Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • Uhhhhhhhhhh bombardment...

    6 writing projects and sooo many games :'(

    I might replay with a low-chaos playthrough next, different ending for a start.

    I saw a screenshot that said Dishonored 2, must've been fake or something :/

    I'm giving you time in case you get bombarded by other games or by writing. After that part, you should be pretty close to the ending -

  • Hans stroked Mary's hair as she lay against his bare chest. He always slept in a pair of boxers, used to sleep naked, but with two young daughters, you have to make sacrifices. Mary had started to grow her hair out for, possibly, the first time ever. Whenever he'd asked her about the changes she was making, she would just say the same thing. I am not afraid anymore. He thought it had to do with her father, but he was thinking there was more meaning than that behind her words.

    It was late at night, and all of the children were asleep, except for Carter who was closing the club up for Hans. Despite Mary's original protests when the boy was younger, she'd decided that working beside Hans wasn't such a bad idea, and it wasn't like he wasn't going to see boobs in his life.

    Hans recalled Mary's exact words with humor : "Only a few words, son. No sex, or drugs, or alcohol. I find any of it on your breath, I kill you. If you come home high, I kill you. You get a girl pregnant, I kill you, bring you back to life, force you to marry her, or at least pay child support, and then I kill you again. Clear?"

    She stirred under his arm when he chuckled, mumbling inaudible words. He worry about her often, wondering if she would ever recover fully from what occurred only a month ago. She told him everything still hurt, down to the bone, but it was become a part of her life, and often times she would pretend it didn't bother her. He was afraid it had something to do with the transfer of power to her. She wouldn't admit it, but she was now in her father's position. The keeper of nightmares, the boogeyman, the evil in the darkness. She preferred the first title, explaining to Hans that it meant she kept nightmares under lock and key, all of the bad stuff. She told him it didn't mean she had to be bad. Which was right, when he thought about it. He stroked her back softly under the covers as he changed the channel on their little television that sat on top of the dresser.

    It was at that moment, that Mary's body jolted from his. She jumped out of bed, her feet hitting the floor as she dashed for the bathroom. Her fist twisted the handle and she barely made it to the porcelain throne before vomiting. At first, he thought it was a side effect of the concussion she'd had, but lately, it seemed like something else was up. He listened as the sink turned on, and Mary gargled, spitting out the nasty taste from her mouth. She limped back, her face wincing softly as she drew the covers open and sank back into bed.

    "Are you alright?" He asked her softly, his arm wrapping around her as she lay back where she was. He felt her hair brush against his skin, sending shivers across it.

    "Not really," She replied. She stuffed her face into the cushions, blocking the light from her eyes.

    "You can tell me anything, you know," He said to her soothingly. His eyes went away from the TV, and he lifted the covers to look at her. Her eyes looked watery and red, like she hadn't gotten sleep in forever. Yet most of her daily schedule consisted of her lying in bed, recovering. Hans shifted onto his side, his face staring at hers, and his fingers brushed her cheek softly as a tear escaped.

    "Hans," She said, her voice cracking slightly. He continued to stroke her cheek, then her arms, his face inches from hers.

    "Yes?" He asked, and quickly, he kissed her forehead. It felt very warm to the touch.

    "I'm pregnant," She said, after a minute. She wiped her watery eye and looked at him. Waited for a reaction. Hans was more shocked then anything. He froze for a minute, stared at her, and contemplated their last sexual encounter.

    "I didn't wear protection?" He asked, a little confused.

    "Hans..." Mary said. She looked like she was trying to get something out that she didn't want to tell him. "You did, but..."

    "But? But what, are you saying this isn't my kid?" He was genuinely concerned now, his voice getting defensive.

    "What? Of course it's yours!" She sat up quickly, looking at him angrily. "I was about to say, I poke a hole in it!"

    He sat up now, staring at her with both confusion and accusation. "Wait-...So you're telling me, you planned this?"

    "I just wanted one more..." She stammered.

    "We have four kids, Mary. I thought we agreed when Rachel was born that it was enough."

    "And then Eleanor was our little surprise baby, and then we decided after her, it was good. But...I mean-...Harmony.."

    "Harmony is not you," Hans said. "And I'm not Tim. They may be able to handle having a bunch of babies, but we have a three bedroom apartment."

    "Hans, are you telling me you don't want this baby?" Mary said, with disbelief in her voice.

    "I want the baby," He told her. "But I thought you would consult with me before deciding to have it."

    "It," Mary said. "Could be a girl, or a boy. We don't know yet."

    "Yeah, well he slash she will probably have to sleep in our room for a year or two before we can secure a nursery space for him slash her," He said.

