What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • Huh. I must of missed that.

    No, TheWalkingSheep posted that Han went to the graveyard and is now headin to the semi's.

  • Paul

    Paul made his way to the back of the semi. Pieces of furniture had been thrown all over the fucking place, they were probably hiding in the mess. Didn't matter, he'd find them eventually. As he carefully like under a small cot, he noticed an armchair behind it. There was a small space between it and the wall. Stepping over the cot, he stopped. This had to be where they were hiding, he was sure of it, but if he looked, then he'd probably get a bullet throw his head. He stopped right there and decided to see if he was right, aiming the gun at the chair, and at anyone hiding behind it, he called them out. "I know you're back there you fuckers. Come out now, and I won't blow your brains out."


    Daniel didn't move. He couldn't know that they were actually there, how could he, he was just-

    Dust came down as a bullet flew through the wall of the semi's compartment just above the chair. The bandit was talking now again. "I'm not a very patient man, so if you don't just give yourself up, right. Now, then I'll just start firing at random. If you aren't behind there, then I'll hit you eventually. I'll kill you, take what you have, and be out of here before the walkers have a chance to come down on us. What happens next is up to you, cocksucker."

  • Theodore

    Theo hops back in the RV. "You Motherfuckers ready?" Theo starts driving back to the Semi's.

    10 Minutes Later

    "Jesus Will, how far did you fucking go?" Theo shouts at Will, but no response was given. The people in the RV are becoming worried about Theo's recent outbursts. Anger issues...

    The RV was close to the Semi's, but Molly noticed the Jeeps. "Holy shit." Molly says. Theo pulls over the RV not far from the Jeeps, "Alright, who are these cocksnots?" Theo gets out along with everyone, Molly gets on top of the RV and looks through her binoculars while Theo is prepping everyone for what might happen.

  • edited March 2014


    I'm walking back to the RV, but for now I climb a tree so I count look at my supplies.

    My handgun, Lisa's bow, my knife, a lighter, my diary and some other stuff.

    I look at the road. Ok, I'm here. I hear the noise of an engine going. THE RV! I see the RV and try to call out, but all the trees are blocking my path so they don't see me and keep driving.

    "Fuck" I mutter.

    (Imagine this is like 5 minutes before The RV gang find the bandits at the Jeeps, I'd like Kieran to jump in mid-fight)

    I start following the RV, it's going the same way the Semi's are, so I may as way go follow.

  • edited March 2014


    They didn't really have much choice at that point, but maybe he could stall just a little bit longer if he surrendered. If he didn't, well, their fate was assured then. He stood up, and without needing to be told, put his hands in the air. Ivy stood up as well. The man in front of them didn't look particularly threatening, for the most part. He was pretty young with short, spiky blond hair. There was one thing about him that made Daniel feel uneasy. He was smiling. He looked happy, like he was just playing a fun little game.

    "Good, you did the smart thing, asshole. Drop your weapons here and then come on out. Do exactly as your told and we might keep you alive." There still wasn't much choice involved in the matter. Daniel dropped his revolver and machete. The young blond man picked up both weapons a moment later, putting the revolver away in an easily accessible pouch in his pack, and holding onto the machete with his free hand. The man opened his mouth the speak, but then stopped he heard an approaching motor.

    The RV! Impulsively, Daniel charged him as he looked away for a second, thinking that if he could kill him, they'd be able to make a run for it to the RV. Unfortunately, he underestimated the other man's reflexes. Before he could even get close, the other man fired bullet through Daniel's shoulder. There was a quick flash of pain. Daniel stumbled, but didn't quite fall over. The bullet probably went through and didn't hit anything important, because the pain went down very quickly, though, not by much.

    The man grabbed Ivy harshly and then shoved the gun in Daniel's face. "You stupid motherfucker! Start walking to the jeeps or I'll fucking blow your brains out. As far as he could see, Daniel still didn't have any choice.


