What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • edited March 2014

    Even though I think it would've been better and made more sense if Kieran saw Angel(cause he's on watch) I guess Angel walked out of the forest right next to Theo and that's why Theo caught her first? i dunno.


    I observed the scene ahead of me. Theo was talking to this women who just came out of nowhere, Ivy and Frankie were also there.

    "Alright, women, we don't know a thing about you, you could be bitten for all we know" I tell her.

  • edited March 2014


    Han stayed quiet and decided to just go along with moving the truck, he thought to himself. Hmm I wonder why these people are so harsh on that women, I am pretty sure no one jumped to conclusion when they saw phoenix, most of them had no idea who he was but yet still trusted him, I geuss it just shows how selfish people really are just to survive.

  • lets just say i nudged a mod in the right direction.

    That's a good choice, responding to him will just fuel him even more making him continue to run his mouth, leave him alone and he wont get the attention he wants and he will leave.

  • edited March 2014

    "Whats that bloodstain on your shirt?" Frankie asks.
    Angel: "Some crazy people attacked me. They stabbed me but I got away before anything else happened" Angel says "Please believe me, it wasn't one of them" she adds " I keep my distance from those things." She could see the distrust in Frankie & the little girls eyes.

  • Daniel

    Daniel was also out of the Rv now to see what was going on, he'd stayed quiet though. Seeing the distrust in Frankie's eyes however, he decided it would be best to interject. "We've got to give her a chance. Most of you only joined us in the past few days, we gave you the benefit of the doubt, didn't we?"

  • Han

    Han looked around to see if she brought something..he wispers to himself. "Well some of us only got accepted because you guys took what we had, greedy bastards. They only brought me and my brother because I had suppies, they only joined phoenix because he had the RV..no one even said thanks accept for Hal..the rest just jumped in and only cared about themselves.

  • Ivy didn't lower the gun... It was a good thing too. The girl had been followed by walkers. "You said you got attacked by people!" Yelled Molly before she prepared to fight off the walkers.

    Ivy knew that Molly couldn't handle them alone, so he clicked off the safety of her gun and aimed it at a walker. Bang, miss. Bang, hit.

    There were a lot of walkers... "Hurry up and move the trucks! There are too many!" Screamed Ivy.

  • edited March 2014


    He saw the walkers getting close..."Shit, my rifle is in the RV, and I dont have my pistol on me..." He than grabs Hal's arm. "Here, just continue helping me move this truck, dont panic."

  • edited March 2014


    I jumped off the RV and got my knife out, no need to risk noise.

    I stabbed one in the head before kicking one in the stomach knocking it into a tree.

    I smacked one in the head with my handgun before stabbing it.

    I looked at Angel, "Attacked by people huh? Yea these are real fucking people " I say sarcastically.

  • Daniel

    There weren't that many, Daniel dispatched of two of them with his machete, the rest were further away and it looked like the others had it handled. Seeing Ivy fire the gun, he realized that there might not be too much to teach her, she seemed to already know what she was doing, enough to get hurt herself and to actually fire the gun anyway.

  • Angel grabs her knife & try's to kill a walker but to no avail. "I can't do it, what if this was mom or dad?" She thinks to herself. "Or worse, Leah & Trina" she says to herself

  • edited March 2014

    Leah is Angels sister A.K.A Trina's mom.

  • Phoenix

    "Keep pushing..." Phoenix says to his group of pushers. "Half way....."

  • edited March 2014


    Frankie shoved Angel out of the way and stabbed the walker in the head. She glared at her. The group was in danger, and if that semi wasn't pushed aside soon, people were gonna bit. Frankie kicked another walker away, but she lost balance and fell on her back. Two walkers started ganging up on her. In terror she backed away. She tried to stand up but she must of sprained her ankle. "HELP!" She screamed, crawling backwards.

  • Ivy

    Ivy aimed the gun and fired to help Frankie... but missed. Frankie now had a walker on top of her, and a second one closing in. She shot at the one on top of Frankie, hitting the brain. One more... she thought to herself.

    She lined up the shot and pulled the trigger... Click.

    "I'm out of ammo! New girl! Help Frankie!" she screamed.