    Mary sighed, turning away from him. Her head fell against her pillow, and she mumbled,"I'm done with this conversation for now. We can talk in the morning."

    "Mary..." Hans whined. "Mary, come on."

    "No, go away."


    "Leave. Me. Alone. Before. I. Castrate you."

    Hans rolled his eyes, because she'd threatened that for the greater half of their 16 year marriage. He laid back down, but Mary didn't protest when he started to rub her back again. It wasn't like he didn't want the child; He just wished she would have listened to him for once, instead of going off and making her own decision anyway. It's what she always did. At some point that night, he fell asleep.

    Franklin looked in the mirror. He'd grown another six inches, and it bothered him severely. His clothes were now obviously unfitting, his pajama bottoms too tight and his t-shirts baring his belly button. He'd looked through the closet full of Carter's old cloths, transitioning into those as time went on. Still, no one had questioned the changes. He would have figured by now, it was noticeable that he was an entire two heads taller than Rachel, who was already a tall girl for her age.

    He jammed his hands into the pockets of his pants, still getting ready for school. That was another thing; People at school would be sure to know his sudden transformation. He calculated how long it would take before he would become a full grown adult, when the aging would stop, and he predicted that by the end of this month or the middle of next, he would be as tall as his adoptive brother, or even his adoptive father. Also, his shoes were now far too small.

    "I..." He stammered out loud to himself. "I can't go to school today. I'm a mess."

    "You sound like a girl," Carter called from the hallway. Franklin her the clatter of keys, which meant Carter was driving to school.

    "I do not," Franklin said back. He exited the bathroom, his hair still a tangled mess. Carter had his coat on, was checking the time on his watch. He was a senior in mundy high school, but sometimes he looked like a full fledged adult to Franklin.

    Carter barely looked up at Franklin. "Gonna get your shoes on? The girls are finished before you; That's a first."

    "I'm not going today," Franklin announced. He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for Carter to take notice of him. Carter was still not looking at him, his hands fishing through a backpack to find whatever it was he was looking for.

    "And why is that?" He said, still not looking over. He seemed to have found whatever it was, so he zipped his bag up and tossed it around his shoulders.

    "Look at me," Franklin finally said, impatiently. "Look."

    Carter looked. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary at first. But then, as Rachel walked by, and he saw the height difference, he stammered backward awkwardly. "..What the?"

    "Yeah." Franklin said, annoyed. "It's a growing problem. Both figuratively, and literally."

    "How the...? Why are you so tall?" Carter dropped everything he held on the end table, and walked forward. Franklin's head reached Carter's shoulder easily.

    "I've been meaning to say something," Franklin mumbled. "But no one even notices me enough for me to say nothing."

    "That's- Not quite true..." Carter trailed off. "Seriously though. How?"

    Franklin sighed. "It's a long story, and one I don't intend on telling five minutes before you have to leave. Just take the girls and go to school, and talk to me when you get back. I'm going to pretend to be sick so Mom will let me stay."

    "That'll be hard," Carter said, slowly walking off. He patted Eleanor's blond head softly and she shrugged her Barbie backpack over her shoulders.

    "Yeah, I suppose. I figure I'll just put warm compressed on my head, force myself to puke or something. I don't know."

    "Good luck, bro," Carter said, ushering his sisters through the front door. "And you better tell me about it when I get home."

    "Whatever," Franklin whispered, mostly to himself. He watched as the door swung closed, and then went to his own room and crawled back under his covers.

    Any questions, don't be afraid to ask ^-^ Super tired >.<

  • overpowered like Goku from DBZ

    Haha, my childhood X3

    MasterStone posted: »

    I kinda created my first character Draco out of the blue. I also enjoy dragons and their origins and gotten some inspiration from the Fable

  • I love Bliss too, and I would have totally stuck with that name, had there not been a Bliss already in the comics X3 Oh well, I love Harmony a thousand times better, as a name (And a person XD)

    JJwolf posted: »

    I love Bliss! Glad you stuck with Harmony, though. I suits her best.

  • Hahaha XD hey Persona 5 is coming out soon so I may have to do that Dragon :3

    Might as well dedicate your entire life to Persona, Tetra! Like, goddamn!

