randomworldland wrote: » "rampage"
Tandy 400 wrote: » Strong Bad: OOH, if you want to be possesive, it's just I-T-S. But, if you want it to be a contraction it's I-T-apostrophy-S. Girl*. *I don't remember if that was in there, but it just sounds right.
Tandy 400 wrote: » Morning Routine. Strong Bad: And, if so, what kind of powers do you have? Do you use them for good or for awesome?
Tandy 400 wrote: » You got the first one wrong.
Tandy 400 wrote: » Correct. Zubs: Ronald McDonald..grumble grumble I meant to spell it like that.
Tandy 400 wrote: » Well, answer it and then post yours.
Tandy 400 wrote: » Spring Cleaning or Email Birds. (I think I'm wrong though. )
Tandy 400 wrote: » um....ooh! Huttah!
Dr. Zoidberg wrote: » here's a quote:OHHH, um UNDELETED!UNDELETED!UNDELETED!I didn't mean to do that!!!!
Tandy 400 wrote: » sisters. (EDIT: aww, so and so got it before me. Well, actually he only said "the sisters" so I get it. ) Strong Mad: GARBLDINA! and Homestar: I'm trying to replentish some electrolites.
STRONG BAD: Sleepy... sleepy pee-
Strongsadioware wrote: » Sisters. STRONG BAD: Sleepy... sleepy pee-
nathew wrote: » "and someone's a-gwabbin' a-mah butt."
TheMuntaMan wrote: » "I Really Got, I Really Gotta Pee"
Good Jorb!
try this one
Homsar: "Carmel Corn for president please!"
*I don't remember if that was in there, but it just sounds right.
Its Scallawag not Girl at the end. I recognise it but I cannot recall what one its from..:mad:
My Previous one still stands
Homsar: "Carmel Corn For President Please"
Oh, and "Carmel Corn For President Please" is from rampage.
Strong Bad: And, if so, what kind of powers do you have? Do you use them for good or for awesome?
Homestar: Hey, right back at ya!
Is it called "super powers"?
And the second one is "the bird".
Some Kinda Robot?
Zubs: Ronald McDonald..grumble grumble
current status
Current Status.
"STRONG BAD: Augh, seen enough of that one."
(I think I'm wrong though.
Sooooo wrong.
Strong Bad: No, they're more like elephant feet.
New Quote: "Get it out of here, Wretched Simmons!"
Strong Mad: GARBLDINA!
Homestar: I'm trying to replentish some electrolites.
STRONG BAD: Sleepy... sleepy pee-
"Garbldina" is from the facts.
Don't know the other one.
I've never heard Strong Bad say that...
"Oh, now I understand."
AHAHAHAHA. Get that one.
"I Really Got, I Really Gotta Pee"
It's from "3 times Haloween Funjob."
That's from "Extra Plug"
Homestar Runner: "High Ball!"