To All Telltale Staff...people... a List of "Wants" from us, players!



  • edited August 2008
    Also, a way to send an e-mail to another e-mail address in the PC version.

    Step 1: Minimize the game
    Step 2: Open Outlook or your web e-mail client of choice
    Step 3: ???
    Step 4: Profit!
  • edited August 2008
    There should be more character interactivity like in the Sam & Max games. I get that it has to fit on WiiWare, but it annoys me when my instincts tell me to randomly show people various inventory items but it doesn't work.
  • edited August 2008
    More minigames and harder puzzles. Give us Thy Dugeonman on the Lappy.
  • edited August 2008
    To be honest I found the game to be short, yes the humor is there and the voice acting was subpar with the S and M season 1 and 2 quality but we need a few things to make it exciting.

    1, The King of Town has to be the season bad guy... Strong Badia the Free is a step into this direction and it would be funny to watch Strong Bad becomes CaStrong Bad and face the King of Fat.

    2, Harder Puzzles (Except for the stealth part and the King of Town pit trap segment which were good) I found it easy to overcome the dorks and win the day.

    3, More Homsar

    4, Season Plot
  • edited August 2008
    Yeah, except the Mole Queen should have a say in the evil-ness.She should also randomly burst in anger, a side effect of Total Load.
  • edited August 2008
    heavybassX wrote: »

    1, The King of Town has to be the season bad guy...

    FINALLY someone agrees with me.
  • edited August 2008
    I can't think of the word but things like, day/night, sitting down, going on capers with The Cheat, stealing from homestars house while he sleeps,

    Good ideas.

    I disagree with those who say it should be harder. It was just difficult enough for me. I couldn't figure out that I had to
    burn down the float of Homestar Runner
    deliver the chocolate peanuts on the doorstep of Marzipan. I just opened the door instead!
    It did take me some thinking with the puzzles. About the same as the Sam & Max puzzles, to be honest.

    As for it being too short, it's an episodic game! What do you expect? A 30-hour epic?

    I also liked the side activities, such as creating Teen Girl Squad comics and cutting the hedges. Checking email was a blast, too.
  • edited August 2008
    I have to admit, I didn't really have much problems with the game. Just a couple of things that we need for episode 2 though.
    1. More Homsar!!!! (Why the heck we're you only able to call him? He's important too!)
    2. The difficulty of the game was too easy up untill the race, and then it got freakishly hard. I thought the lappy would tell me when i had new e-mails automatically as well! Make it so the Lappy tells you in the top left corner.
    3. Fix the glitches. You had a two month delay to fix them. Renember to do so this time.
    Besides those problems, I thought the game was awsome. Can't wait for ep 2!:D
  • edited August 2008
    Homsar isn't really important. He's just there to say some crap when the humor's low. Also, Club Technochoclate and Homsar I heard will be in Strong Badia the Free.
  • edited August 2008
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Telltale is finishing up Episode 2... so they can't really add anything at this point.
  • edited August 2008
    It didn't get difficult at ALL later in the game, I thought. Also, he's not carrying the Lappy around with him. He always has to go over to his lappy to check the e-mail. I just found myself checking it all the time during the game to see if I got any new messages. It was exciting when I saw that I *did* have new ones, moreso than if I'd gotten a ding and an icon in the corner.

    More Homsar wouldn't necessarily be better. What can you do with him? He says a line of nonsense. As much as people like this form of humor, it wears itself thin soon. Like when a bunch of kids decide it's funny to run around posting "WAFFLES!" and "TOAST!!" on internet message boards.

    I can only handle humor like that in small doses.

    I don't think they "forgot" to fix the glitches, either. I think they had far more than were anticipated. They weren't all "Okay, make graphics? CHECK! Make gameplay? CHECK! Okay, we're done!", and then realize after the fact "Darn, we didn't fix those darn bugs!"

    I found my cadventure game-trained mind solved pretty much all the puzzles either soon after I saw them or before I even realized they were there.
  • edited August 2008
    BadStrong wrote: »
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Telltale is finishing up Episode 2... so they can't really add anything at this point.

    They're in early playtesting. If you ever listened to the commentary bits in Portal, they used the actions and input of the early playtesters to VASTLY change the starting levels of the game. Also, it doesn't mean they can't change anything for episodes 3 and onward.
  • edited August 2008
    There were a few glitches I didn't like... nothing to big, or gameplay effecting. Say, I go to Strong Bad's house in the diskette polo shirt, and the polygons go all crazy near the exit to the map. I hope the future episodes are cleaner.
  • edited August 2008
    i would like it if the costume items carried on to the next episode,just like the sam and max decals
    on pc
  • edited August 2008
    With WiiWare, because we can't do that, because the episodes are seperate."We", as in everybodyy who's getting the wii version, like me.:(
  • edited August 2008
    It played like an extended episode of the email show which is both good and bad. Good because it is much longer and more satisfying as a show than the flash toons. Bad because it is really, really short for a game. It was short even for a 10 dollar game.
  • edited August 2008
    What I liked!