  • That's exactly what I was going for. I wanted a name that sort of went with her personality, and one that was unique enough so that there wouldn't be any other name you could replace it with. I found Harmony as a replacement, and ended up loving it a million times more, over time. Originally, I was kind of mad I had to find another name, and for a while I was like "Can't call her Bliss, I loved that name, damn it." But Harmony grew on me <3 Eventually you have to draw a line, and with the frequency of the comics, how they STILL have two more issues before we see who will die, and who will live, I figured the best thing to do would be to go off canon, but it still has a canon-like feel to it, so it's all good :) Glad you like it all in the end, because I try XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Like JJ says, Bliss is a great name, but I couldn't imagine Harmony by any other name - she just seems so, harmonious. Which sounds terrible

  • Harmony is the original, the one who will have the most special place in my heart, next to all of my other fictional characters <3 I always forget that she can change back and forth, and I don't have her do it nearly as much as she should. Maybe in a future chapter, I'll feature her teaching her new cubs how to shift and such (because the most of them are still furry balls of wolfiness <3 The only reason she's not going to the Farm with them is because of her housing situation; She just can't take them into mundy public until they learn to become humans. So far, she's staying home because it's cold out and they're still a little too young.

    I always intended her to be the sweetest, most innocent adorable thing on earth, which made it much more ironic that her best friend was totally opposite to her. I find it funny that you and Dragon both thought she would be punky and stuff XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I adore Harm to no end and I had ALMOST forgot that she was a Zephyr, too. XD I remember the blue streaks; I used to think 'DAAAW, a punk st

  • edited February 2015

    Lmao XD Yeah, I could see where you would get the idea of that. Well, I'm perfectly fine the way she is, though I considered having her daughter Ash to be a punk-styled kid, but if anything, she doesn't really care to fit into a single category. She speaks her mind when she wants to, is the protective older sibling (Very similar to how Carter is with his siblings) and loves food. Like, a lot. And she loves little Franklin, who I always pictured as super reserved and proper and yet still acts his own age in short bursts.

    Similar to what pie said: at first I thought Harmony was going to be a punk-style Fable because of her blue hairstreaks. I was surely wrong on that, but eventually knowing that she was born with them made it all-the-more-awesome.

  • D'aww, Dragon! What else would Tez be? ;D He's a cool dude, in my opinion, and Harmony's favorite Uncle! (If she had to pick, of course. She loves them all <3)

    My Tez is meant to be a background uncle of sorts? I... I have no words for this honorable mention. :')

  • I understand where you are coming from. Harm has indeed been through A LOT-both good and bad-and its neat to see her tale continuing, even after all this time. I was wondering about that; I know in the comics, Snow had to live at the Farm with her cubs because they did not look mundy and could not switch between forms yet. :3 I now SEE what is happening and look forward with Harm's new litter. I just love babies! <3

    She is adorable and a bag full of suagr to me. :3 I just saw the hair and thought that; usually the girls I knew had hair like that and were considered punk. :3 how wrong I wasn't until I ACTUALLY read the comics and saw what you meant.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Harmony is the original, the one who will have the most special place in my heart, next to all of my other fictional characters I always fo

  • You know what, I never did see that one. :( I'm going to have to go WAAAAAAAAAAAY back in time and read it. :) I just remember reading your story and thinking, 'Man, this guys is going to get killed in the men's BM!' XD I agree. He and Rose have that little something something; funny how all our Fables have THEIR person and we all agree they work. XD

    I'm happy you remember! Reynard was supposed to be Tez's friend back on the Farm as well - just in case you forgot. I'm glad too, always ha

  • Random

    So guys, I've been addicted to this song for the past 2 weeks or so, and I'd recommend that you take a listen to it too because... it's just that awesome, 'kay?

    FYI: if you like funk like I do, then you'll love the song even more, I believe. :)

  • Oh Mary.....Mary, Mary, Mary....I can't blame Hans for being angry; she DID take it too far but at the same time, avoiding the situation only makes things worse. I hope things will work out for the best, considering the twins WERE a surprise. Glad Hans DOES want the baby. Hoping for a little boy; look just like his big brother Carter. :)

    The twins are adorable. And its still so strange reading about Carter in school and driving. ^-^ Just think its too cool he and hans are so close; I have not seen too much of Jack, which makes me wonder. And Franklin with his sudden growing spurts....

