Assassin's Creed. I guess I'm a bit biased because I'm a Hitman fan, but there were so many things that pissed me off about Assassin's Creed that I have no intention of playing it again.
That is actually one of the best indie-games I've ever seen.
It's all wet as far as I'm concerned.
Alone in the Dark 2.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
The Wild Thornberry's Movie (GBA)
Escape From Monkey Island
Wario World
The Princess Bride
Superman 64
Should the topic title not change to "Games you hate" rather than "Worst games you have played" considering a lot of the titles within people's lists are actually quite highly rated?
I was very disappointed with TimeShift. I was expecting intelligent thought-out time shifting puzzles and multiple locales and time periods. What I got was a very shallow Halo clone with minimal to no actual need for the time shifting abilities other than to kill enemies fast. There were maybe 2 puzzles in the whole game that were actually interesting and used the time shifting abilities well. The rest of the game sucks. Just a mindless shooter.
Crime Cities - a game when you have to control some weird flying shooting thing in a city full of skyscrapers. The only reason I played it was because I was bored one day, and the only reason I own it is because I got it free with some StudioLine hair gel when I was on holiday in Cyprus a few years bac
Out of my game collection this game also hold the title of 'Weirdest Method of Acquisition' for obvious reasons!
1. Sonic the Hedgehog(2006).Gameplay was sucky, low brow, and load times take too long.
2. Madagascar. Not as original as the film, a bit easy to beat.
3. Donkey Kong:Barrel Blast. Gameplay too simple, more modes should've been added, not enough stages to race in.
4.Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the sith. Waaayyy too easy to beat, took me 2-3 hours to beat.
5. Ed,Edd n' Eddy: The Mis-Edventures. Graphics suck, dialouge sucks and gameplay is too annoying. I perfer the show better.
The hacking mini-games, & having to buy the ability to USE more power-ups was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too annoying. You know what else was bad-OKAMI! Yeah that's wright, I hate games that are highly regarded. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICES THE EXTREME REPITITION IN THIS GAME?! Fighting Orochi three straight times, monsters that have the exact same weaknesses, & the obvious ripping off of Legend of ZELDA! Mailman who runs around for hours & hours, glowing side-kick who is extreeeeeeeeeeeeemely annoying, joining together the power of a light spirit, & walking around doing pointless side-quests that when your finished with them you feel spiritually unfullfilled. Plus the Agata forest boss was a tooooooooooooootal rip-off of the fly-trap boss from Windwaker.
Um... but Okami was amazing, beautiful, and had a story to die for. My ONLY complaint with Okami is (Spoilers approching) "Oh, hey! The world is ending NOWish, so go do sidequests." But, of course, that's most games.
Seriously, it's not so much a "Ripoff" of Zelda so much as "inspired" by Zelda. And given that Okami was released before Twilight Princess, I'd say that the wolfish controls of TP were inspired by Okami. Seriously, Okami is amazing, and if you don't like it... I feel sorry for you.
One of my least favorite games? Final Fantasy X. I was SO impressed by the begining, when you are going through, and slashing through enemies, and changing your position, and I'm like "Wow, this game is unique! There are so many things that set this game apart from all other generic Final Fantasy games! I'm impressed!" But once the begining ended, they went RIGHT back to plain ol' Final Fantasy, and I'm like "NO! You had it so well, and now it's ruined!" I seriously hate it, now. There isn't anything good in it, besides the begining. TWEWY is still the best Square Enix game, in my opinion.
Definitely King's Quest 7. The MOST corny, badly thought out, horribly voiced, childish game I've ever played. Actually, most of the Sierra games gave me heck. When a game's purpose is to either kill you repeatedly random ways or to defeat the player, it stops being fun.
Final Fantasy X-2. Pretty much cheerleaders with swords who constantly play dress-up.
HUH? I thought X-2 was a good sequel to X. Sure it's not as good as X, but given the story and comedy (especially with Rikku) I liked it. I haven't beaten it yet, but I liked it. (and how could you call Paine a cheerleader? She's goth!)
I've played plenty of stinkers in my time.. ET being probably the worst. And then there's Ninja Bread Man for the Wii, need a I say more?
Actually, TMNT for the Wii was terrible, when I first got the Wii I went out and bought that game immediately without looking at any reviews or anything, simply because I thought it would be the perfect 4 player "wii" game. Boy was I wrong! For a start it's single player. Secondly it's just crap. Crap visuals, crap story, crap controls. Not that it was particular bad, it was just not particularly good either, and the whole single player thing ruined it for me. I sold it for £2 at a second hand shop. I must have paid about £25 for it!
Most recently, I preordered the new Wolverine game (For the X-Box 360_ that tied in with the new movie. And I actually really liked it! So when I was browsing some online stores a few weeks after completing it, and I found "X-Men: The Official Game".
I looked it up and that, and found there were some pretty bad reviews out there, but most of them said "only for the fans" and "strictly for fans of the series" and that sort of thing, and being a fan of the series, when I found it for only £10, I thought, what the hell! I'll get it.
