already said they played it. (1 of them almost 2 weeks ago)
If it is still in development that means that it hasn't been submitted to consoles for review yet, that means at least another week or two left. I expect the episode mid-late march.
If it is still in development that means that it hasn't been submitted to consoles for review yet, that means at least another week or two left. I expect the episode mid-late march.
You are aware that a game can be played while still under development? They often refer to it as testing, or working out the bugs. Orr... do you want them to ship it to you straight away and have no one play test it? Im sure that would work out juuuust fine.
Well...yes that's probaply what's gonna happen. I just don't understand why Tellale is spaming us with unappropiate news like " Just around th… moree corner ", " coming soon" and " expect news super soon (this week) ". When they aren't able to give us any real informations.
And i also don''t understand why the Episode is still in development, when 2 people already said they played it. (1 of them almost 2 weeks ago)
Of course. If the episode turns out to be just as good as Starved For Help, both in story, and length... I say it was worth the wait. But if i… moret turns out to be just one point five hours with this "rushed" feeling Smoke & Mirrors had... Definitely not. I wish for more character development which we got in Starved For Help. Walk between the characters, empty the dialogues, perhaps do a fun quest like Carley and her radio, or Lee handing out food, etc. And we need a little more puzzles to solve, like sabotaging the generator, and fixing the swing. Small things like this can make a great episode.
I can't wait to walk freely around the cabin, and speak to everyone, and take my own time doing it. I felt I was being pushed when playing All That Remains. Things went past a little too fast.
I think Telltale seriously has to rethink its communications approach, i love Telltale games but I fail to see why can't they give a clear answer of the state of progress, if there is some legal reason then at least a statement about that would be good. If its done to somehow reduce the speculation about the game it isn't helping at all, speculations that the game is delayed to attract more people to Borderlands or GoT isn't helping at all. Hopefully we can get an exact release date this week.
I can't believe that you even managed to fool anyone. Especially after the "Check your calander, it's written there" comment. Come on guys, you can't be that stupid. lol.
But good job getting a few people LordKisuke. :P
'And at times I couldn't take the game seriously like at talking toad...o_0 seriously. Really? ARGH!'
And talking Ponys are more common? Heh, no offense though. Brohoof /)
Calm down guys. The highest chance goes to 25th February. Until friday i think we will have more info about this like "It's coming next week" or a trailer. And on Sunday they are going to announce officially the date. It sounds fair enough as it is about the same they did with TWAU episode 2.
Calm down guys. The highest chance goes to 25th February. Until friday i think we will have more info about this like "It's coming next week" … moreor a trailer. And on Sunday they are going to announce officially the date. It sounds fair enough as it is about the same they did with TWAU episode 2.
Calm down guys. The highest chance goes to 25th February. Until friday i think we will have more info about this like "It's coming next week" … moreor a trailer. And on Sunday they are going to announce officially the date. It sounds fair enough as it is about the same they did with TWAU episode 2.
...And I bought a few energy drinks, and some popcorn last week, thinking we'd be playing the episode by today. Looks like I'll be having this today alone in a corner.
Congratulations Telltale, you have successfully delayed another episode. We're now officially exceeding how long it took to release Starved For Help.
All these stupid certifications where a shit idea when they were first thought up, and they're a shit idea now. Games don't need age ratings it's stupid. It's not like they do ANYTHING to restrict babies playing COD and Battlefield, all it does is causes unnessesary waiting
I believe they said they always worked on the game up to a day before releasing on Steam and TT store. I don't know how that works for consoles with the whole certification thing, but hopefully that is what they meant by "still in development".
I think Telltale seriously has to rethink its communications approach, i love Telltale games but I fail to see why can't they give a clear ans… morewer of the state of progress, if there is some legal reason then at least a statement about that would be good. If its done to somehow reduce the speculation about the game it isn't helping at all, speculations that the game is delayed to attract more people to Borderlands or GoT isn't helping at all. Hopefully we can get an exact release date this week.
Put me out of this misery.
I will. Soon
It obviously isn't done yet. I think its gonna be at least another week or two wait.
Yeah its just around the corner and we wont have to wait too much longer. That was 2 week ago.
If it is still in development that means that it hasn't been submitted to consoles for review yet, that means at least another week or two left. I expect the episode mid-late march.
Well...yes that's probaply what's gonna happen. I just don't understand why Tellale is spaming us with unappropiate news like " Just around the corner ", " coming soon" and " expect news super soon (this week) ". When they aren't able to give us any real informations.
And i also don''t understand why the Episode is still in development, when 2 people already said they played it. (1 of them almost 2 weeks ago)
Mid-late march?

who said that its still in development?
I just hope that we're gonna wait 2 weeks and not 2 months for the release
Patience my friend,you want a good game,right?
But still i'm going crazy we need news ;--;
March ? oh please no. it has to be 25th feb. it has to be
I'm sure they already finished it,it's the porting to all system that takes time
If it is...
I will go insane by March...
False alarm with the Classification site being down. They didn't upload anything about The Walking Dead.
You are aware that a game can be played while still under development? They often refer to it as testing, or working out the bugs. Orr... do you want them to ship it to you straight away and have no one play test it? Im sure that would work out juuuust fine.
I cant wait to do that either. We should have been given the option to do that before we went to get the fish with Nick and Pete
I think Telltale seriously has to rethink its communications approach, i love Telltale games but I fail to see why can't they give a clear answer of the state of progress, if there is some legal reason then at least a statement about that would be good. If its done to somehow reduce the speculation about the game it isn't helping at all, speculations that the game is delayed to attract more people to Borderlands or GoT isn't helping at all. Hopefully we can get an exact release date this week.
For a moment i thought i did something wrong with the dates. Anyway, thank you
Gavin Hammon just tweeted about voice acting with Cissy Jones(Shel's voice actress).. I guess this means we've still got a shitload of waiting to do.
Dude take that pony shit to celestria or wherever the fuck you sicko's hang out, don't contaminate this one.
Calm down guys. The highest chance goes to 25th February. Until friday i think we will have more info about this like "It's coming next week" or a trailer. And on Sunday they are going to announce officially the date. It sounds fair enough as it is about the same they did with TWAU episode 2.
Or it could be for TWAU.... Hopefully it is for it.
Blaze it bro
2 weeks ago the highest chance was the 18th, but the only thing that came out was the PR saying that they are still in development
yeah thats sound logic
...And I bought a few energy drinks, and some popcorn last week, thinking we'd be playing the episode by today. Looks like I'll be having this today alone in a corner.
Congratulations Telltale, you have successfully delayed another episode. We're now officially exceeding how long it took to release Starved For Help.
hahahaha maybe i hate my cat but i will never kill it
All these stupid certifications where a shit idea when they were first thought up, and they're a shit idea now. Games don't need age ratings it's stupid. It's not like they do ANYTHING to restrict babies playing COD and Battlefield, all it does is causes unnessesary waiting
In Stalins defence, he did have a far more epic stache than Hitler...
Very well put regarding my pet peeve regarding TTG.
I just hope the asset teams are working on Episode 3 while whatever Charlie Foxtrot is going on gets sorted out.
PLEASE let this be an actual technical issue and not MS or Sony trying to censor something...
Something else worth reading:
Aww thanks ^_^
0_0 hold on... am I talking to siblings?
Well isn't this GROOVY...