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Hans stroked Mary's hair as she lay against his bare chest. He always slept in a pair of boxers, used to sleep naked, but with two young dau

  • edited February 2015

    It'll be there, whenever you see it! And thankfully, Tez was lucky during that particular moment in the bathroom. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    You know what, I never did see that one. I'm going to have to go WAAAAAAAAAAAY back in time and read it. I just remember reading your stor

  • I gotcha, I gotcha. All very intriguing! All of them are literally my favorite!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Lmao XD Yeah, I could see where you would get the idea of that. Well, I'm perfectly fine the way she is, though I considered having her daug

  • :O Really?! Oh man, so much internal happiness is going on right now. :3

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    D'aww, Dragon! What else would Tez be? ;D He's a cool dude, in my opinion, and Harmony's favorite Uncle! (If she had to pick, of course. She loves them all )

  • That's really cool, man! Dixa is simply the unique individual you can't find anywhere else. :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    The process you went through in thinking of Robert, then persuading Pie with 'begging, pleading and a few trips to McDonalds', and finally t

  • edited February 2015

    Not really into funk but this song has a catchy beat to it :D

    Very nice!!!

    Random So guys, I've been addicted to this song for the past 2 weeks or so, and I'd recommend that you take a listen to it too because...

  • Oh man Dragon please my lungs XD as soon as it started playing I started laughing for some unknown reason! Anyways this give me nostalgia of when I was a kid because it reminds me of the Jazz and swing I used to listen to when I was young! This is pretty awesome though! :D

    Random So guys, I've been addicted to this song for the past 2 weeks or so, and I'd recommend that you take a listen to it too because...

  • Alt text

    Can't stop drawing these two, either. ^.^ Love Gremily to bits. Had a few others of them, too know....inappropriate for this site to post them. XD

    Enjoy! :)

    Emily and Gren never fell asleep that night. Several times they would take turns checking up on the quads. Vivian said not one word when she noticed one or the other (sometimes both) enter each of the baby's rooms. Emily and Gren would lean over the crib and stroke their sleeping children's head. Chloe would move with every stroke but the little girl never awoke from her slumber. The clouds hung high in the midnight sky, making the outside world eerie and hushed. From the far off distance, Emily could see the twinkling lights of the city she left behind.

    Liam and Viviana were indeed like their father and never stirred when Gren or Emily stood beside their sleeping little bodies and either sang or touched. Emily was still in denial that she created such beautiful beings before her. Seraphina was always the last baby to be checked on. Emily knew there was something different and tonight proved her constant fears. It was nothing too severe but it word got out, she'd have no choice but to leave their home and move to the Farm.

    Gren never approved of the Farm. Neither did Sunflower. Something the two men could agree on. But what choice did Emily have? Although her brother was Sheriff and Ethan Deputy Mayor, she'd never have a chance to pull the wool over their eyes and cover her tracks in time. Emily mentally prepared herself for the depature, should that be the only option.

    Both Gren and Emily looked at their daughter. "Ya' think it will go away, Gren..."

    "She doesn't know how to control it, Ems. This takes time. You can't rush something this magical."

    "We'll teach her..."

    Gren peers outside the window. From the distance, he could see the tall, slender figure of his father. The man never left; he walked around the woods, took a nap near the creeks and was on his feet within hours. He'd hunt little animals and snack on an unsuspecting Frog or Bird. Gren knew why his father's sudden apperance was at random and why he never came around when he thought Rosie and the others were born. He knew.

    "He still bloody there?"


    "Well, we'll talk ta' the man in the morning."

    Gren looks at the clock. "It'll be morning in no time, Emily."

    Emily sighs, kissing Seraphina on the head. "I'll start the coffee. Get his arse in 'ere, love."

    While Emily occupied her ongoing thoughts with mixing the Waffle batter, Gren ventured outside and found his father, leaning against a tree. Both hands were in his pocket while he smoked a cigarette. The trail of thick, gray clouds danced along with the wind and tree branches. The hills beyond began to gain the sun's ray's and turn a light color as the sun rose from the shadows.

    "You hungry? Emily is making Waffles."

    Thomas smiles. "That sounds wonderful, Grendel."

    Thomas sat in front of Gren, narly inhaling his second plate of Waffles, Bacon and toast. The quads were fed, burped and now all four played on the floor; Viviana was the only one to float in the air, sucking her thumb and cooing. Thomas sipped from his glass of Milk and watched the little blonde baby bounce in midair.

    "Your little friend here? What is her name....Vivian, right?"

    "She is...." Emily places another stack of Waffles on Gren's plate. "She's ova' there by the bloody window."

    Thomas turns, expecting to see the former hostess of the Pudding n' Pie. He could not, however, the babies seemed to have caught wind of their ghostly babysitter. Sunflower eyes Thomas the entire time the man sat and enjoyed his meal. Sunflower did not trust this man; he gave his thoughts to Gren and left it at that. He felt Thomas was here for a more devious motive than seeing his son and grandchildren.

    "So." Gren lifts his fork and knife. "You said you saw Robert."

    "I had no idea he had a son."

    " was a surprise for them both."