    - The look and feel of the game is just about perfect. I love the visuals and art design, and the sound/music were excellent.

    - The writing was really funny. There were no moments which I felt were out of synch with the web series. I really love all of the characters in it.

    - I like all of the little achievements, collecting the trophies took me an extra hour and made me catch all the fun stuff that I missed.

    - I liked that the game design, rather than funneling you through the story, rewarded you for messing around. The story progressed as I explored and enjoyed myself.

    What I didn't like.

    - The game's length seemed on par with the early episodes of Sam and Max. It could use just an extra hour of gameplay within the main adventure.

    - There should be a few harder puzzles, even if they just pop up near the end. I never once felt like I was actively thinking about how I could achieve something. I don't need (or think the game should have) puzzles as challenging as some in season 2 of Sam and Max, but I should have to stop and think through a solution every once in a while.

    - The eye glitch, it popped up randomly for me and it was kind of aggravating.

    - I don't expect the "videoelectrix" games to be good. But I kind of wish that it was of slightly higher quality than Snake Boxer 5. Some of the little games on the Homestar Runner website are really quite addictive. I understand that isn't Telltale's job, but there you go.

    Despite the criticism, I thought Homestar Ruiner was a lot of fun. I had a big smile on my face the entire time I played it. I can't wait to play part 2.
  • edited August 2008
    It didn't get difficult at ALL later in the game, I thought. Also, he's not carrying the Lappy around with him. He always has to go over to his lappy to check the e-mail. I just found myself checking it all the time during the game to see if I got any new messages. It was exciting when I saw that I *did* have new ones, moreso than if I'd gotten a ding and an icon in the corner.

    More Homsar wouldn't necessarily be better. What can you do with him? He says a line of nonsense. As much as people like this form of humor, it wears itself thin soon. Like when a bunch of kids decide it's funny to run around posting "WAFFLES!" and "TOAST!!" on internet message boards.

    I can only handle humor like that in small doses.

    I don't think they "forgot" to fix the glitches, either. I think they had far more than were anticipated. They weren't all "Okay, make graphics? CHECK! Make gameplay? CHECK! Okay, we're done!", and then realize after the fact "Darn, we didn't fix those darn bugs!"

    I found my cadventure game-trained mind solved pretty much all the puzzles either soon after I saw them or before I even realized they were there.
    Completely agree about Homsar, he's great cause he rarely appears. That reminds me though, we do need Senor Cardgage, that guy is just so creepily awesome.
  • edited August 2008
    From what I've seen the games difficulty will probably be on par with season 1 of Sam and Max. So the difficulty will gradually go up.
  • Yay, My first Succesful thread... XD

    Anyways, I sincerily doubt The KOT as the main villian... sure, there's email Taxes and such, but he's just like part of the big plot. Like the Toy Mafia in S&M, under the influence of
    Hugh Bliss,

    SO I think there's a higher villian in this game... someone like... BLUE LAZER!!! jk, maybe... PERDUCCI! *cough* No...

    But I just have a feeling it isn't the KOT... maybe Homsar turns out to be the Villian? That'd be interesting... Kinda like the Soda Poppers...
  • edited August 2008
    I still think it's the Polo Shirt/Bad...
  • I still think it's the Polo Shirt/Bad...
    the who? Oh, Strong Bad's evil twin. Yes, of course.
  • edited August 2008
    The Polo Shirt has glitched up polygons so much, it screws the coding to become a dopplegager of SB, trying to mess up coding with polygonal warps,progress blocks and other stuff, and you have to find a way to stop it/get across them.Polo Bad's ultimate plan is to erase Strong Bad into the bargain bin.Or to screw up the game so horribly, the whole thing ends up in the bargain bin.
  • edited August 2008
    I was kinda disappointed that the Lappy didn't support a USB keyboard on the Wii. I'm tired of sending emails with one word contents...
  • edited August 2008
    I'll post my thoughts from the other thread here too since this thead is also active.

    - Difficulty: The game was a bit easy. I'm starting to wonder if telltale is capable of making a game with a difficulty level aimed at people who actually play adventure games.

    - Gameplay: Not being able to do anything other than use an item or click on it really kills gameplay. For some reason it was really glaring in this game. I long for a return to a full throttle style interface where I can select different actions I want to perform on an object. Dialogue options weren't really to my liking. I would have liked something ala monkey island or mass effect.
  • Alucard wrote: »
    I'll post my thoughts from the other thread here too since this thead is also active.