    The red haired man with the beard still didn't say anything, just stumbled out of the back of the semi while Paul kept his gun trained on him. The girl was scared, but unlike the few other's since Jolene's daughter, she wasn't screaming or crying. Yet anyway. Paul heard shouting outside, and then gunfire. They needed to make it to the jeeps, quick.

    Once they were outside the semi, Paul saw an RV that had pulled over, people were getting out. The other guys were either getting back to the jeeps, or firing at the RV, they weren't even close to hitting anything though. "You fuckers get to the jeeps now! I've got some of their people, just get to the fucking jeeps!"

    Paul kept pulling the girl along, who still wasn't crying, and saw that the other man had paused near one of the jeeps. He looked back and saw Paul with the gun, and then got in the back. Smart guy. Fucking asshole, but he was smart enough to listen to a man with a gun.

  • Han

    Han who was trailing back to the RV has finally arrived. He heard shooting to he quickly readied his gun and distanced himself behind a tree. He saw Daniel and the little girl getting abused and a bunch of bad guys. Han wasnt really thinking and thought that he had nothing left living for.

    He aimed his sights corresponding to the blonde ones head, he hit the trigger.."Fuck" he accidently yells out. He forgot to load his gun after the zombie attack at the cabin. He thought that no one heard him so he hid behind the tree as silently as possible while making his eyes cringe, he slowly pulled a knife from him pocket, readying himself if someone did hear.

  • Will

    The RV was getting close. Will could make out the semis in the distance and... jeeps? "They must be bandits! Drive faster!" Will said worriedly. The RV sped up the driver said something... Will thought it was "Motherfucker" but he ignored it. When they got closer Will saw that they had captives, a man and a little girl. They finally got to the semis and parked. Some of the bandits were shooting while the others were getting in their vehicles... with the captives... Will took his gun and yelled "Come on guys!" And he ran out the RV. A bullet flew past his ear hitting the side of the RV. The sound made a ringing sound in Will's ear paining him but he managed to run over to a log for cover and was getting ready to shoot.

  • "Will thought it was "Motherfucker" but he ignored it." That made me laugh for some reason, haha.

    Will The RV was getting close. Will could make out the semis in the distance and... jeeps? "They must be bandits! Drive faster!" Will sai

  • I needed to give Theo a shout out for sparing me :).

    Twistee posted: »

    "Will thought it was "Motherfucker" but he ignored it." That made me laugh for some reason, haha.

  • edited March 2014


    "Damnit Will you dumb Motherfucker!" Theo shouts as him and the RV group take cover. Bullets start flying from both sides, the fight felt like it was going on forever. Theo sees Paul, an old Bandit friend of his. "Oh shit..." He whispers. Liz had saw one Bandit running into the woods, he looked pissed and had his Machete ready. (He's after Han.)

    Theo looks out to see Paul struggling with Ivy and Daniel. "Fuckin' fuck man" He whispers.

    Will was still taking cover not even peaking his head out. We were screwed. "The fuck am I gonna do? Surrender? Hell no. Go out in a blaze of glory? Maybe..." Theo in his thoughts.

  • edited March 2014

    Sorry, but this is just a little too controlling of all the other characters.


    Twistee posted: »

    Theodore "Damnit Will you dumb Motherfucker!" Theo shouts as him and the RV group take cover. Bullets start flying from both sides, the f

  • Yeah, it kinda is. I could tweak it and make Molly/Anna stay.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Sorry, but this is just a little too controlling of all the other characters. ._.

  • Just so you guy's know I updated the character list of bandits on pg. 67

  • Sorry for the overusage of your characters guys, it's kinda hard to write a full part with just one character.

  • edited March 2014


    Ivy couldn't show her fear, but she could fight back. The man taking her was an idiot for not checking her for weapons. She reached for her empty pistol, and with all her might slammed it into the man's leg.


    Molly came sprinting out looking to help Ivy. She saw her hit the man in the leg... "FUCK!" he screamed. Molly pulled out her pistol and aimed it at the face of the bandit... Click.