    Thomas huffs. "He should have known better."

    Emily takes a seat beside Gren. "Well, we all 'ave little accidents that turn out ta' be the best and-"

    "Were the quads planned?"

    Gren glares at his father. "Does it fuckin' matter if they were, dad?"

    "No, no. Just conversation, Grendel. I assumed you'd never have children, what with such behavior and antics you posses."

    "The fook does that bloody mean?" Emily nearly slams her fork and knife down. "I don't understand woot ya' be tryin' ta'-"

    "Emily, enough." Gren glances over. "Just leave it alone."

    "No!" Emily's booming voice causes everyone in the room to turn and face her. "I'm fookin' sick and tired of ya' all accusin' Gren of these things. That was in the fookin' past, Thomas. We're talkin' about NOW. Ya' came to us for a reason, correct?"


    "Woot is it, than? Is it me daughter?"

    Thomas wipes his mouth. "It's NOT just Seraphina I'm worried about. It's Liam as well."

    Both Emily and Gren pauses to stare at Thomas. "Woot about our son?"

    "Your daughter posses the power that only a Wood Elf would truly understand. She, however, has the ability to transform into her true self, which is Grendel. I'm not sure if you are aware of this, Gren but things have not been so good in your mother's tribe. Years and years of torture, hunger, wars and darkness have left those bitter and searching for answers."

    Gren leans across the table. Emily notices his eye color changing, the flesh becoming the chalky, paste texture. His voice.

    "WHAT do you want with our children, father?"

    "Your daughter will have to eventually seek out the Elves and remove that curse-"

    "It's NOT a curse!" Gren slams his hand into the table. "IT'S not...a curse..."

    Thomas beams. "It is to some degree. Trained properly and miss Seraphina will have the ability to do much more beyond her wildest dreams. I know this because your mother was wise beyond her years and was capable of producing such vast and marvelous creations."

    Emily stares at her son. "Woot 'bout Liam? Ya' mentioned me son?"

    "Liam is too much Grendel than what you or Gren here wants to admit. He prefers to stay this way but from the rules this forsaken city has, no glamour and you must live at the Farm. He'd be better off living at my estate until he's able to learn his true ability to transform into BOTH. Same with all the others. Viviana needs to control her floating and flying, while Chloe-"

    "We're NOT leaving this home! You can forget ever bringing this up!"

    Thomas stirs his coffee. "You and Emily have plenty of time. When the quads reach their fourteenth birthday Grendel, you'll have to make a decision in regards to the future of your children. They are destined for greater things, Grendel. And you know this."

    Gren stands up, nearly knocking his chair over. He points to the door. "Get the fuck out of my house."

    Thomas refuses to move. "I'm sorry, Grendel but I can't do that. You have given me grandchildren that are meant for more than to rot in this fucking town and become just another name scattered along the streets and lips of these foul beings."

    "I said GET out-NOW!"

    Thomas stands before Gren. "You can not run forever, Grendel. I have tried countless times to seek you boys out. You three that remain on this Earth have no knowledge of your ancestors or their past traditions. You've become so lost in this fucking town..."

    Emily holds her hands out. "Wait, Gren-stop! Woot about Robert, Thomas? Woot does this 'ave ta' do with him or RJ?"

    "If Gren is willing to let me speak, than I'd be more than happy to tell."

    Gren huffs. "Fine.."

    Thomas continues. "If you wish to recall, the traditions of Grendels every ten years is this: the males must battle for their place in society. The strongest get to mate, live amoung the best slices the universe can provide and go on to become timeless creatures with knowledge that can fill a book. The weakest, and therefore deamed unfit, are sent off to work, cast off or turned away by their kind. I did it with my brothers, as did my sons..."

    Gren's fists become tight balls. "I remember that ALL, father..."

    Emily scanned her memory banks and remembered a section were the males, especially brothers, fought for their place in their pack. Liam did not have brothers. Unless....

    "No..." Emily mumbled to herself. "No...Liam and RJ must fight?!"

    Gren lifts the table; it crashes to the ground, sending plates and cups scattered all over the floor. Startled, the babies scream and cry. Sunflower and Vivian snatch up what babies they could. Emily attempts to calm Gren down but it was no uses. Now, his glamour had worn off and a towering beast stood in the kitchen, prepared to rip the head of his own father off.

    "Gren, stop!"

    "GET out..." How Gren wanted to dig his teeth into his father's neck. "Get the fuck out of my house..."

    "You can't ignore this, Gren! Please! You and Emily will be able to teach the babies in their familiar enviroment and-"

    "WE have that HERE,, GO!"