    - Difficulty: The game was a bit easy. I'm starting to wonder if telltale is capable of making a game with a difficulty level aimed at people who actually play adventure games.

    - Gameplay: Not being able to do anything other than use an item or click on it really kills gameplay. For some reason it was really glaring in this game. I long for a return to a full throttle style interface where I can select different actions I want to perform on an object. Dialogue options weren't really to my liking. I would have liked something ala monkey island or mass effect.
    Hmm... I agree with this idea, verdi good. ^_^
  • edited August 2008
    so, uh, how about an option to SHUT STRONG BAD UP while i'm gettin' mah snake boxer on? it's funny the first time you hear each line, but when they're repeated ad nauseum? just plain annoying. and his head movements are a little distracting as well.
  • mremre
    edited August 2008
    I for one would prefer if this series didn't have a villain and the episodes were more independent from each other than the S&M episodes. It just seems to fit the web cartoons so well, with just the occational throw-back to an earlier episode. I think Strong Bad works best as the kind of guy who just hangs around and does what he feels like, rather than being part of some epic plot for world domination or whatnot.

    Also, something that might support my take on the series can be found in the very last line of IGN's preview for episode 2: "Oh, and here's a little tidbit for Episode 3:
    Metal music."
    Try to fit that into the plot arch with the KOT as the main villain. ;)
    (I know, I know. That can probably be done.)
  • edited August 2008
    I'd like them to get rid of most glitches.
  • edited August 2008
    I like the way you set up the next episode, discreat and unconnected but still with hints.
  • edited August 2008
    Er... evermind.............................................................
  • edited August 2008
    But... it does. You can download updates to programs you own when they become available. Star Fox 64, for example, was updated. I think it restored lag.
  • edited August 2008
    Thnikkaman wrote: »
    If only the wii shop had an update option... *Cough* Ahem. This is to nintendo. They will most likely hear it from here...

    if only the wii shop had an update option...

    And I heard FFCC had downloadable bonus content, just like XBox Live does for most of the disc games. Wii has DLC, but a very small amount of it. I think TTG could post patches to SBCG in WiiShop for free, or have it done automatically like Brawl.
  • edited August 2008
    mre wrote: »
    I for one would prefer if this series didn't have a villain and the episodes were more independent from each other than the S&M episodes. It just seems to fit the web cartoons so well, with just the occational throw-back to an earlier episode. I think Strong Bad works best as the kind of guy who just hangs around and does what he feels like, rather than being part of some epic plot for world domination or whatnot.

    Also, something that might support my take on the series can be found in the very last line of IGN's preview for episode 2: "Oh, and here's a little tidbit for Episode 3:
    Metal music."
    Try to fit that into the plot arch with the KOT as the main villain. ;)
    (I know, I know. That can probably be done.)

    Well, the KOT could ban Limozeen or Sloshy from Free Country, USA. Then Strong Bad and (not really strong) Strong Sad would have to team up or something. But I'm not sure if he can do that from the beating he'll receve in Episode 2. So maybe the Mole Queen.
  • edited August 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    But... it does. You can download updates to programs you own when they become available. Star Fox 64, for example, was updated. I think it restored lag.

    Yeah, I know Dr. Mario and the Internet Channel had updates at one point as well. The only thing I don't like is (as far as I know), it doesn't tell you when an update is available, it just has an "update" button on the Wii Shop Channel. Although it is possible that you could send an update notification and it just hasn't been used.
  • edited August 2008
    Well, the KOT could ban Limozeen or Sloshy from Free Country, USA. Then Strong Bad and (not really strong) Strong Sad would have to team up or something. But I'm not sure if he can do that from the beating he'll receve in Episode 2. So maybe the Mole Queen.

    Maybe to completely Bowlderize leather and glasses from the music industry?
  • edited August 2008
    For the Wii version: Larger UI elements. Things like the inventory icon are a bit too small on screen. Also, in Zack and Wiki there is a little (actually, not all that little) arrow to show you where you're pointing when your cursor is away from the screen. It's helpful.
  • edited August 2008
    One thing I really want is the ability to wear costumes outside the booth. It would be totally sweet to wear Strong Bad's knit cap to rob the KOT's.

    And then Cara Carabowditbowdit giving advice on how to lose weight!
  • edited August 2008
    MikeyJC wrote: »
    One thing I really want is the ability to wear costumes outside the booth. It would be totally sweet to wear Strong Bad's knit cap to rob the KOT's.

    And then Cara Carabowditbowdit giving advice on how to lose weight!

    Read only if you dare to know an ancient secret.
    You can, just teleport with the map instead of leaving
  • edited August 2008
    InfamousDS wrote: »
    read only if you dare to know an ancient secret.
    you can, just teleport with the map instead of leaving
    My life has purpose, meaning, reason and a severe lack of exercise!
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