  • Phoenix Last post of the day, since I ain't coming on here until episode 2 xbox is played.

    "Guys.. We have to hurry, and move this thing..."

    edited March 2014

    When is the episode coming out? I'm in Israel so it'll probably come out in the evening or Wednesday morning..

    Phoenix Last post of the day, since I ain't coming on here until episode 2 xbox is played. "Guys.. We have to hurry, and move this thing..."

  • edited March 2014


    Angel hears what the little girl says & sees Frankie in trouble. She ran to The Walker who was closing in on Frankie. Even though she was afraid & she didn't like Frankie she couldn't watch somebody else die, not after last time. "Remember, aim for the brain." The words echo through her head. She grabs the walker by the back of the shirt & pushes the knife deep into his skull. Angel killed her very first walker, she pulls back out her knife, and runs over to Frankie "We gotta go, NOW!" She reaches for Frankie's hand.

  • There was only one walker? Or did you just add another?

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Angel Angel hears what the little girl says & sees Frankie in trouble. She ran to The Walker who was closing in on Frankie. Even thou

  • Frankie

    Frankie looked in shock at Angel. She had never felt so grateful. Nodding slightly, she grabbed her hand and picked herself back up.

  • Thanks for saving me! I was hoping you would do that. Sorry I made Frankie be such a bitch but it's her character.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Angel Angel hears what the little girl says & sees Frankie in trouble. She ran to The Walker who was closing in on Frankie. Even thou

  • So...I got banned again.

    For a reason i do not know.

    So I try to go on my "KieranTheBroski" account, Blind Sniper told me 1 week, but nope, apparently not, still banned. Well done mods, I checked and I was banned Feb 24th.

    So I have to make this.

  • No there were originally 2 walkers coming for Frankie

    There was only one walker? Or did you just add another?

  • No problem

    Glinda posted: »

    Thanks for saving me! I was hoping you would do that. Sorry I made Frankie be such a bitch but it's her character.

  • Wrong. Ivy shot one.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    No there were originally 2 walkers coming for Frankie

  • Oh wait I jusyt re-read it Ivy killed one I'll edit this

    TWD_25 posted: »

    No there were originally 2 walkers coming for Frankie

  • Hang on there bro

    So...I got banned again. For a reason i do not know. So I try to go on my "KieranTheBroski" account, Blind Sniper told me 1 week, but

  • edited March 2014

    Perfect name considering... well, you know.


    So...I got banned again. For a reason i do not know. So I try to go on my "KieranTheBroski" account, Blind Sniper told me 1 week, but

  • Man look at that godlike stache mixed with the new AND IMPROVED GODLIKE MANE!!!

  • Mind if I borrow the pic?

  • Uh, sure, why not?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Mind if I borrow the pic?

  • His laugh is so fucking obnoxious, and he's coming unhinged. I don't trust him with Clem's life, that's for sure.

  • Ok so my MorrisonTheBroski account was unbanned, but I'm lazy and I don't want to log out of this one, so I'm going to stay on this one <.<

  • I trust new Kenny, maybe not completely since he's obvious in a fragile state of mind, but I'd trust him with Clem's life. He seems more reasonable anyway.

    His laugh is so fucking obnoxious, and he's coming unhinged. I don't trust him with Clem's life, that's for sure.

  • Who are the the other 7 bandits?

    Zyphon posted: »

    Also, anyone can write from the perspective of the other seven bandits at anytime, if they want.

  • edited March 2014

    One is named Zeke. Feel free to just think up names for the other four.

    Who are the the other 7 bandits?

  • Alright I post description ideas for characters soon (not Telltales definition).

    Zyphon posted: »

    One is named Zeke. Feel free to just think up names for the other four.

  • edited March 2014

    Issac Ferrel
    -The jokester of Paul's group, but not a joke himself: he is not to be messed with.

    -As troublemaker a Issac constantly had to move from place to place due to the frequent fights he provoked

    -Hotheaded, loudmouth that talks to much

    -Age 24

    -Extremely cautious

  • Accepted.

    Issac Ferrel -The jokester of Paul's group, but not a joke himself: he is not to be messed with. -As troublemaker a Issac constantly had

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