    Thomas says not a single word, as he vanihes from the couples sight. Emily begins to clean the mess up; at first, Gren assists her with the broken dishes and spilled food but the look in her eyes said other wise. Emily looks at Sunflower.

    "Take the babies-ya' and Vivian-and place 'em in the livin' room. Please..."

    Emily takes the broom and sweeps around the mess, trying to avoid any broken glass. Gren, now back in his glamoured form, tries to comfort Emily.

    "I had no choice, Emily. He has to-"

    "Woot, Gren? Screamin' and throwin' fookin' shit is REALLY gunna get ya' fookin' point across, ain't it?"

    "He WANT'S to take our kids away and-"

    "Ova' me dead, cold fookin' body, will he take ME babies away from me! I'd ratha' move to that god fa'saken Farm before I let HIM tqake 'em away. And fa' woot-his own sick, bloody pleasure of re-livin' the old days? This ain't the fookin' Homelands, Grendel! WE can help out babies. NOT him."

    Gren grabs Emily. She begins to punch and try to push Gren away but he refuses to let it happen. Grasping tighter, he holds Emily close to his chest.

    "Cry, baby...its okay.."

    "Not me babies..." Emily buries her face into Gren's shirt. "Not me babies, Grendel...please. We can teach them..."

    "We can and we will." Gren looks out the window. "I'll call Swineheart. See what the fuck he recommends..."

    Gren looks out the window once more. He would fight this time. He was motherfucking Grendel from the story of Beowulf.

    Nothing would stand in his way.

    Alt text

    Any questions, you know the drill. :3 Here ya' go, Gren....something to help you with your problems. ;)

  • edited February 2015

    Emily is smokin' hot!!! XD

    Gonna enjoy putting her in my story.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Can't stop drawing these two, either. ^.^ Love Gremily to bits. Had a few others of them, too know....inappropriate for this site

  • Send me a PM to these inappropriate images. XD I want to see! I love the first picture! Adore Gremily! And damn that last one! Wearing that bowler hat and Georgie's choice of clothes hid her true beauty. She is stunning; all of the Porgie girls are gorgeous women like their mother. :)

    I feel bad for Gren and Emily; the idea that Thomas came back just for the grand kids and what hey 'have' to do just because of their ancestors. The idea that RJ and Liam 'must' fight makes me uncomfortable. So, if I'm getting this right...Gren and his brothers doubt one another??

    Something tells me Thomas is only trying to help but still....:( Gren throwing the table like that....can see why Emily got so mad. I hope Swineheart can help them, while uncle Peter and uncle Ethan do their best to protect the babies from the Farm. At leas Gren CAN go, if it comes down to that. :) I think Ems and Grendel can do it, though! I loved hat ending.

    'he was mother fucking Grendel.' :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Can't stop drawing these two, either. ^.^ Love Gremily to bits. Had a few others of them, too know....inappropriate for this site

  • I second on that PM, let's see what you drew Pie! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    Send me a PM to these inappropriate images. XD I want to see! I love the first picture! Adore Gremily! And damn that last one! Wearing that

  • edited February 2015

    Oh my goodness,lol Can I see

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Can't stop drawing these two, either. ^.^ Love Gremily to bits. Had a few others of them, too know....inappropriate for this site

  • edited February 2015

    You're a perv, JJ! xD If you REALLY want to see it...I'll send you the link. :) @HazzatheMan are you sure? 'Cause once I send them...there IS no going back...xD

    I'll explain more when it comes to Thomas and the reasons why he's here; I won't focus on them too much right now. When the kids are older, then I'll return to this. But for right now, it was just to give a little taste of what is to come. Basically, Thomas needs a replacememt....

    JJwolf posted: »

    Send me a PM to these inappropriate images. XD I want to see! I love the first picture! Adore Gremily! And damn that last one! Wearing that

  • edited February 2015

    Chapter 6 Arbitrary

    Back at the dark and cold facility, Lyla Porgie is held captive along with the other Fables who have been capture since last night. She isn't alone. The cries and screams of other captives can be heard and it send more chills down her spine, so lies back down on her bed and place her hands over her ears praying that her Georgie would save her from this terrible place. She knows he will.

    Recently both Irene and Marco finally arrived at Fabletown hoping to discover a plan too end the Fable and Mundy madness. Soon as they arrive at the castle cage, they notice Gargoth standing in front of a group of people. “Irene, who the hell is that?” Marco asked.

    “I have no clue... Never seen here before, and I usually visit this place a lot since Mr. Dark destroyed the old Fabletown...”