    Ivy's hope just faded away when Molly's pistol clicked, but she had to escape. This man... he felt like something was wrong about him. She clutched her pistol again tightly, and slammed it into the already damaged part of the man's leg. "Ah! Fuck! You stupid bitch!!" but this only made him angrier. Before she could run away, he grabbed her tighter.

    (Sorry if this is using Paul too much)

  • Still a bit controlling........

    Twistee posted: »

    Yeah, it kinda is. I could tweak it and make Molly/Anna stay.

  • (I'm ignoring the human body shield thing, Twistee. Please edit it out.)


    Daniel saw the bandit grab Ivy, and without thinking, took a swing at him with his good arm. He hit him in the back of the head, but he didn't loosen his grip on Ivy. With his free hand, he pointed a gun at Daniel's head. "Would somebody tie this fucker up! The girl too."

    One of the bandits grabbed some rope from a backpack in one of the jeeps and did just that. As far as he could tell, no one had died or gotten injured on either side yet. The bandits had a couple automatic weapons, and they had the group in the RV pinned down pretty good.

  • Not at all.

    Ivy Ivy couldn't show her fear, but she could fight back. The man taking her was an idiot for not checking her for weapons. She reached f

  • I fixed it. Sorry, I have a tendency to do that shit lol.

    Zyphon posted: »

    (I'm ignoring the human body shield thing, Twistee. Please edit it out.) Daniel Daniel saw the bandit grab Ivy, and without thinking,

  • Will

    He had fired a few bullets but it didn't hit much. He saw the captives trying to fight back but it wasn't working so well. There was no way to get out of the cover without being shot. The bandits had better aim than Will but he tried to shoot back. Not sure if he hit anything he hid behind the log again discovering he was out of ammo...

  • edited March 2014


    I was walking and I'm still gaining ground, but now I'm running, I heard gunshots from this direction.

    Not long later I see the RV and some bandits holed up. Shit...

    I hide behind a tree and notice it's climbable. I could start shooting people or I could use my bow.

    I climb the tree and go to a branch, there's enough leaves here for cover but I can poke my head out. I poke my head out and see a bandit(one of the unnamed ones) and I grab the bow and decide now's better than ever and use my aim anddd hit the guy in the shoulder. I hear some shouts of pain but I duck down so the bandits do not realize my position.

  • Paul

    Paul fired a couple shots somewhere in the direction of the other group, then got behind the wheel of one of the jeeps that was already started. "Come one you fuckers! We're cutting our losses, move it!" Zeke, Isaac, and one of the others got into his jeep and he quickly turned around. A few bullets pinged against the side of it, but no one was hit. He started driving down the road the opposite way. They had captives now, barganing chips. They had the advantage.

  • edited March 2014


    I see the Jeep drive off, I was there long enough to have saw Ivy & Daniel struggling with the bandits but I didn't see much apart from them going in the jeep. I climb down the tree.

    I see people walk out the RV(I hope this isn't too much control, I just figure they'd go out to see the damage, also Molly's out the RV so hopefully people won't just drive off) and I see Molly and the other people in the RV.

    "What the hell happened?" I shout as inspect the damage.

  • Ivy

    Ivy wasn't going to let them just take her... she screamed as loud as she could to help Molly find her but the man put his grubby finger over her lips. (I'm gonna say Daniel is tied up - Paul and Ivy are in the back - Others are driving - If this is too much control, I can edit)

    "Shh beautiful.." the creepy man said smiling, which sent a wave of fear through Ivy... she sank her teeth into the mans finger as hard as he could... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, shaking his finger and slapping Ivy, but she wouldn't let go. Daniel watched in horror as he saw Ivy clamping on for dear life.

  • ~Elisha~

    Elisha sighed after finishing the last Molotov, remembering those bastards from Save-Lots. Those methhead, rapist pieces of shit. After thinking some more, he gasped. Those guys in the jeeps. "Oh my fucking God!" He shouted as he ran out of the cabin.

