What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • Accepted.

    Glinda posted: »

    Zara will be introduced in the near future so I better get her approved. Name: Zara Abrams. Profile: Zara is the sixteen year old daughte

  • edited March 2014


    After those fuckers had let in the RV, Paul took the group back to the Motor Inn and decided to tell them the plan. No one really had a problem with it. There were eight of them all together, so they'd need to find a truck bigger than the shitty pickup that the other group had left behind. They spent an hour or two spreading out and looking for something in the city. Wasn't long before they found a couple military jeeps by the airbase. After loading up all the supplies from the Motor Inn, they took off after the other group.

    (Sorry about the lack of detail, but I'm just trying to get the bandits closer to our group.)

  • edited March 2014


    Walking along the road, Elisha Roberts heard the sound of a bunch of trucks zooming down the highway. "Shit," he muttered as he ran to cover, quickly stepping over a zombified prisoner [Quick note: In 400 Days, whoever you shot as Vince ends up by the road where Russel's story happens] He hid behind a tree, loading his AK-47 and his M1911 as quickly and silently as humanly possible. He heard the jeeps stop at the road. "Oh God, oh fucking God," he muttered as he prepared to fight...

  • A little surprised that Elisha is a boy.

    I just never knew Elisha was apparently a unisex name.

    ~Elisha~ Walking along the road, Elisha Roberts heard the sound of a bunch of trucks zooming down the highway. "Shit," he muttered as he

  • Whatever, there were worse mistakes, remember when Larry thought that Lee was Clem's father? And he's BLACK.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Just a note, to my knowledge, they look nothing like each other. ._.

  • Whoa... I don't know any girls named Elisha. That's cool.

    BTW, I thought it was a predominantely-male name considering the prophet Elisha was male.

    A little surprised that Elisha is a boy. I just never knew Elisha was apparently a unisex name.

    edited March 2014

    You're right, I'm Jewish so I can confirm that.

    Fun fact: Elisha in Hebrew - אלישע

    Whoa... I don't know any girls named Elisha. That's cool. BTW, I thought it was a predominantely-male name considering the prophet Elisha was male.

  • I think the name your thinking of is "Elijah", or atleast I think that was the prophets name.

    Whoa... I don't know any girls named Elisha. That's cool. BTW, I thought it was a predominantely-male name considering the prophet Elisha was male.

  • Ah, thats cool, I just thought it went like this:

    Elijah - Boy

    Elisha - Girl

    But its cool to see different names around stuff and more stuff :D

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You're right, I'm Jewish so I can confirm that. Fun fact: Elisha in Hebrew - אלישע

  • You're right, I'm sorry, Elijah is the prophet's name, it's just that in Hebrew it sounds like Elisha.

    Ah, thats cool, I just thought it went like this: Elijah - Boy Elisha - Girl But its cool to see different names around stuff and more stuff

    edited March 2014

    Btw there are lots of names in English that are a short for a long name from the bible.

    Example: Joe = יוסף

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You're right, I'm sorry, Elijah is the prophet's name, it's just that in Hebrew it sounds like Elisha.

  • Isn't it Job?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Btw there are lots of names in English that are a short for a long name from the bible. Example: Joe = יוסף

  • edited March 2014


    I look on as I stay watch, looking at the lonely road...

    It's not a great sight to be honest, but the forest and trees look nice, it's actually a decent view up here.

    I just wish those semi's weren't in the way so we could get going, god know's who might be following us....

  • edited March 2014

    I thought that that person was either Carley or Doug, or is it a different point in the story that you're talking about?

    Also, are you meaning to have Paul and the bandits spot you?

    ~Elisha~ Walking along the road, Elisha Roberts heard the sound of a bunch of trucks zooming down the highway. "Shit," he muttered as he

  • I realize, it's just that it's the second time that it's happened in the story. ._.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It's only an assumption, everyone can make mistakes, it's a common one.

  • I think he means Danny or Justin. The person who's foot you shot off Elisha found on the ground by the highway near the prison bus.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I thought that that person was either Carley or Doug, or is it a different point in the story that you're talking about? Also, are you meaning to have Paul and the bandits spot you?

  • edited March 2014

    While the group is out of the RV Theo hears footsteps coming from inside the trees. "Shit, another walker." Theo says to himself as he grabs his gun getting ready to shoot. The footsteps grow louder & Theo has his hand ready on the trigger, safety off, He sees the walker & fires but grazes the head. Angel:"Don't shoot, please, please!" It's a distraught woman with mud smeared across her face & a bloodstain on her shirt.

  • Sorry Twistee I used your character so I could introduce mine.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    While the group is out of the RV Theo hears footsteps coming from inside the trees. "Shit, another walker." Theo says to himself as he grabs

  • I know, but they're saying that you find them in 400 Days. I don't remember that ever happening.

    I think he means Danny or Justin. The person who's foot you shot off Elisha found on the ground by the highway near the prison bus.