    “Wait, I can hear what they're saying... Hold on..” Marco using his super hearing to observe the conversation.

    Now as I was saying, inhabitants of Fabletown. This is a very magnanimous off that I am making. At times I can be very forgiving, but after awhile as my patience diminishes I begin to have a sudden urge to destroy thing..

    Okay, listen Gargoth. The fact how you think we are weak and powerless because most of us hide among the Mundies is bullshit. We made our home in this world only to break away the influence of the adversary and start over. We have no intentions of robbing the Mundies of their world, that is what YOU are doing. We Fabletown, was establish to keep the Fables who went out of place in check, and it looks like we have to put you in your place now, Gargoth.

    Heh, well said Ms. White. I can see why the guard dog of Fabletown has taken a liking to you. Brains and brawn, oh how delightful. Also, you think I am a Fable?** No.... I am more than that. I am a creature who served as a guardian and protector of this world. We warded off evil and devour it, strengthening our own power. We are gargoyles, and now we will reclaim this world from you filthy Fables and the Mundies if necessary.

    Gargoth reveal his true form and attack Snow who block his attack with her weapon. Then Rose Red tries to cut of Gargoths head but she misses and then Gargoth grabs her weapon and slashes her armor reveal the injury caused from attack.

    “Rose, no!” Snow cried out.

    “Don't worry Ms. White. She's still alive....but you however...”

    “Get the fuck off me, you filthy monster!” Snow continuing to break free. But then out of no where, Bigby leap over and grab Gargoth with his powerful jaws and sent him crash into the building.

    “Are you okay Snow?” Bigby asked.

    “I'm fine...but Rose. We need to get her Swineheart immediately”
    “You do that, I'll handle this asshole. It shouldn't take long..”

    Then Gargoth appeared before Bigby with winged creatures flying around him. They then began to fly into his body turning his eyes purple.

    “You cocky little hell hound. It thinks it can handle me when I have already won.”

    Bigby leaps onto Gargoth then gets pushed back into a wall by him. He tries again but this time, Gargoths flies above Bigby and slashes his neck.

    As blood fall from Bigby neck, he begins to take a deep preparing to blow away Gargoth...but Gargoth see's what Bigby is trying to do and tries something unexpected.”

    “Surrender now Bigby or I send this whole place up in flames. Everything hear will be nothing but ASHES. Even your wife. Stand down or perish.”

    “Cowardly move Gargoth!”

    “Desperate times call for desperate measures- AHHHGH” Gargoth as he hit by a beam of light then falls onto a roof top. Bigby looks behind him and see's both Marco and Irene who appeared to shot down Gargoth.


    Bigby then looks at the spot where Gargoth fell and rushes over hoping to find a body to gnaw on and understand, he doesn't Gargoth already escaped....

    Back at the city.. Georgie is stealthily crossing roofs and cutting through alleys in search of his precious Lyla who have been taken captives. He no longer have his trademark hat on. Only dark camouflage clothing with combat boots and face paint while equipped with his Crowd Control. He means business.

    A group of Mundies tries to rob him but he makes quick work of them with his over powered cricket bat.

    “For fawks sake. How many Mundy arses am I goin to have to kick..?”

    Geogie see's Robby and the other over by the bridge. He carefully observe what is happening on the bridge. Lydia appears to be having a sword fight with Omnimaax.

    After watching for a minute or two, Georgie see's Robby and Meg enter a secret passageway under the bridge leading to a entrance to the Anti-Fable facility.

    “Lyla... I'm coming...”

    Then Geogie carefully follows behind without alerting anyone and begins to cross...

    Alt text

    To be continued

  • This made my freakin' day. Hearing this on break made me smile. :)

    Random So guys, I've been addicted to this song for the past 2 weeks or so, and I'd recommend that you take a listen to it too because...

  • Back at the city.. Georgie is stealthily crossing roofs and cutting through alleys in search of his precious Lyla who have been taken captives.

    Alt text

    XD I had to do this really quick; feel silly doing this on my phone but darn it! I had to do this after reading and seeing that last image! :D NEVER mess with Georgie's woman, damnit! >:D

    Same with Bigby, too; T man needs to get over to Swineheart's place immediatly. His precious Rose Bud needs help! Robby and Georgie together is something fun to picture! Love it all!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Chapter 6 Arbitrary Back at the dark and cold facility, Lyla Porgie is held captive along with the other Fables who have been capture sin

  • Lol, wait till you see what I have instore. Once everyone is inside, all hell is going to break loose.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Back at the city.. Georgie is stealthily crossing roofs and cutting through alleys in search of his precious Lyla who have been taken captiv

