how long do i have to wait for each episode to be released?

I just started playing Season Two a couple days ago and have not yet started the first game, so forgive me for my ignorance. I've been searching around and haven't found an answer yet, how long will I have to wait before the second episode of Season Two is released? Is it a once a week thing? And will I also have to wait for each episode to "be released" if I were to play the first Walking Dead? Or would all five episodes already be available to play?


  • edited December 2013

    Like 4-6 weeks they said.

  • 2 months-- MAX. Nothing to lose your sanity over.

  • edited December 2013

    For season 2 I heard it takes about 4 -6 weeks & season 1 episodes are all available including 400 days .. So if I were you I would just play season 1 to catch up and also substitute for season 2 while you wait .. They don't have a release date for episode 2 yet so who knows how long we actually have to wait.

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