  • It's true. If you refuse to go in the car with Nate as Russell then walkers go for Russell and Russell has to go in Nates car. One of the walkers is Danny/Justin.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I know, but they're saying that you find them in 400 Days. I don't remember that ever happening.

  • Ah, I've never refused to go with Nate, so that's probably why I've never seen that.

    It's true. If you refuse to go in the car with Nate as Russell then walkers go for Russell and Russell has to go in Nates car. One of the walkers is Danny/Justin.

  • Joe is short for Joseph. Like Joseph the husband of Mary.

    Isn't it Job?

  • Elijah had an apprentice prophet named Elisha. Elisha become Elijah's successor after the chariot of fire took Elijah heavenward.

    I think the name your thinking of is "Elijah", or atleast I think that was the prophets name.

  • If you want them to spot me, then sure. Also, they show Danny/Justin crawling around in the forest during Russel's story line.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I thought that that person was either Carley or Doug, or is it a different point in the story that you're talking about? Also, are you meaning to have Paul and the bandits spot you?

  • It's all good.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Sorry Twistee I used your character so I could introduce mine.

  • edited March 2014


    Theo hears footsteps. "Shit, another Walker... Motherfucker..." He whispers. The woman approaches from the Woods and Theo fires at the figure grazing her head. "Don't shoot, please, please!" the woman says.

    "Who the fuck are you?" Theo asks Angel, having his Gun ready, and this time he won't miss. "My name is Angel." Angel replies.

    "Well ain't that convenient. Could've used one like 40 Minutes ago." Theo says. Boateng starts growling at the Stranger. "It's alright boy." "I think you might wanna start explaining yourself." Theo says.

  • Oh okay.

    Joe is short for Joseph. Like Joseph the husband of Mary.

  • Let's have a tense moment where they just stop for a moment and then get incredibly close to finding you.

    If you want them to spot me, then sure. Also, they show Danny/Justin crawling around in the forest during Russel's story line.

  • Angel

    "I... I just haven't seen anybody like me in so long" Angel says "I've been all alone since..." She trails off Theo: "Since what?" Angel: "Since my parents died from those things." She says with a look of sadness Theo: "We've all lost people since those motherfuckers started coming back from the dead." He thinks about those he lost, Angel: "This was different.... I... I could've done something.... But I was weak and stupid." Her voice keeps trailing off. Angel: "Now I'm just looking for my sister & niece, I hope there both okay."

  • edited March 2014


    "Wait, fucking stop the jeep, Zeke," Paul said seeing the destruction up on the road. The jeep slowed down, and so did the one behind them. Paul got out with his crossbow ready. The campsite up on the road was completely destroyed, dead bodies all over the fucking place, and not all of them belonged to the walkers. This was where they were earlier, but before Paul and the others didn't have a chance to loot the place, too many walkers. They'd all fucked off now, so the coast was clear to take whatever was left behind.

  • Also, anyone can write from the perspective of the other seven bandits at anytime, if they want.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Paul "Wait, fucking stop the jeep, Zeke," Paul said seeing the destruction up on the road. The jeep slowed down, and so did the one behin

  • Sounds good.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Let's have a tense moment where they just stop for a moment and then get incredibly close to finding you.

  • edited March 2014


    "Oh fuck," Elisha sighed after the trucks moved onward. "Shit. Shit. That was too fucking close." He got up and snuck up to the campsite, pistol glued firmly to his hand. He found nothing of worth, except a bottle and some rags. Molotovs here I come, Elisha thought happily before his foot crunched on a book. He turned around and picked up the book. "Shitfire," Elisha muttered. It was a copy of Plato's The Republic. "Plato? here in this godforsaken place?" Things were going good. After all, monks and Muslims saved Rome's lost treasures. Couldn't he do the same ?

  • Clems black too so...That's understandable.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Whatever, there were worse mistakes, remember when Larry thought that Lee was Clem's father? And he's BLACK.

  • Phoenix

    "Alright guys, first ones done." Phoenix says enthusiastically. "One more to go..."

    He goes to check the second semi for keys in the engine. "Darn..." He says as he hops out. "This one is going to be a little more difficult.. It's got no keys..."

  • Please no ads..

  • It's a spam bot. ._.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Please no ads..

    edited March 2014

    Didn't know people here are going so low, everyone flag him!

    Zyphon posted: »

    It's a spam bot. ._.

  • edited March 2014


    Frankie eyed Angel furiously. "Stay there Ivy", she breathed and hopped out the RV. She ran to were Theo and Angel were. Still looking at Angel she pointed her knife at her. "Don't move!" She ordered. She looked at Theo. "She's just scrambled out of the bloody trees, she could be bit" Angel moved a little closer and Frankie screamed "I said Don't move!".

  • Ivy

    Ivy decided to not listen to Frankie's commands.

    She pulled out Aaron's pistol and walked out of the RV. Angel moved a tiny bit closer while Frankie was looking at Theo. "She said don't move!" Ivy shouted.

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