  • WHAT, dude!? If I was straight, I'd so go after Emily Porgie! BTW, nice pics ya' sent me! :D I just love how mush she's blossomed and developed as a whole over these past few stories. Thank you, Gren. :)

    I can't wait; I know you say he's not a bad guy but still....I mean, damn...he was going to take them away!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    You're a perv, JJ! xD If you REALLY want to see it...I'll send you the link. @HazzatheMan are you sure? 'Cause once I send them...there IS

  • I'd so go after Emily Porgie! BTW, nice pics ya' sent me! :D

    I second this!! They were very... tasteful :P

    JJwolf posted: »

    WHAT, dude!? If I was straight, I'd so go after Emily Porgie! BTW, nice pics ya' sent me! I just love how mush she's blossomed and develope

  • They were very... tasteful :P

    LMFAO THAT'S putting it lightly. XD Emily is gorgeous. Just look at those legs, man. Georgie makes beautiful girls. :P @pudding_pie The Emily and Gren one was too much (in a good way) I KNOW you have more....:D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'd so go after Emily Porgie! BTW, nice pics ya' sent me! I second this!! They were very... tasteful :P

  • The EmilyxGren pictures were a bit much :P

    BUT! 2 beautiful babes in the nude... I'm not complaining :D

    I KNOW you have more....:D

    Now that we've seen them he will probably do more! XP

    JJwolf posted: »

    They were very... tasteful :P LMFAO THAT'S putting it lightly. XD Emily is gorgeous. Just look at those legs, man. Georgie makes beautiful girls. :P @pudding_pie The Emily and Gren one was too much (in a good way) I KNOW you have more....:D

  • This dragon host demands a PM now! Your Fable writing career depends on it! >:D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Can't stop drawing these two, either. ^.^ Love Gremily to bits. Had a few others of them, too know....inappropriate for this site

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited February 2015

    He has an entire binder full of these pictures; not all LOOK like GrenxEmily. Some are really nice. But yeah....he has that. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    The EmilyxGren pictures were a bit much :P BUT! 2 beautiful babes in the nude... I'm not complaining I KNOW you have more....:D Now that we've seen them he will probably do more! XP

  • Like Hans said, she does what she wants, regardless of what others want or say. It'll come along a lot smoother soon enough, when they have a more formal discussion about all of it. There's some things going on with Mary that haven't quite been addressed, and I'll see to it to eventually go there. I'm still personally debating the gender, as I think it would be funny for a girl; However, the prospect of a baby brother does appeal to me as well.

    I know ^-^ Carter is the oldest of the cousins, being 18. Then, Harmony's cubs were born, and they're all 17 still. Hazel's twins were a few months younger than Harmony's cubs, so they were 16 for a time, but now they're 17. Then, Rachel is 10, Eleanor is 8 (turning 9, soon enough.) And Franklin is about 10 or so as well. I never had a solid age for him, and I suppose it doesn't matter, because soon enough he'll look as old as Carter is. Currently, he looks like he's about 12 or 13. It's a frightening prospect, and I figure there will be more behind it than there already is. I also have yet to connect it all with Therese and her marks, and the bird, Grace (if you haven't forgotten about her ^-^) Jack, he might make another appearance. He used to take Carter every once in a while, but you know how reliable Jack is :/ Carter prefers Hans a million times more, and often references his Stepfather when he says stuff like "My Dad" and stuff.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Oh Mary.....Mary, Mary, Mary....I can't blame Hans for being angry; she DID take it too far but at the same time, avoiding the situation onl

  • edited February 2015

    I wasn't warned about what would be contained within :/

    But... 2 hot babes... the likes of which are on a higher level than I will likely ever reach... I'm not gonna complain :D

    He has a binder full of them?! Man... this guy's a machine!!

    JJwolf posted: »

    He has an entire binder full of these pictures; not all LOOK like GrenxEmily. Some are really nice. But yeah....he has that.

  • It was awesome ^-^ Listened to the whole thing while replying to things XD

    Random So guys, I've been addicted to this song for the past 2 weeks or so, and I'd recommend that you take a listen to it too because...

  • edited February 2015

    :O My elegant Rose Bud is hurt?

    I need to get to Swineheart's quick!!!

    Alt text

    MasterStone posted: »

    Chapter 6 Arbitrary Back at the dark and cold facility, Lyla Porgie is held captive along with the other Fables who have been capture sin

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited February 2015

    This so came to my mind after reading your comment to pie.

    Alt text

    The Dragon has spoken! xD

    This dragon host demands a PM now! Your Fable writing career depends on it! >:D

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