  • edited March 2014

    She hears the sound of gunshots around where the RV probably was, she hears screaming. "No, oh god no." She assumes it's the walkers. Frankie looks over at Angel she's heard the gunshots as well. Angel collapses to the ground sobbing, thinking of the little who is probably dead now.

  • Paul

    "You fucking bitch!" he shouted, slapping her again, hard. Unfortunately, she still hadn't let go. As her head turned harshly, so did his finger. "AAAGH! FUCK!" At this point, he pulled his hand away, and her teeth scraped skin off, leaving his finger managed. "Fuck, you little shit!" He restrained from hitting her again though. He'd get to do whatever he wanted soon enough. The second jeep was catching up, and they were quickly moving away from the semis and the RV.

  • edited March 2014


    "Motherfucking fuck fucking fuck! Shit!" Elisha rambled as he ran through the forest toward the source of the gunshots. As he ran, a group of walkers obstructed his path. He slowed down and smashed one's head in with his Kalashnikov. He grabbed a Bowie knife from his pocket and stabbed another from behind. "Goddamnit!" He shouted as the knife refused to be pulled out. "Fuckit, man!" He said as he ran away from the increasing horde.

  • edited March 2014


    Ryan Henderson- A con man who behind all his charm and smug looks is guile and violent nature

    Mason Erich- Paul's most trusted follower, the muscle

    Jamie Wells-Trigger happy lunatic, loyal, clumsy, coward when the odds are against him

  • edited April 2014

    Issac gazed outside the passengers window "Seems as if were clear Pauly" Turning to Paul's female captive behind him with a fake smile following a smug wink "We will have loads of fun at Save-Lot Wonderland...I guarantee it. So don't worry. Don't fret. We got you and your friend covered." Issac turns around for a moment and then turns back to add "Oh and when we do get there you might wanna be on your best behavior. There will be no happy endings for party poopers."

  • Phoenix

    The new man rushes out of the cabin before he can say anything.

    "Wait up!" Phoenix says as he follows the man.

    He watches him struggle pulling a knife from a walker, so he helps him out, pulling the knife out. "Shit man! What's your problem?"

  • Ivy

    Ivy hides her terror. She knows... something - is wrong with these people. She's lucky they hadn't checked the leather holster on her back, or she would've lost Aaron's axe by now. She also still has the empty gun... but that's not very useful. Ivy realises that if these people aren't smart enough to check her for weapons, then maybe, she can outsmart them.

    "I need to pee." she says, demandingly.

  • edited March 2014


    "Thanks, old man," Elisha grinned. Before Phoenix could say anything else, Elisha explained:

    "You heard of a group from Macon? From a place called Save-Lots? They're after -" Elisha turned around and bashed another walker's head in. "They're after some people, I reckon. And I want to stop them. And that asshole Paul Harvey, if I have a chance."

    "Ah, motherfuck this!" Elisha shouted as he began mowing down the walkers with the Kalashnikov.

  • edited March 2014

    ignore this

  • Phoenix

    "I never heard of em'. But I'll sure as hell not help you kill them! They're real people. You don't get much of that in this world. I advise you to please re-consider. Killing is never the answer.." A long pause awaits before he speaks again.

    "So, are you with me, or against me?"

  • The jeeps left already....

    ignore this

  • Paul

    "Do I look like I fucking care? And just how stupid do you think I am. You just better shut your fucking mouth, or it'll be worse for you later."

  • edited March 2014


    After he finished shooting the walkers, Elisha turned to Phoenix. "DO YOU HAVE ANY NOTION OF WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE??" He shouted. "They are pedophiles, they are murderers, they are methheads, and they don't give a Goddamn about the ethics of killing! Their leader will kill you and laugh while you scream in pain. So I am against you, you old sonofabitch."

    Elisha stormed off toward the semi's with a Molotov in hand.

  • Alright, forget this post than.

    Zyphon posted: »

    The jeeps left already....

  • Kinda hoping that the RV group do something cause I'm waiting as Kieran just asked what happened. :/

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