I'm a bit of an achievement whore, and I can honestly admit, I unlocked 3 achievements, that did not contribute anything to my gamerscore, before I hid the game from my collection. All the cut scenes are single images with voiceovers, the action parts of the game are basically 3 mini games repeated over and over, and the graphics look like they were pulled from an old N64 game. The single biggest waste of money I've ever spent. I was always told the game bridged the gap between the second and third movies. Well it does if you can force yourself through some horrible, horrible gaming moments.
the worst game I have ever played has to be Metal Gear Solid 2, closely followed by ICO. I'm not joking or being ironic. I really didnt like those 2 games. sorry
I'll definitely be waiting for part 3, though.
Knights of the Old Republic 2
StarFox: Dinosaur Planet
Someone's never played Command. Trust me, Once you've played command you'll completely forgive Adventures.
But to add to the list; FFXI.
WHAT KotOR 2 was excellent, albeit not as good story wise as the first, but the game mechanics were much better.
and dinosaur planet doesn't exist, its called Starfox Adventures
oh no! why do you say that?im getting one tomorrow!
Sims 2
That is actually one of the best indie-games I've ever seen.
Gothic 3. Tomb Raider Chronicles.
They are in fact amazing. I should know. I am the internet.
It's all wet as far as I'm concerned.
Alone in the Dark 2.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
The Wild Thornberry's Movie (GBA)
Escape From Monkey Island
Wario World
The Princess Bride
Superman 64
I loved that game!
I love Wario, but that game just had no atmosphere for me. Even for GCN.
.....that game was win. for me at least.
Out of my game collection this game also hold the title of 'Weirdest Method of Acquisition' for obvious reasons!
1. Sonic the Hedgehog(2006).Gameplay was sucky, low brow, and load times take too long.
2. Madagascar. Not as original as the film, a bit easy to beat.
3. Donkey Kong:Barrel Blast. Gameplay too simple, more modes should've been added, not enough stages to race in.
4.Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the sith. Waaayyy too easy to beat, took me 2-3 hours to beat.
5. Ed,Edd n' Eddy: The Mis-Edventures. Graphics suck, dialouge sucks and gameplay is too annoying. I perfer the show better.
Um... but Okami was amazing, beautiful, and had a story to die for. My ONLY complaint with Okami is (Spoilers approching) "Oh, hey! The world is ending NOWish, so go do sidequests." But, of course, that's most games.
Seriously, it's not so much a "Ripoff" of Zelda so much as "inspired" by Zelda. And given that Okami was released before Twilight Princess, I'd say that the wolfish controls of TP were inspired by Okami. Seriously, Okami is amazing, and if you don't like it... I feel sorry for you.
One of my least favorite games? Final Fantasy X. I was SO impressed by the begining, when you are going through, and slashing through enemies, and changing your position, and I'm like "Wow, this game is unique! There are so many things that set this game apart from all other generic Final Fantasy games! I'm impressed!" But once the begining ended, they went RIGHT back to plain ol' Final Fantasy, and I'm like "NO! You had it so well, and now it's ruined!" I seriously hate it, now. There isn't anything good in it, besides the begining. TWEWY is still the best Square Enix game, in my opinion.
HUH? I thought X-2 was a good sequel to X. Sure it's not as good as X, but given the story and comedy (especially with Rikku) I liked it. I haven't beaten it yet, but I liked it. (and how could you call Paine a cheerleader? She's goth!)
Me too!
Actually, TMNT for the Wii was terrible, when I first got the Wii I went out and bought that game immediately without looking at any reviews or anything, simply because I thought it would be the perfect 4 player "wii" game. Boy was I wrong! For a start it's single player. Secondly it's just crap. Crap visuals, crap story, crap controls. Not that it was particular bad, it was just not particularly good either, and the whole single player thing ruined it for me. I sold it for £2 at a second hand shop. I must have paid about £25 for it!
Most recently, I preordered the new Wolverine game (For the X-Box 360_ that tied in with the new movie. And I actually really liked it! So when I was browsing some online stores a few weeks after completing it, and I found "X-Men: The Official Game".
I looked it up and that, and found there were some pretty bad reviews out there, but most of them said "only for the fans" and "strictly for fans of the series" and that sort of thing, and being a fan of the series, when I found it for only £10, I thought, what the hell! I'll get it.
I'm a bit of an achievement whore, and I can honestly admit, I unlocked 3 achievements, that did not contribute anything to my gamerscore, before I hid the game from my collection. All the cut scenes are single images with voiceovers, the action parts of the game are basically 3 mini games repeated over and over, and the graphics look like they were pulled from an old N64 game. The single biggest waste of money I've ever spent. I was always told the game bridged the gap between the second and third movies. Well it does if you can force yourself through some horrible, horrible gaming moments.
And people say EMI is bad!!:rolleyes:
i rented that game. about 5 min. into it i was done.some bad game i played lately would probably tomi:launch of the screaming narwhal.0_0
jk.i havent played it yet but it looks good.fooled you!!!!!:p:p